My Baby’s Gone, Chapter 19


Whitney sat in her room. She was supposed to be studying, but her last encounter with Fox was on her mind. What was it about him that just made her stomach flutter?

“ Uh, Whitney?”

Whitney snapped out of her daydream to find Simone standing there.

” Hi Simone.”

” I don’t have to guess where you were..with a certain young Crane?”

” Guilty.”

Simone hopped on the bed. “ So, tell me all about it.”

” Simone…I don’t know what it is, but the guy just…..”

” Wow…Whit, are you sure it isn’t rebound? I mean Chad..”

” You know, I thought about that. I even brought it up to Fox, and he said I was using it as an excuse.”

“ Are you?”

” I don’t know. On the one hand, everything I’m feeling with Fox feels so….NEW. On the other hand, I broke up with Chad like I did. I don’t want to make a mistake Simone.”

” Whitney, you’re human, and we make mistakes. Is it at all like it was with Chad?”

” That’s the weird thing, it’s not. I thought I loved Chad. I thought we were forever, and now..”

” Who says that your first love is your true love?”

” Theresa?”

They both laugh. “ I know she’s your best friend and all, Whitney, but girl, don’t be looking to Theresa for romantic ideas. That girl is crazy. Her pursuit of Ethan has been nothing short of insane.”

Whitney sighed. “ I know.”

” What you SHOULD be worried about is that Fox is a CRANE. I know Daddy’s been playing it cool, but you know it’s driving him up a wall, you seeing Fox so much.”

” I love Daddy, but I can’t live my life for him. Especially my romantic life. If I have a relationship with Fox, then he’s going to have to learn how to judge Fox on his own terms. Not punish him for being Julian’s son.”

“ Well, enough on your love life…just enjoy it. Fox is cute, rich and seems like fun. And, he has stars in his eyes pointed towards you. I told Mom and Daddy about what I want to do with my life.”

” And?”

” They freaked out, but I stood my ground.”

” And?”

” They’re dealing.”

Whitney laughed..” Oh yeah, I’m sure they’re ‘dealing’ quite well.” Whitney looked at her sister.

” What?”

” Here we are, sharing our lives again.”

” Just like old times.”

” Yep.”

” I like the way that this feels.”

” So do I. I apologize again for letting Chad come between us.”

” It’s water under the bridge, Whitney. We’re sisters, and will always be sisters. I’ll work to keep our bond.”

” Me too.”


Fox Crane had been given instructions by his father. He wound up  on an isolated road, thirty miles out of town. He opened up the door. When he did, two big men pulled out their guns.

” Whoah fellas. I think we’re on the same side. “

” Gents, put down your guns.”, Julian said, entering the cabin.

” Well, Father, your hired guns have itchy trigger fingers.”

“ Don, Ameche this is my son, Fox.”

They were silent, but nodded to Fox.

” Where’s Ming?”

Just then, an Asian woman came through the doorway.

” Ah, glad to see you, Luv. Shall we review the plans?”

Julian ushered them over to a large table. Fox saw all the plans, diagrams of the facility. All the information that he had given Julian about schedules was there.

Julian passed out a packet to everyone.

” Lady and gentlemen, this is the plan to rescue my sister, Sheridan. Each of you has a certain purpose. In two days, we’re going to do it. “

” Two days?”, Fox asked.

” Yes. Father’s out of the country, and alibis have been set up. It will all fall into place. Fox, I assume you have an alibi.”

” Yes.”

” Good. Now, you’ll be working with Don and Ameche. They’re responsible for getting Sheridan out. And, they’ll do their jobs. You understand yours.”

” Yes. When needed , the power will go. We’ll get Sheridan. I got you the keys, didn’t I?”

” Yes, you did. This will be the only time we’ll all be in the room together. After tonight, we’ll be on a strict schedule. Sheridan’s life depends on it.”

Everyone  nodded.

Chapter 20
Chapter 18
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