October 29, 2001

Subject:Brian, Sheridan, Luis.....this story sucks.

Sorry, but, I still find Brian a little creepy. I'm still trying to see how he can be 'in love' with Diana. He doesn't know her. And, he's not a child, like Theresa. His feelings came out of nowhere.

Diana is moaning over losing the man that she loved.

I have to say that I gave up on this story after hearing the logic from my niece:

" Why doesn't she (Sheridan) file a missing persons report ON HERSELF? WHY hasn't she notifed the authorities?"

Now, I can't look at this idiocy with anything but disdain.

Diana is sure that the man she loves is dead, and she's moaning about it all the time to Brian, who is just waiting to replace him.

Meanwhile, Luis is on his way to Bermuda to get Beth's boat. He laments to a very curious flight attendant how he lost the love of his life and will never get over it. He has memories of Sheridan, and thinks long and hard about her.

Once he gets to the island, he goes to Liz's place. And, I guess it's supposed to be suspenseful and a little torturous to see the 'near misses' of Sheridan and Luis. There's not charm in this, because this entire storyline STINKS.



Subject: Ah...Poison Ivy - Cracking me up

For a non-Ivy fan, this has been some terrific stuff lately.

Ivy is with Ethan . She's trying to get him to repeat the promise that she wants from him: If Theresa has lied, then Ethan will break up with him.

Don't you think that is a sad commentary about Ethan, that he doesn't have the sense God gave a gnat, that he wouldn't want Theresa back ON HIS OWN..

But, what can you expect for a character who has become basically Theresa's Lapdog.

He cracked me up listening to him today with Ivy. It was SOOO funny. Ivy is trying to be as logical possible with Edumb, but, it all flew over his head. He had an excuse every moment for Theresa's lies, which Ivy noticed.

She asked him how Theresa could have gone to Julian. Then, she asked him how she couldn't have known what she was signing. She asked Ethan if he really thought Theresa wasn't lying to him again, and he said that she wasn't.

Ivy said that she just wanted Ethan to be protected.

Ethan went to get Theresa, and he sort of ordered Ivy to try and get along with her. While Ethan was away, Ivy was on the phone to Jerry, who had the Justice of the Peace to himself, and he was plying him with booze. He told Ivy that it would be just a little bit more time, but that the JOP had the fear of God put into him. Ivy said that shoudl be obvious - it was Julian and Alistair.

Ethan returned with Theresa, and, Theresa tried to play nice. She tried to tell Ivy that she was sorry, and that she wanted it go back to the way that it was. Ivy wasn't having it. Ivy cracked me up. She was on Theresa like white on rice. She was pushing all the right buttons with her pointed voice and tone. She asked Theresa if she had any secrets from Ethan, and of course, if the two of them had secrets, that they should NOT get married.

Theresa's eyes bug out, but, Ivy goes to get a call. It's Jerry, and he tells Ivy that he's gotten the information from the JOP. Ivy is smiling like the cat who swallowed the canary. It's SO funny. Ivy's reading Theresa like an open book,and Edumb is so clueless.

THIS is the Poison Ivy that I enjoy. I love it when she gets like this..LOL

Kim Ulrich does so much with her facial expressions...you don't even need dialogue.


Subject: I think Theresa fits right in with Julian - LOL

Julian is in the Library, and Theresa is there with him waiting for the annulment papers. She wants an annulment, and she wants one NOW!!

Julian likes the fire and passion in his young bride. Thinks that they shared some good times, and wouldn't she like one more go-round.

Nobody watching Theresa today could possibly try and continue to shill that she's some naive, innocent bumpkin - spare me. She doesn't need her defenders. She doesn't need her Enablers to protect her. She did a fine and dandy job all her own with the powerful Julian Crane, keeping him in place. She was cold and ruthless as she reminded Julian that he would wind up dead so many ways if they didn't get an annulment.

So, spare me anymore



Poor Theresa my butt. That girl will handle herself as Mrs. Julian Crane just fine. But, there are those of us who already knew that.

Harper comes, but he doesn't have the papers. They are being messengered.

Theresa says that Julian can't get married to Rebecca - it will mean disaster.

Julian is preparing for the nuptuals - he's getting sloshed.

Cracked me up that Theresa is admonishing him for getting drunk before his marriage. Pot meet kettle, Theresa.

Ethan comes to find Theresa and sees her in the Library. She says that she was looking for Pilar, and Ethan believes her. Julian and Harper hid before Julian got there. Ethan and Theresa leave and Julian thinks that maybe he can talk to Rebecca to delay the wedding.

LOL Julian......


Subject: Of course Rebecca is in white - she has NO shame...

Never say that the Ho of Harmony doesn't have nerve. She has tons of it. Only she would have the nerve to be dressed in a white dress with a veil.

She shows Gwen her gun. Gwen thinks she's being ridiculous.

Gwen asks Rebecca why she's getting married with a gun. Rebecca tells her that by hook or by crook, she's going to get Julian: either become his wife or 'turn the rooster into a hen'.


Gwen asks her about love. Rebecca says that she loves Julian - in her own way. But, what has love done for anyone, she asks Gwen. She loved Ethan and lost him.

Gwen is dressed in black for the wedding - i think it's Gwen's form of protest against the wedding. She really is concerned about Rebecca, and doesn't think anything good is about to happen.

Gwen sounds lost. She loves Ethan and doesn't think that anything is possible. Rebecca tells her that she thinks Gwen should still have hope. She'll fix things once she marries Julian.

Next thing they know, Julian is at the door, with a present: a jewel encrusted garter. Julian puts the garter on and sees the gun. Julian asks what the point is of the gun, and Rebecca says that it's insurance.

A pistol-packin' Ho- Julian's worst nightmare..LOL


Subject: The HAMSTER WHEEL CONTINUES...Charity/Miguel/Kay

I got this in an email today, and I thought it summed up everything perfectly:


I turned on the show and what do I hear?!?

"I'm going to get Miguel.  If only Miguel would have sex with me so I could get pregnant."


NonSimone says, "you're never going to get Miguel, Kay."

"You'll see, Simone. You'll see."


How can any man be allowed to write the SAME damn story for 2 1/2 years with NO progress? How can NBC allow the SAME damn story to be presented when Passions is now tied for LAST place in the ratings?

Are we in the twilight zone? LOL


My reply: No, we're on the HAMSTER WHEEL.

It's ridiculous.

First the trees asked her to give up Miguel.

Now, the trees are WARNING Charity, that someone wants to take Miguel away from Charity.

Kay is repeating the same dialogue.

So is Simone.

So is the continued waste of Tabitha and Timmy.

Even, the continued insensitivity of Miguel is nothing new.

Now, let me ask this again:

Did I IMAGINE that Kay made Miguel clear about her feelings?

Did I IMAGINE that she told him that she LOVED HIM?

Did I IMAGINE that she made it clear that the love wasn't platonic, and that it was like a woman's love for a man?

Did I IMAGINE that she made it clear that the only person in her heart was Miguel - and that she doesn't care for Reese that way?

And, IF I didn't IMAGINE all of this.....



What kind of insensitive clod is he?

He could ask Grace...Jessica...

Why go to the person that has told him that SHE is in love with him?


But, why should I be surprised - this is the moron who was going to leave his 'best friend' to die off of a cliff while he went to look for Charity.

This is PURE CRAP!