Lost Cause, Chapter 23
by SIPort


“ I want what’s best for Eve, don’t you?”, Julian asked.

“ Don’t even start with me Julian. I’m a hair’s away from beating you senseless.”

” Oh, will you just knock it off. Nobody cares about your temper anymore. Act like an adult, TC.”

“ You sonuva”

” Mr. Russell! I know this is upsetting to you, but your wife has just gone through major trauma to her body. I know she’s awake, but her body isn’t remotely close to being healed. Mr. Crane helps keep her calm. For the sake of my patient, I must INSIST that you keep your hostilities towards Mr. Crane at a minimum. Mr. Russell, I’d like for you to accompany me back to my office. There are things I wish to discuss with you.”

” What about HIM?”, TC asked, motioning towards Julian.

” Well, I’d like for Mr. Crane to go back inside with Eve. Keep her calm. Keep reassuring her. This is a very delicate situation that could fall apart at any time. Mr. Russell?”

“ Fine. I’ll go with you. For now. But, I WILL be back.”

TC left with the doctor, and Julian went into Eve’s room.

” Hi”, Eve said smiling.

” I’m back.”

” I’m glad.”

Julian pulled up a seat next to Eve’s bed. “ Do you feel ok? Do you need a nurse?”

” Julian, I’m sore, but I’m not in serious pain. I just wanted to be near a familiar face. I could tell that my not remembering them upset the others, especially the one that you say is my husband.”

“ TC.”

” Yes. TC. So, how did he become my husband? Why aren’t you  my husband?”

Julian coughed. “ Wow, direct aren’t we?”

” Doesn’t seem like there’s much sense in niceties.”

” You and I aren’t married because I failed you, Eve. When you needed me the most. I was a coward. I blew my chance to be with you, and you built a new life for yourself. With TC.”

” So…my marriage is happy? He doesn’t look happy.”

” Eve, he’s been worried out of his mind about you. TC and I don’t get along, but I do not doubt that he loves you.”

” You didn’t answer my question about my marriage being happy.”

” It’s a marriage, Eve. All marriages have their ups and downs.”

” What aren’t you telling me, Julian?”

” Nothing that I have a right to tell you, Eve. The only one who can talk to you about the state of your marriage to TC is TC. Not me. I’m not exactly an unbiased observer.”

” What does THAT mean, Julian?”

” It means that a man who is in love with you shouldn’t comment on your marriage to another man.”

” Oh.”

” Yes, Oh. Now, that’s enough questions for now, Eve. You need your rest.”

” Julian, will you come see me tomorrow?”

” Yes, Eve. I’ll come to see you for as long as you need me to.”


Fox found Simone curled up in a ball, crying outside of the hospital.

” Simone? Simone, what’s wrong?”

Simone looked up and Fox and continued to cry.

Fox scooped down, and picked Simone up and took her over to a bench.

” Simone…what’s wrong? What has you so upset? Oh my God, is it your mother? Is she…”

Simone shook her head furiously. “ She…she’s not dead. But…we are to her!”, Simone began sobbing frantically again.

” Simone, please…just tell me what’s wrong. Maybe I can help.”

” Help? Help? I’ve had enough of the Damn Crane’s Help!”

Fox was shocked at the bitterness in Simone’s voice. “ Damn Cranes?”

” Yes, Nicholas. Damn Cranes. You want to know why I’m crying. My mother woke up. She woke up from her coma.”

” And this is BAD news?”

” She woke up and didn’t know us! She looked at us like we were made of glass. Me. My father. Whitney. Like we were strangers on the street!”

” Oh.”

” But, there was ONE person she recognized. ONE person she remembered. And, I’ll give you a million bucks if you can guess who that is!”

Fox shook his head. “ Oh no.”

” Oh YES. The ONE person my mother remembered was YOUR FATHER! YOUR FATHER! Can you believe that shit? Unreal.”

” Simone….”

” The look on my father’s face, when my mother recoiled from him was one thing. But, to see her BEAMING when Julian Crane walked through the door. You could have took a machete to him and it couldn’t have hurt him any worse.”

“ I…I don’t know what to say.”

” What is there to say? It’s a horrid situation.”

” Is this amnesia permanent?”

” The doctor’s don’t know. It could be as simple as my mother waking up tomorrow remembering everything. Or, today could be the first day in a long nightmare where the one person you always thought would love you looks at you like a stranger.”

Simone went back to her crying, and Fox pulled her in and let her cry it out.


Fox pulled up at the Bennett House and rang the doorbell.

Grace answered the door. “ May  I help you?”

” I’m looking for Kay Bennett.”

” Kay’s my daughter. “

” Oh, Mrs. Bennett. I’m a friend of Simone’s, and I thought she might need to talk to Kay right now.” Fox motioned towards his car, and Grace saw that Simone was sitting there.

” What’s wrong with Simone? Oh no. Did something happen to Eve? Did she take a turn for the worse?”

” No, Mrs. Bennett. Doctor Russell is doing better, physically. There, um…is a problem.”

” A problem?”

” Doctor Russell has amnesia.”

” Amnesia? Are you sure?”

” Yes. She’s forgotten Simone, her father and sister. That’s why Simone is upset.”

” Thank you for telling me this,…”

” Nicholas.”

” Thank you, Nicholas. Kay lives next door, at Tabitha Lennox’s house.”

” Thanks.”

Fox went next door and rang the bell. Kay answered.

” You’re the guy who rescued Simone.”

” Guilty. And, she needs you now, Kay.” Fox pointed to his car. Kay ran to the car so fast, Fox could barely catch up. Kay opened the door, and got Simone to come out. She had her arm around Kay.

” Whatever’s wrong, Simone. I’m here. And, I’m going to make sure it’s ok. I’ll work it through with you.” Once they were inside the house, and Simone was on the couch, Kay smiled at Fox. “ It’s ok. I’ll take care of her.”

” You’re a good friend, Kay.”

” I have a feeling you want to be more than friends with Simone. But, that’s for another day. See ya.”

Chapter 24
Chapter 22
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