Collision Course, Chapter 63


“ So, let me get this straight. When you and Eve had problems in the beginning, you separated and had an affair with Rebecca Hotchkiss?”

Sam just stared at TC.

“ Yes.”

” Man, I have to tell you. Of all the things I EVER thought I’d hear come out of your mouth, that YOU had a ‘relationship’ with Rebecca is NOT one of them.”

” I know.”

” So…did you  love Rebecca?”

” It was complicated Sam.”

” What the hell did the two of you have to talk about?”

” What? Is it so odd that she might be attracted to me?”

“ TC, I’m sorry. I’m not trying to insult you. What I’m trying to wrap my mind around is how you ever met Rebecca. What could you talk about? The woman is only about the Social Register, and what she just bought on her latest shopping spree. Deep, she is not, and no one would mistake her for an intellectual giant.”

“ Sam, I……oh forget it. It’s not like anyone would believe me anyhow.”

” Man, come on. I’m your best friend. I’m here. I’m listening.”

” Rebecca wasn’t always like this, you know. She was very smart. Academically. You remember that Advanced English/History program I got into when we were in high school?”

” Yeah. You got to spend a couple days of week at Harmony U. You really liked it.”

” Rebecca was in my group. Underneath all that perfume and social climbing is a woman who was smart as a whip.”

Sam shook his head. “ Wow.”

” We became friends. Study partners. We kept it under wraps because it was awkward, even back then, for a Black man and a White woman to be seen in each other’s company. But then, I went to college, and she went to another one. Somehow, in college, she morphed into the Rebecca  we know today. By the time I saw her, after college, she had totally changed. She was married to Jonathan, and all she cared about was her social standing and her shopping. Then, I had my accident. You didn’t know this, but she visited me while I was in the hospital. It was usually at night, but she showed me so much compassion, especially when I was going through detox because of my addiction. After I got out of the hospital, I was moping around the house, remember that?”

” Yeah.”

” I was in danger of turning into a real bum. Then, one day, I got a package in the mail. Inside the box were books, and there was an envelope containing a full college schedule, and stamped – tuition paid in full. There was a short note – ‘ isn’t it time for you to get back to living?’. No signature, but I recognized Rebecca’s handwriting. So, I went to school the next day. It wasn’t easy, but it got better, over time. I met Eve and thought it would be happily ever after. It wound up being harder than I thought. When the rough patch came, somehow Rebecca and I came upon one another, and I could see by looking at her face that she was having a hard time at home too. We were just two hurting people, Sam. It happens.”

” I know.”

” When Eve lost our baby and went into that depression, I didn’t think anything would get her out of it. But, Rebecca called, telling me that she was pregnant with my child. I was shocked. She had moved out of town, and now I knew the reason why. I knew it was wrong, but I did it. I took my daughter with Rebecca and gave her to Eve. Rebecca was never going to raise Whitney, but I could love her. And, I have, Sam. She’s my Princess.”

Sam put his arm on TC’s shoulder. “ I know. I know how much you and Eve BOTH love Whitney. So, how is everyone taking the news?”

” They’re all in shock. Eve has only processed it on the surface. She’s so focused on keeping Whitney alive and curing her, that everything else is incidental to her right now. Whitney is reeling. She can’t deal with it fully either, until she knows that she will live. Getting Whitney cured is everyone’s focus right now. “

” I can relate to that.”

TC opened his mouth, but hesitated. Sam noticed. “ TC, what? Is there more?”

” You could say that.”

” Okayy….now, I’m REALLY curious. What’s up?”

 ” When I made my confession to Eve about Whitney and Rebecca, Eve had a confession of her own to make.”

” Confession? What could Eve possibly have to confess?”

” How about that Chad Harris is her son?”


“ So, REBECCA is Whitney’s mother?”, Julian asked.

I am Whitney’s mother!”, Eve replied defensively.

“ Of course you are, Eve. I meant biological mother.”

Eve sighed deeply. “ Yes. I can’t believe it.”

” I am trying. And I know Rebecca would sleep with anything in pants, but I’m trying to see TC sleeping with HER. That’s the thing that brings me mental block.”

” You and me both. But, those are the facts. “

” How do you feel about it?”

” I don’t have time to feel anything right now, Julian. I only have time to find a cure for Whitney.”

” Of course. How is she holding up?”

” She’s in shock. She’s leaning very heavily on her sister and new brother.”

” Brother…Yes….so, tell me, how did they take that? How did TC take it?”

” There was nothing for TC to take. Chad is my son, by you. Considering that he had just told me he had been unfaithful DURING our marriage, he didn’t have a leg to stand on.”

” Yes, Eve, I see your argumentative points now, but let’s get real. Finding out that I am the father is enough to send TC over the edge.”

“ We don’t have time for that nonsense right now.”

” Lucky for my body.”, Julian joked. Eve looked harsh at him. “ Oh, come on, Eve. Find some levity in this situation.”

” There’s nothing humorous here.”

” I disagree. All this time, you’ve been worried about telling TC. How would he react to the truth. How he could handle a past between us that happened BEFORE you ever met. And here, you have serious and REAL crises on your hand. Makes those worries trivial, don’t ya think?”

Eve nodded. “ I guess so.”

” So, have you told Chad?”

 ” About you? Not yet, Julian. I will. As soon as Whitney is out of this crisis, I’ll tell Chad the truth."

” Take your time, because now I have to seriously begin to think about how I’m going to tell my family too.”

Robbie and Gwen entered the Crane Mansion. Gwen went straight to the bar to get her something to drink. Robbie joined her. They sat on the couch. They were silent for a few minutes before Gwen spoke up.

” I can’t believe it. I can’t believe that we were just at the hospital, getting blood tests done, so that we can see IF we can be a bone marrow match for a SISTER we had NO CLUE about all these years. I’m stunned.”

“ Me too. I have another sister. Whitney Russell. Whitney Russell is my sister.”

“ WHAT DID YOU SAY?” Gwen and Robbie turn to see Ivy standing there.


Chapter 64
Chapter 62
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