The Mystery of Chad Harris: Fate Delivers Us, Chapter 44

" Julian, was that TC Russell I saw leave here?", Sheridan asked, coming into the Library.

" That, it was."

" What did he want?"

" To set down the ground rules for things dealing with Chad."

" Ground rules! YOU are Chad's father, not him."

" True enough, but Eve is his wife, and he has no intentions of my interfering in his life."

" Is that what you want to do? Interfere where Eve is concerned?"

Julian arched his eyebrow. " No, Sheridan. Eve and I are parents. Period. I told TC that, and now, I'm going to tell you."

" So…he's not leaving Eve?"

" No. Just as I told you. His pride is a little hurt, but the man is no fool. He knows what he has."

" And, he doesn't have a problem with Chad living there?"

" Obviously not. If he does, he's willing to work through them for Eve's sake."

" Well, sounds like you got a lot done. When are you going to reach out to Chad?"

" Don't you think it's too soon?"

" Too soon? Julian, you've never been a part of his life! Father's interference robbed you of all that time."

" Sheridan, let's not be melodramatic. This is me we're talking about. I would like to think better of myself, but I'm a realist. What is the likelihood that I would have been in his life anyway?"

" You underestimate yourself. You would have been in it. Somehow. Through some method. "

" God, I love your faith in me. I don't think I deserve it, but I love it anyways."

" So….Chad?"

" What do you think I should do?"

" Invite him to dinner?"

" Sheridan, I may not be that bright, but I don't think dinner at the Crane Mansion is exactly the most inviting of invitations. "

" Ok, point taken. How about dinner at the Cottage?"

" Your Cottage?"

" Yes. It's a lot less formal, and can order in, whatever Chad wants, and just spend some time with him."

" Who can spend time with him?"

" Well, you, me, Ethan for sure."

Julian's expression went dark. " Sheridan, have you spoken with Ethan? I can feel a distance between us."

Sheridan's face went sad. " Actually, I was thinking the same thing. Do you think he doesn't like having Chad as a brother? That he feels threatened that way?"

" That might be it, but I think it's something more insidious. I think it's the truth about Father. I think he's having a hard time dealing with it. After all, I shielded him from Alistair as much as I possibly could. To find out the truth has to be a blow to his psyche."

" I guess. Do you want me to talk to him?"

" Of course. But, only as you've always done, Sheridan. Just be the wonderful comfort that you've always been. I am going to have a talk with him. I need to. To explain things."

" Anymore from Father?"

" No. Nothing. I don't know if that is a blessing or not. I hope so. I can't worry about what Alistair MIGHT do. I have two sons who need me, and I want to be there for them."

" Julian, it will all work out. I promise."


Dinner at the Russell house went as planned. Nothing out of the ordinary, except for everyone noticed that the group of bedding that had been staying in a discreet corner of the living room was now gone.

Simone was working on a school project about the history of jazz and it's importance. She was delighted to have Chad help her with it. Eve had an emergency at the hospital and had to leave. Madelaine had settled in the living room, doing some needlepoint. TC Russell was outside, working on his car, making sure that everything was in working order, when he heard a voice.

" How could you do it?"

TC looked up to see Whitney standing there, hands on her hips, furious.

" Do what, Princess?"

" How could you move back into a bedroom with THAT WOMAN?"

" That woman has a name. She is your mother and you will respect her."

" I don't think so, Daddy. She hurt and humiliated you. She destroyed this family! How could you possibly think about taking her back? You should be on your way to divorce court!"

TC put down the wrench in his hand and wiped his hands with a convenient towel.

" Do you think so little of your family that you would wish its destruction?"

" Daddy.."

" Did I teach you that little about the importance of family? What it should mean? Did I really fail you that deeply?"

" Daddy, she LIED! She lied EVERY DAY! EVERY DAMN DAY!"

" Watch your mouth, young lady. Remember who you're talking to."

" I do. My father, who USED to stand for something. Who USED to have principles."

" What makes you think that I don't have principles?"

" The way that you're letting her walk all over you! Have you no pride?"

" You don't think I have pride? You don't think that it is hard. DAMN HARD to come back to my marriage? Marriage is HARD, Whitney. It's give and take. It's compromise. Your mother and I put 20 years into our marriage, Whitney. We've given you and Simone a loving home. You have to work at marriage. We made vows, Whitney. What kind of a man walks away from his marriage? Not the kind of man I want to be. For better or for worse. That's what the vows say, Whitney."

" You can't possibly love her!"

" But, I do."

" How?"

" When you truly love someone Whitney, only then will you understand why I'm doing what I'm doing. "

" I do…"

" No. What you had with Chad was a crush. Maybe a serious one, but still just a crush. Love isn't trumpets and dew in the grass. Love and marriage is really about the little things in life. The little everyday mundane things that happen everyday. That is what grows a relationship. I love your mother. She is my wife. I love my family, which now includes Chad. I have to learn how to deal with it. So do you. Your mother has shown you nothing but devotion and love. Tell me a mother who loved you more than yours has loved you. Point her out to me, Whitney. Tell me now!"

Whitney looked down at the ground.

" I didn't think so. You better get to church and pray on this, Whitney. Pray on the anger that you have towards your mother. And, you need to sit down and talk to her. Really talk to her. Ask her the questions that you're wondering about now. But, when you sit down with her, be ready for the answers, because I assure you, there are not pretty."

" All my life, you've put HER up as some model of 'perfection'. Seems to me she's as far from perfection as possible."

" I was wrong to do that. Wrong and unrealistic. Your mother isn't perfect. Nobody is. That was my own frailties getting in the way. Your mother isn't a perfect human being, but her love for you has been perfect. It's the most true thing in her life, Whitney. You just have to be open to it. "

" I don't know."

" Whitney, none of this is easy for any of us. All of us are getting used to new relationships. You're part of a family, which means that you need to try. We can't go forward if this isn't dealt with. If you are going to be fighting everyone else, how can we begin to heal?"

Whitney shook her head, tears in her eyes. " I'm sorry, Daddy. I can't.", and she ran away.


Julian opened the door to the solarium.

" You always did like this place. Even when you were a little boy. You'd bring a book, or your homework and sit in here for hours."

Ethan looked up from his papers. " Hello, Father."

" Son. May I sit down?"

" Sure."

Julian sat on the couch  near Ethan.

" Ethan, I know that you've been avoiding me the past few weeks."

" Father, I…." Ethan stopped himself before he could tell the lie on the tip of his tongue. " You are right. I've been avoiding you."

" Why?"

" I had a disturbing call from Grandfather."

" What did he say?"

" He wanted to call me and assure me that I didn't need to worry about my place in the family. That I was still going to be the Heir, no matter how many  ' bastards came out of the woodwork.' "

" Ah, lovely Father."

" I….I'm still dealing with what he did to Chad."

" We haven't talked about Chad. Have you reached out to him?"

" No. I don't know what to say to him."

" You two got along fine before. What's changed?"

" He's my BROTHER, Father!"

" What does that mean to you?"

" I don't know. That's why I can't approach him."

" Ethan, surely you know the Crane Empire is big enough for the two of you. And, please know that my heart, meager as it is, is also big enough for both of you."

" You…you love him, don't you?", Ethan asked quietly.

" Yes, I do. But, I've had years to love him. I mourned him. So, my heart is overjoyed at the prospect of him being alive."

" I'm glad for you, Father. You and Dr. Russell. Nobody should be led to believe that their child is dead. And, I'm glad for Chad. I know how important this was to him. I know how much he wanted to find his parents. And, though I know others will say how lucky he is to have Dr. Russell as his mother. I guess I'll be amongst the few who will tell him how lucky he is to have you as a father."

Julian had tears in his eyes. " That means a lot, Ethan."

Ethan hugged Julian. " It's true, Father."

Chapter 45
Chapter 43
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