The Imposter II (an alternate version); Chapter 17 (Evian)
by ejcrane

Eve walked in through the front door. She threw her purse onto the side table and was just about to step onto the first step when she heard it. A sound was coming from the library. The kids weren’t allowed in the library while no one was home and she could hear Pilar in the kitchen…so who was in there?
She opened the door and walked into an empty room. The lamp was on, so someone was obviously in there.

“Is someone in here?” she stepped in and looked around.

“Guess who?” he grabbed her from behind and wrapped his arms around her.

Jumping out of the man’s arms, Eve turned around and slapped him across the face.

“These…slaps…are…TOO DAMN MUCH!” he grabbed her hips and yanked her to him, “Now tell Julian how much you missed him,” he laughed and kissed her hard.

“Ugh, stop!” she shoved him away and raised her hand to slap him again.

“I don’t think so,” he caught her arm just in time and pulled her to him once again.

“You’re…you’re supposed to be married…”

“You want me to be married?” he asked as his lips were a breath’s space away from hers, “You want me to go back to Gianna?” his lips brushed hers, “I’ll do it, if that’s what you want. IF that’s what you want, my darling Eve,” he caressed her face.

She simply shook her head and found his lips planted on hers.

“Marry me, Eve…marry me right here, right now?”

“Here? But how?” she looked to him.

Julian turned towards the door and whistled. A minister walked in. Julian turned back to Eve and smiled.

“Julian? What’s this?”

“Our wedding, darling…” he raised her hands to his lips and kissed them, “Kids! Pilar!” he yelled towards the door and smiled when they walked in to witness the happiest day of his life, “Okay, everyone’s here…we can begin…right, Eve?”

“Yes…” she nodded and pulled him into an embrace, “I love you, I love you so much!”

“I love you too, Eve…”

Seven minutes later, Eve and Julian were now husband and wife, were alone in the library, and could not keep their hands off each other!

“Julian,” she gasped into his mouth, “Julian!” she breathed hard, “I…I…have to…”

“What, Eve?” he groaned, “What is it, my love?” he sucked on her neck.

“I…I have to tell you…something,” she finished.

“What…is it?” he bent down and began kissing her cleavage.

“The…the…our…our baby,” she moaned, “…our baby is still with us…”

Julian stopped what he was doing and looked into her eyes.

“Aww, I know,” he smiled and looked up, “She’ll always be with us,” he looked back to her face and smiled.

He was just about to lean in to kiss her…

“No,” she pulled away and shook her head, “Our baby’s HERE with us…” Eve let go of his hands and placed them on her stomach, “…I never lost our child…”

Julian swallowed.

“What? But you told me…YOU said…”

“I know,” she looked down, ashamed.

“Our child is still growing inside you?” he said with a hint of excitement in his voice.

Eve raised her head and looked to him.

“Yes,” she smiled.


Eve wrinkled her brows in confusion.

“Why? Why, what?”

“Why would you do such a thing? You lied to me,” a look of disappointment took over his face, “How could you?” he glared at her.

“I…I was hurt, Julian.”

“So, you hurt me to avenge your loss?”

“No…I…” she shook her head.

“You made me believe that our child was dead,” he stepped away from her, “You made me think it was my fault…that I was the one to cause your miscarriage!”

“Julian,” she tried to touch his shoulder, but he shrunk from her, “I didn’t mean to…”

“Didn’t mean to?” he looked her up and down, “And just what was this supposed to do? You TOLD me that our baby died…and it was obviously due to what my brother and I did…”

“Julian…I’m sorry…I…I wasn’t thinking…”

“You don’t know how guilty I felt,” his voice cracked, “You don’t know how it feels to know that you caused someone so special to lose their life…”

“Julian,” she rushed to him.

“No!” he pushed her hands away from him, “God, I need some air…” he rushed out of the library and out the side door of the mansion.

Eve threw herself down onto the couch and began sobbing. This wasn’t the way things were supposed to go!

Everything was right for them. Their child was still alive, and she and Julian were finally married to one another, but now…he hated her! The look he had given her just before he stormed out…never had Julian looked so, so disgusted. So disgusted that he couldn’t stand being in the same room with her.

Julian walked to the gazebo to think about what he had just learned.

How could Eve do this to him? He thought she loved him the way he loved her.

Yes, he lied as well, about his identity, but never did he lie about the love he felt for her; never did he lie about their child…dying…

“So, you know?”

Julian turned around and found Chad standing behind him.

“You knew too?! And you never told me?”

“I wanted to…but it wasn’t up to me, I guess.” He shrugged.

Julian shook his head in disapproval and turned back around.

“You’re going to leave us?”

“What?!” Julian turned again and faced Chad.

“Are you going to leave us?”

Julian looked down and began thinking.

“No…” he shook his head as he looked Chad straight in the eye, “…that was never a thought that crossed my mind after learning your mother lied to me.” He said as he walked to the steps and sat down, “I love Eve; I love you and Simone…AND the baby that’s on the way,” Julian said as he stared out into sky, “I was just upset and needed air…”

“Oh,” Chad nodded as he sat down next to his step-…as he sat down next to his DAD, “Well…we, uh…we…loveyoutoo…” he said the words as fast as he could, feeling a bit embarrassed for admitting what he did.

Julian laughed and nudged his son in the side.

“Come on, let’s go back inside…” he said and stood, helping Chad up too.

Eve woke up from her nap. Before going up to their room, Eve looked outside to check if Julian’s car was still in the drive…

It was! She sighed with relief and went ahead and walked up to the bedroom.

She got out of bed and wondered where he was. Wondered if he was still upset with her, not that she didn’t blame him if he were…

“Pilar?” Eve walked into the kitchen, “Do you know where Julian is? He wasn’t in the library…”

“That’s odd,” Pilar wrinkled her brows, “He told me he was going up to his bedroom to unpack…”

“He must’ve mentioned some other task he was going to do before that, because he’s not there…” Eve lifted a brow.

“No…I don’t think so…” she shook her head.


Seconds later, Eve found herself in her room…alone.

Julian wasn’t up here! Where was he then?!

“Mom? You still up?” Chad asked as he walked in.

“Up?” she looked to her watch.

It was midnight. God, how long did she sleep?

“Uh, honey…do you know where Julian is?”

“Well…he’s in his room…”

“His room?”

“Yeah…uh, across the hall…I thought you knew…”

“I…I did, I just didn’t know he was in there already,” she lied, “Well, don’t you need to be going to bed…”

“Yeah…night, mom.”

Eve stood in the hallway after she showed Chad out. She watched as he disappeared into his room and then looked to the closed door across the hall.

He didn’t want to share a room with her? Was this how it was going to be from now on?

Chapter 18
Chapter 16
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