The Fine Print - Chapter 8
by yhh

"Your honor, we call Mr. Thornton Chandler Russell to the stand," Cass Winthrop announced, as the bailiff opened the doors of the courtroom.
"Your honor," TC said as he walked into the courtroom.

"Yes," Judge Eugene inquired.

"Sir, may my wife be allowed to enter the courtroom while I testify?"

Eve waited for the shock to course through her body, but it didn't. She wasn't surprised. TC was just being TC. One of the qualities she had always admired about him was his sense of right, always wanting to do the right thing. In his mind if he was living and sleeping with Liz, then he should of course marry her, make an honest woman of her. And so he had. He had married her sister.

Was this man stupid? Well, of course, he was. That was stupid of him to even ask such a question. Thornton pushed his darling Eve out of his bed and out of his room, in order to bed and marry Liz. Not only was Liz her sister, but Liz wasn't even a tenth of the woman Eve was and she never would be.

Julian shook his head and discreetly squeezed Eve's hand. TC's stupidity was his gain. Suddenly he felt his hand being lifted. He watched as Eve kissed the top of his hand and scooted closer to her. He knew she wasn't doing this because of TC and Liz, but because she loved him. A normal couple who were sharing public affection. He smiled brightly.

Fox wrapped his arm around Whitney as her father escorted his new bride, her aunt turned step-mother, into the courtroom. Great, this was the last thing Whitney needed. She had just started to come around again, but he knew. He just knew this would drive her underground again. Damn, TC for his insensitivity. When had the coach turn into such a creepy, disgusting guy? He married his wife's sister. Sleeping with Liz when TC didn't know who she was, was one thing, but willingly continuing a relationship once the relationship between the two women was known was sick. And had TC conveniently forgotten that Liz helped destroy his twenty year marriage and family? Was Liz really that smooth of a talker or that good in bed? He knew she wasn't that smooth. And from the looks of her, he didn't think she was that good in bed. He had found that women who were deceitful, conniving, and just all around kind of evil, were bad in bed. He figured they used all their energy being bad girls and there was nothing left for the other parts of their life.

He married her? Her dad actually married her aunt Liz? She couldn't even think of Liz as her aunt without gagging, Whitney thought. Did her family have a thing for incest? What was wrong with her family? She was sickened by her father's actions. And there sat Liz smiling smugly with a ring larger than anything her mother had ever gotten. So Liz was trying to rob her father blind, too. How long before Liz ended up having a birth control "malfunction" and all of a sudden she and Simone were faced with a sibling/cousin. She shuddered at the thought. As if what she was going through wasn't enough, now she had to deal with this sickness too.

He knew what would be awaiting him when he got home, a phone call from Mama Russell. She was going to chew him a new one with him "letting" TC marry that hussy. Sam loved Mama but he was bothered that he was held accountable for the stupid crap TC and Hank did. But he knew she did the same to them. When he and Grace separated, TC and Hank were waiting for him at the hotel when he got off work. He knew from the look on their faces that Mama had gotten to them. Sam sighed. He knew TC was hurt by Eve's lies, and more than her lies, TC was devastated Eve had slept with Julian once upon her time. And beyond that, TC couldn't handle the fact that Eve once loved Julian, truly madly deeply loved Julian Crane. And from the looks of things, Eve and Julian were a couple again. He caught Eve's eye and they both silently acknowledged the stupidity of TC's actions in TC's misguided attempt to do the right thing by Liz. Did his brother even once give a thought to Whitney and Simone? Probably not. Theresa's hearing had barely started and he already felt another massive headache coming on.

"Mr. Russell, how long have you none the defendant?" Cass Winthrop, Theresa's lawyer asked.

"Since she was a bump in her mother's stomach. I am friends with her lovely mother, Pilar. And I was acquainted with her sperm donor," TC answered, glaring at Martin Fitzgerald.

"Mr. Russell, please refrain from the unnecessary descriptions," the Judge reprimanded.

"I'm just being honest, your honor."

"Please just answer the question directly," Judge Young countered.

TC nodded.

"How would you describe Ms Lopez-Fitzgerald's character?"

"Resa is fierce, loyal, and loving. My Resa would do anything in the world for those she loves. She's overcome a lot with her worthless father- -"

"Mr. Russell," the Judge warned.

"Martin Fitzgerald abandoned his family and it was left to her hardworking mother, her upstanding brothers, Antonio and Luis, myself, and Sam Bennett to try and stand in for him. But I know deep down none of us could ever replace the place that a father occupies."

"And when you first heard of these charges leveled at my client?"

"I was shocked and outraged. Resa is a sweetie who has been toyed with by the Crane family. First, that disgusting pig Julian- -"

"Mr. Russell, I will not warn you again."

TC nodded. "I apologize, your honor. She was taken advantage of and impregnated by Julian Crane. And on top of that- -"

"Objection," the DA said, standing. "Mr. Russell's statements are unfounded."

"Your honor, the witness is expressing his feelings about what he felt when he heard about these preposterous charges."

"I'll allow it," the Judge responded. "Please continue, Mr. Russell."

"And besides having to contend with Julian and their child together. Her childhood crush had constantly been giving her mixed signals. One day, Ethan Cra- -Wint- - whatever his last name is. One day, he would be declaring his never ending love and the next he would ignore her in public as he stood by his wife's side. He was using my Resa like his back alley mistress."

"Objection!" the DA yelled.

"Mr. Russell, please recite your feelings and nothing else," Judge Young stated.

"My feelings were ones of disgust and disbelief. The little girl whom I considered another daughter was now being charged with raping a man, whom she loved and whom loved her. A man, she loved enough to engage in pre-marital sex with, something neither the church or our families approved of. She loved Ethan enough to go against a lifetime of teachings. And now he was accusing her of drugging and raping him. He was the one taking advantage of an innocent young woman, definitely not the other way around," TC concluded, looking directly into his daughter's eyes.

Theresa cried as she saw the love and trust shining in her Uncle TC's eyes. He loved her. He visited her in that horrible jail cell. He brought her goodies. He had faith in her unlike some of her other supposed loved ones. She was quickly learning her friends from her enemies.

"Do you think Ms Lopez-Fitzgerald would pose a danger to anyone if she were released into her brother's custody?" Cass asked.

"No, not at all. I will do whatever I can and need to, your honor, so Resa can come home even if it's under house arrest," TC pleaded to the Judge.

"I will take that under advisement," the Judge told him.

"Mr. Russell, you may step down," Cass informed him.

As TC walked past Theresa, he paused. "I love you, Resa-poo."

"I love you, Uncle TC," she responded.

TC blew her a kiss as he took his seat next to his wife.

Theresa had to stop herself from rolling her eyes at that tramp. As soon as she got out of jail and had her and Ethan's twins, she was going to deal with Liz.

Was that how people saw him? As, Ethan Winthrop, a man whom led a poor, innocent, young woman on? It made him sound like some creepy, almost pedophile sounding man. Everyone also made it sound like everything he and Gwen had to endure was his fault. As if he were the one, who made Theresa do everything she had done. He wasn't the one who tied up the surrogate and locked her in a closet. He wasn't the one who pretended to be someone else and forced her to have sex with him. Yet, a voice in the back of his mind asked, wasn't he to blame for some of this? Didn't his indecision lead to Theresa to do things so he would make a choice? Weren't they all sitting here because of him?

Gwen watched the display of emotions in her husband's eyes. Never once did she see outrage or hurt at the accusations being hurled at him. Why wasn't he outraged and upset? She was. It was only by the grace of God, she hadn't jumped out of her seat and slapped all the Theresa lovers and supporters out of that witness chair. Theresa constantly wreaked havoc in her life. The wom- -no, the child playing at being a woman, didn't know the meaning of the words, "stop" and "no." But somehow they could sit in the chair and claim that Theresa was innocent. Innocent?! Theresa's innocence stopped the moment she left the womb. Was Ethan one of those who thought none of this was Theresa's fault? She didn't want to think so but she had a sinking suspicion that he did.

Theresa Lopez-Fitzgerald was as innocent as a prostitute caught with a john, Julian laughed. Could TC, Pilar, Antonio, Luis, and Martin, all be this delusional about her? What was she in that family, the Virgin Mary, the second coming of Christ? He knew first hand, she wasn't a virgin and was definitely more like the anti-Christ. But he would keep those thoughts to himself. He knew Eve was torn.

On trial was a woman, she had watched grow up before her very eyes. A young woman, she had a hand in help raising. A woman who ran up and down her stairs, ate at her table. A woman she hugged, kissed, congratulated, chastised, and praised. To even contemplate that her beloved daughter could possibly do what she was accused of doing, he knew must be hard for her. Yet on the other hand, there was the son she had longed and cried for for so many years, who was the victim.

Whom did she believe? Whom did she support? The young woman, whom she knew and loved like one of her own, or the man, who was flesh of her flesh yet she knew only superficially? He wished he could ease the pain of her anguish, but Julian knew he couldn't.

Eve covertly looked from one to another. Her precious Theresa being accused of unimaginable crimes. Part of her wanted to bury her head under the sand, like TC and Pilar were obviously doing and Luis and Antonio to some degree. But she knew better, she knew how stubborn and determined Resa could be. Resa would sacrifice any and everything in order to get what she felt was hers. And she knew, Resa felt Ethan was hers. They were destined to be together. Where did they all go wrong? When Martin took off, TC made sure to spend alone time with Resa. They included her in all family events. Resa was there other daughter just as Kay and Jess were. Did they cater too much to Theresa because of Martin's disappearance? Did they do the young woman a disservice by not putting their foot down more strongly when she began her Ethan obsession?

Shaking her head, she was confused. She didn't know what to think. She didn't want to believe the baby whose diapers she changed, whose face she wiped, whose tears she dried, whose smile put a pep in her step could do the things she was accused of. But she knew first hand what a person would do when they were desperate. She had been close to living on the streets before she got the job at the Blue Note. Being homeless was better than going back to live with her aunt, in her own mind. Ethan and Gwen having a biological child would have ended any chance Theresa had of every winning Ethan's love.

Ethan was her son. She loved him because he was her son and slowly and with time she was coming to love the man he was. Eve knew he didn't deserve what happened to him, but he did bring some of this on his self, didn't he? Or maybe he didn't? She didn't know. She knew that if you gave Resa an inch, she would turn it into a mile. How would someone with only superficial dealings with Resa even begin to comprehend that? She felt her and Ethan were making real progress in their relationship. She prayed, she prayed Theresa wouldn't come between them. If she closed her eyes, she could instantly picture herself in her backyard. Noah in the tree house, Resa and Whit happily playing with their dolls; Kay, Miguel, and Simone plotting ways to get past her and inside the kitchen to get the freshly baked chocolate chip cookies which were cooling; and her taking it all in with Jess, sitting happily in her lap, reading. Where did it all go so wrong?

"In the matter of the people vs. Theresa Lopez-Fitzgerald, I am allowing Ms Lopez-Fitzgerald to return to her family home for the remainder of her pregnancy with a few stipulations. Mr. Antonio Lopez-Fitzgerald and Mr. Luis Lopez-Fitzgerald, please stand," Judge Young ordered.

Both men stood.

"Ms Lopez-Fitzgerald will be released into your custody with the condition that you both must live in your family home with her until she is returned to policy custody. Do you both agree to this?"

The brothers looked at each and silently communicated. "Yes, your honor," they said simultaneously.

"Captain Samuel Bennett, Mr. Thornton Chandler Russell, please stand."

The two older men stood.

"You are appointed as the Lopez-Fitzgerald's backups. It won't be easy for either of them or their household to enforce the rules on their flesh and blood so I am appointing the two of you as their support system."

"Yes, your honor," Sam responded.

"We will help Resa and her family in anyway we can," TC assured the judge.

Judge Young nodded. "You may all be seated. Miss Lopez-Fitzgerald, you will wear an ankle bracelet. The bracelet will allow you to go to the hospital for your doctor appointments and that is all. This isn't a get out of jail free card, not a hang out with your friends time. I am only allowing you out of jail because I don't believe staring at the cement walls is good for the two lives you carry inside you. You will have no contact with Ethan, Gwyneth, or Ethan-Martin Crane. There will be no phone calls, text messages, letters, emails, or any other type of communication I have failed to mention. All your questions at the doctor visits will be directed to the doctor or to your mediators, Captain Bennett and Dr. Johnson, if she agrees?"

Eve hoped her face was devoid of emotion as she stood. What could she say? The judge was putting her in the middle of a landmine field.

"I'm asking you to be a mediator, Dr. Johnson, solely because of your relationship, like Captain Bennett's to both parties."

"Yes, your honor, I will be a mediator." She liked his reasoning. She hoped she could help put Gwen and Ethan at ease when they were in the room with Theresa.

Gwen mouthed her thanks as Eve took her seat. Eve nodded.

"Miss Lopez-Fitzgerald, do you understand my ruling? You don't have to stand."

"Yes, Judge."

"If you go against even one of my stipulations. You will spend the rest of your pregnancy in solitary confinement at the county jail. Do you understand?"

"Yes, Judge."

Judge Eugene Young stared at the woman in front of him to make sure she understood how deadly serious he was. When he felt she understood, he banged his gavel.

And just like that it was all over, she was going home. Now she had time to think and dream about how these babies were going to live happily ever after with her, their big brother, and their daddy. Gwen didn't stand a chance against her. She was Theresa Lopez-Fitzgerald.

Chapter 9
Chapter 7
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