Foxxy Lady: The Object of My Affection, Chapter 2 (Fox/Whitney)
by kema

Fox returned home feeling a happiness he hadn't felt in a long time. He would have a chance to prove to Whitney that falling in love wasn't all that bad and that maybe Theresa had it right all the time that fate would handle everything. He went into the den and poured himself a drink into a wine glass. He knew there would be problems especially where Alistair was concerned but he couldn't touch him at least for now. Fox may not have always been the heir to the Crane throne but he was a lot smarter and shrewder then he comes off as.

He could hold Alistair off his back for a while with what he knew but that wasn't what worried him the most. Chad was a big part of his worries; he and Whitney had shared so much and he would indeed pull out the stops to be with her again. No matter what Chad had done, he was still her first love and how was he supposed to compete with her first love.

"Fox, I'm suprised to see you here," Ethan said walking into the den also.

"Well I was out late and wanted to have a nightcap before I head to bed." Fox said with a smile and Ethan couldn't help noticing a little extra pep in his step.

"What's up Bro, you seem happier than usually." He remarked pouring himself a drink from the decanter.

"Can't say the same for you big brother, you looking a little stressed."

"Just thinking about this whole custody thing with Theresa and how much she hates me at this moment." Ethan said and began to laugh. "She finally doesn't want anything to do with me."

"Well that's what you wanted isn't it, that's why you pushed her away and went along with Rebecca, Father and Gwen to take her away only child . Well it worked, you no longer have her on your back, your free, she hates and she will never forgive you for your part in taking away little Ethan."

"I didn't want her to hate me Fox, but my life is with Gwen now. It has to be." Ethan said taking another sip.

"Whatever makes you sleep at night.  Everyone has their own path and you chose yours... or did you?" Fox said glancing at his older brother.

"Meaning," Ethan said nonchalantly.

"Meaning, don't sell yourself short don't go for love just because it's safe and easy, you gotta take risks in life because if you didn't you would end up going along with something you didn't agree with while doing something else in secret if you know what I mean."

"Can't say that I do," Ethan said shrugging his shoulders in feigned ignorance.

"Suit yourself. I need to get some sleep got a busy day ahead of me, but just one word of healthy advice. Don't end up like Mother and Father because you'll always pay for it in the end. Goodnight, Ethan." Fox rested his glass on the table and patted his brother on the back. Ethan sat back in the recliner thinking on his brother's words.

Whitney returned home feeling breathless. That kiss she and Fox shared was amazing, it was like he kissed her senseless something Chad never did. Her relationship with Chad was all about the danger, sneaking away nights together but their kisses still felt safe and reserved. The thrill of sneaking around made it all exciting but not the way Fox just made her feel. She removed her coat and began to make her way upstairs

"Whitney you're home late. Where have you been?," Eve said coming from the kitchen.

"What do you care Mom? Don't you have other things to worry about?" Whitney said angrily coming back down the steps and throwing her coat on the couch.

"Young lady, I don't appreciate your tone." Eve was appalled. Whitney had never spoken to her in that way.

"You know Mom, right now I don't give a damn what you appreciate. But I'll tell you what I don't appreciate. I don't appreciate being lied to all these years, I don't appreciate this persona you've made up about being this perfect woman. It was all lies, you're not perfect. Your nothing but a scarlet woman. Where's the letter A Mom? It should be hanging around your neck.

Oh, is the good doctor speechless? Do you have no idea what I'm talking about?  Well let me inform you Mommy. I saw you at the Crane Estate. You were so hot and bothered you didn't even take a chance to look around while you were kissing Julian Crane."

Eve hands rushed to her mouth this can't be happening she thought to herself.

"Whitney, I can explain, if you would just calm down I will explain everything," she said reaching out to her daughter.

"Don't you dare touch me and I will not calm down. Do you know how it felt seeing you touch him the way you touch Daddy?  Do you know how it killed me to watch you put your tongue down Julian Crane's throat. Julian of all people.

What were you thinking? How could you do this?  How could you lower yourself and become one of his women, or should I say whores?"

Eve smacked her with such force that Whitney's head jerked back.

"I'm sorry, Whitney. I didn't me--," Eve said reaching towards her face.

"Save it Mom. You can't hurt me anymore than how you hurt me already. How long has this been going on between the two of you? Days, weeks, months or years? Tell me -  you owe me that much."

"Whitney, Julian and I have a past history that I can't explain to you if you don't calm down." Eve said trying to make her understand.

"A past?  Mom, how could even know him?  You weren't from around here or so you said. How many more lies have you told?  Is anything that comes from your mouth the truth?" , Whitney shouted.

"Whitney honey, what is the matter?  I can here you from inside my bedroom," T.C said, coming down the stairs.

"Yeah Whit,  what is your problem." Simone said following right behind him in her robe with Liz following suit.

"Perfect timing Daddy, Simone. Now Mom can explain to the whole family all the lies she's been telling for the last twenty years. Hello? Paging Dr. Russell- the floor is all yours, Doc."

"Honey, what is going on, and I want the truth now," TC asked.

Whitney folded her arms across her chest the three of them looking at Eve expectantly with tears streaming down her face as Liz watched with a smile

"Gotcha you now big sis."

Chapter 3
Chapter 1
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