October 18, 2001

Subject: Ok, Brian...sure, whatever

Sheridan's memory of Luis is being brought on by the rose. She tells him of her vision of being in a car crash, and wonders if it means anything to her life. She goes to look at the roses some more.

Liz and Brian talk. Brian asks Liz if she believes in love at first sight. Liz says that she has been burned so many times, that she doesn't even know if she believes in love anymore. Hmm....sounds like a woman with a past. She warns Brian that ' Diana' probably has a man and that he's setting himself up for heartache. Brian insists that 'Diana' can love him too by the time she remembers.

Liz gets a call from the mainland, telling her of a fax that will be coming soon. It's a fax of Sheridan.

If this guy is Antonio, the casting is off. He's not dynamic or forceful. He doesn't even look like he'd have a reason to disappear from his family. Wake me up when this story is over.


Subject: Luis...led by the rose

Luis has found a rose on his desk. The rose that is a symbol between him and Sheridan. To him, it means that Sheridan is alive, and that he has to look for her.

Sam comes by to see Luis, and Luis tells him his belief. Sam tries to get Luis to see 'the truth' -Sheridan is dead. He goes over the evidence with Luis, who tells Sam that he knows all of that, but still thinks that Sheridan is alive. Luis decides to all the Army guy down in Bermuda. He tells him that he thinks Sheridan is alive, and he wants him to begin a search for her. The guy asks Luis what proof he has, and Luis tells him ' a flower'. The guy thinks that Luis has lost it, until Sam comes on the line. He identifies himself as the Chief of Police, and asks the man, as a professional courtesy, would he please search for Sheridan one more time. The guy agrees, and then proceeds to prepare a blast fax to all the surrounding islands. His office notifies Liz of the upcoming fax - that it's a very important search.

Luis' heart won't give up on her....yeah....


Subject: Ethan and his law books....

Ethan goes to the Book Cafe to ask Beth if she knows anything about used law books. She tells him that she happens to have some, and that she'll work out a payment plan with him.

Beth offers her condolences about Sheridan, and she, Ethan and Chad talk about his law office. Beth warns Ethan that businesses need money. That she didn't think out the financing of the Book Cafe, allowed the Cranes to take her business and make it their own. She was warning him not to get involved with the Cranes. Ethan says that the Cranes wouldn't give him money anyway, so he doesn't have to worry about this at all, but thanks Beth for the advice and the books.

Whitney comes into the Book Cafe, and she and Chad talk. She is worried about what Theresa is going to do, and it shows, when she's trembling accepting a cup of tea from Chad. Chad says that maybe it is best that he doesn't know what Theresa is hiding, because he wouldn't want to have to life to Ethan again.

I don't know why they even discuss it. Chad and Whitney know that they lead the Theresa Enablers Club.


Subject: Theresa's Scheme

Today was a terrific day if you were a Theresa hater. Everything that annoys me about the character, was out in full force, and why the character makes me sick.

I had sort of been ignoring the fact that she's allowing Pilar, Eve, and Whitney all think that Julian 'stole her innocence'. Her silence on this NOT so little point is big. She likes being seen as the 'victim'.

HOW can you feel sorry for someone who simply DOES NOT LEARN?

How do I know she hasn't learned anything?

The crap that she was spouting off today.

She's going to help Ethan by getting involved in yet ANOTHER set of LIES?


Did Ethan ask her for this?


Has Ethan been brooding about this?


Ethan has stated that he's willing to work for it, and the only thing that matters to him, is that they work on the dream --TOGETHER.

WHY would she remotely think that Ethan would take money from the people that cast him out?

This doesn't make anymore sense than her going down to Bermuda in the first place, to get him put back into the Crane family - something that Ethan doesn't even say he missed.

But, she's going to lie to Ethan AGAIN....

And, she's going to humiliate him, by going begging for money for him from the LAST people that he would want money from.

How can anyone say that this child is ready for ANY kind of an adult relationship? Any WOMAN would know that you don't injure your man's PRIDE like that by going to his enemy!

Come on!!

Whitney can't believe what she's hearing. Though, I don't know why this is such a shock to Whitney. If she hadn't enabled all the rest of the moronic schemes, then maybe Theresa would have been caught, and learned SOME kind of lesson. But, because she has enablers all around her, Theresa has never learned her lesson.

Theresa talks about NOT telling Julian and Luis. Like she doing Julian a FAVOR. And, of course, he should pay her.


Her attitude. Her sense of entitlement. I've been one of the ones from the beginning that believed she liked being Mrs. Crane. Why would she remotely respond to it on the plane. WHY would she be thinking about getting MORE involved with Julian and not less.

Cause she has always wanted to be Mrs. Crane.

So, she of course, gives Whitney another lie to hide her whereabouts, and is totally comfortable with having Whitney lie for her, mainly because Whitney has done it so many other times.

Theresa sneaks over to the Mansion, and in a hilarious scene, acts like she's on some sort of a spy mission. .....which does find her in Julian's study.

This is ridiculous.


Subject: Julian's getting it from all sides

While Julian is in his library, trying to get Pilar off of him, Rebecca has decided to do some redecorating. She's not in the mood to wait, and if a few broken Crane treasures are what's needed to remind Julian,  then so be it. Rebecca is armed and ready to gun down any objectors.

Pilar tells Julian that if he touches Theresa, she will poison him. He says that Harper is a witness to it, and that he's going to call the police, which Harper advises against. Julian gets the phone and calls up the Harmony PD. He hangs up when he gets Luis on the phone. Julian thinks it's a Lopez-Fitzgerald conspiracy.Julian promises not to talk to Theresa, and Pilar tells him that he better not. They are still talking about it when they hear another shot.

They all leave the library when they hear another shot. They go to the living room, and see Rebecca with the rifle. Julian wonders what is going on, and Rebecca says that she wants to get married, and she wants it now. She knows that something is going on that she doesn't know about, and wants the truth from 'Big Julian', before she takes a shot at 'Little Julian'. It was good, watching Julian try and maneuver with Rebecca, convincing her that he wants to marry her. That he's going to be with her. Rebecca wonders if it's true, and Julian does a hard sell, and finally calms her down. Julian sees the guy with another one of Rebecca's trunks, and asks what the guy is doing to it. Julian is shocked when the guy says that the trunk is going to Julian's room, and Rebecca tells him that is where SHE will be staying. This is NOT what Julian wants to hear, but, he can't let on. He says that it's fine. Rebecca tells him that she something has been creeping her ever since Bermuda, and that Julian had those private conversations with Theresa. Julian says that Theresa only needed consoling about Sheridan, and that he won't be around her ever again.

Julian leaves to go to his library, telling himself that it's the safest place for him, when THERESA walks in.

Julian...Uh Oh....LOL