My Baby’s Gone, Chapter 8

“ Sheridan cannot stay in that place.”, Julian said.

” Julian, I agree with you, but what do we do?”, Eve replied.

Julian took out a notepad. “ What do we need?”

Eve snuggled up towards Julian. “ Hmm….am I Sydney to your Vaughn?”

Julian looked at her with a confused face.

” You really don’t watch television, do you?”

” No.”

Eve shook her head. “ Oh well. Ok. The first thing we need, before we even get Sheridan out of there is to know what kind of treatment Sheridan is undergoing. We have to know what kind of medicines she’s been given, so that I can develop a treatment plan.”

” How can we get that, considering that Sheridan is under lock and key, with a limited visitor’s list?”

Eve thought about it for a few moments. “ Sheridan is locked up, but her records shouldn’t be. Worst case scenario, they are only on paper, in her doctor’s office. Best case scenario, they are in the Sanitarium’s computer system. We need a Marshall.”

” Huh?”

Eve smiled. “ You really are clueless. A ‘Marshall’ is a superiorly skilled person in the area of computers. A hacker.”

“ Then why didn’t you say ‘ a hacker’?”

“ Julian, I don’t know about you, but I don’t think good hackers grow on trees.”

” Don’t worry. I know a hacker.”

” One that we can trust? Julian, you know Alistair.”

” Indeed I do. You don’t have to tell me Eve about all the spies that my father has. But, yes, I know a hacker that we can trust.”

” Someone in your business dealings?”

” Actually, a little closer to home. Fox.”

” FOX?”

” Yes. Among my son’s talents is a propensity to sneak into computer systems where he doesn’t belong.”

” Fox…is a hacker?”

” A very good one. I’ve spent over a hundred thousand dollars keeping him out of jail. My son is quite talented.”

” And, you think he’ll help us?”

” I’m sure that I can appeal to him. I’ll find something he wants in exchange for his services.”

” Julian, he can’t just walk into the Sanitarium.  He has to get into there undetected.”

Eve gets up and walks around the room. “ I’ve got it!”

“ What, my love?”

” Fox can do what that young actor did in that Robert DeNiro/Marlon Brando movie. …you know, the one with Angela Bassett.”

Julian looked back, clueless.

Eve shook her head. “ Um, what was the name of it……The Score!” Eve went back over to Julian. “ In this movie, DeNiro was a master thief and Brando was his partner-slash-fence. They set up this one final score. But, in order for them to do it, they needed someone on the inside. Someone who could give them the layout and all the information about the goings-on inside. We need that kind of person. And, the way that they did it in the movies was that the inside guy was a janitor on the night staff.”

” Fox? A janitor? Now Eve, that IS a stretch.”

” Julian, he’s smart. He’s not as well known in these parts because he spent those years away, so we have a chance that they might not recognize him as a Crane. Plus, we need inside information about how to get Sheridan out fast and smooth. You said he’d help.”

” Yes. A quick hack. You’re talking about real work.”

” I’m talking about your sister’s life. “

“ Ok, let’s say that we actually get Fox to agree to this undercover work. What else?”

” Well, then we need a place for Sheridan to hide while she recuperates.”

” That’s simple. She’ll recuperate here.”

” Ok. Julian, I don’t know how long the recuperation will take. We aren’t talking days. We’re talking weeks. Sheridan won’t be able to be left alone. She’s going to need constant care.”

“ I’ll do it. “

Eve looked at Julian. “ Julian, do you understand what I’m saying?”

” You said Sheridan needs care. I’ll take care of her.”

“ Ok. We’ll think about that. How are we going to get her out?”

“ We aren’t.”

” Huh?”

“ That’s what my hired goons will do. Eve, IF my father is behind all of this, and we suspect it to be, then we can’t be anywhere NEAR Sheridan when she’s being broken out. We’ll have to have airtight alibis. Preferably out of town. Understand?”

 Eve nodded. “ Ok. I did have a colleague who wanted me to go to a conference in Bostom in a few weeks. I was hesitant, but..”

” You should agree to go.”

” Ok. What about you?”

” I’ll create one for myself.”

” Julian, we are going to be breaking the law.”

” A position both of us know.”

Eve laughed. “ Sad, but true.”

“ Eve, I understand what we’re doing. If we’re wrong, Father can bring us up on charges. So, if you want to back out.”

” Julian, I don’t want to back out. I’m going to see this through to the end.”

” Eve, you’re risking your career.”

” I know. I have to do this. “

” Thank you, Eve. I don’t know what I’d do without your support. Now, what’s the plan about Ms. Wallace’s baby?”

” I let it slip to Pilar that if she ever gets to babysit Martin, I would be more than willing to do a checkup on him – to allay Pilar’s feelings. So, I’m just waiting for the call. I’m hoping that Beth will  relent and send the baby to his grandmother’s house. I’ll be carrying in my medical bag three DNA sample tests from now on. I’ve already contacted friends at labs throughout the country. I even have the courier’s on call. I need something from you, Julian.”

” What?”

” I need a DNA sample of Sheridan’s for comparison. I thought about using the one in the Harmony Hospital computer, but I can’t trust that Alistair hasn’t compromised it. Original DNA samples from Sheridan is what I need.”

” I can’t get to Sheridan.”

” But, there’s things at the Cottage. Can you check for a hairbrush or toothbrush?”

” I will. “

“ Thank you, Julian.”

“ So, I guess the next thing for me to do is to talk to Fox. Once I’ve spoken with him and worked things out with him, I’ll call you.”

“ Ok. I think we should limit the contact between us. “

” Sad, but true. We need to limit suspicion.”

“ Page me, once you get things straightened out with Fox. “

Eve gets up and puts on her coat. “ Eve, thank you. For helping me to do the right thing.”

” You would have done it anyway, Julian.”

” No, I don’t think so. It’s not my natural inclination.”, Julian smiled.

” You love your sister, Julian. I know it. She knows it too. Bye.”

Chapter 9
Chapter 7
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