~ Only Time ~ Chapter 11 ~
by rockstar

FYI: This is a new day...with new characters! Enjoy!


Roxy Clark tipped-toed into the bedroom, careful her black leather coat not making any noise. The dangling silver hoops hanging from her ears reflected off the sun coming through the window. She stared down at the man sleeping on the bed. 'He must be having some good dream' she thought watching the expressions on his face. But what about?


Chad followed Nelly into her hotel room and shut the door behind him. She turned back around and took of her coat revealing her black dress. Without thinking, thanks to the alcohol, Chad pulled her against him and pressed his lips against hers. She moaned softly and grabbed a hold of Chad's shirt to guide him to the bed, their lips contact never breaking.

Nelly fell onto the bed with Chad falling on top of her. He kissed down her neck as she started unbuttoning his shirt. His shirt hit the floor next to her coat as her hands roamed his bare back and their lips met again for another heated kiss.

Chad's hands made their way down to her waist and he lifted her up and placed her in the middle of the bed. Chad removed the traps of her dress from her silk shoulders and kissed her skin where the fabric laid just moments before. Nelly laid down on the bed and Chad slowly eased the dress off her body....

Chad's eyes flew open as he whispered, "It really happened." Suddenly the sun reflected off a movement in his room and he sat up in surprise and shock, "What are you doing here, Nelly?" he asked staring at the woman in the dangling earrings.


Across town, in a small rental house on the ocean, Nelly woke up drowsy. "What the hell?" She said sitting up and looking around the room. She had never been there before. "How the hell did I get here?" she said, as she remembered her last thoughts....


Nelly got out of her car that she had parked near the wharf. She threw her keys in her purse after locking her car and stepped back only to bump into someone.

"Oh, I'm sorry-" Nelly said, turning around to face the person, "Roxy."

"Hey, Nelly." Roxy said.

"What are doing here, Roxy?" Nelly asked shocked looking at the physically identical woman standing in front of her.

"I heard you came up to this town Harmony so I thought I'd come up and see what you were up to. And I saw what you were up to. That hot piece of human flesh that came out of your hotel with you this morning. Mmmm. Good girl."

"You were following me?"

"No, no, I just happen to see you while I was waiting for you in my car."

"You were waiting to follow me."

"Now that's more accurate."

Nelly looked down at Roxy's wardrobe. It was the exact same thing she was wearing. "I don't know what games you're going to try and play, but you will not be doing anything with me."

"Fine, fine, I'll just go see your man Chad Harris."

"How did you know who he was?"

"You should know by now Nelly, that I know what I want to know. And sometimes, I want to know all about you. So what do you say? Take a break from your life for a while and I'll take over."

"No." Nelly said, as she started to walk away.

"Fine, you had your chance, darling." Roxy said as she put a rag over Nelly's mouth with some form of liquid that ultimately made her pass out.


Nelly got off of the bed and walked out into the living room where she was greeted by a familiar man.

"Well, good morning. It's about time you woke up," he said with an Austrailian accent.

"Well, my, my, my. If it isn't Mr. Jasper Jacks. How are things going with my favorite Aussie?"

"Oh just grand." Jax said.

"Does that mean you've cheated someone out of a grand?"

"How witty of you, Nelly," he said, standing up.

"Did you come to Harmony with Roxy?"

"No, she told she was coming here to see so I decided to join her after I took care of some business. She called me yesterday and said I should come by and watch you. What'd she give you?"

"I don't know, but I'm going to kill her when I find her."

"You always say that. And if it helps any, she left you a note on the counter." Jax said pointing to the kitchen. Nelly walked over and opened the note and read it.

Hey Nel,
      I know right now, you're probably really ticked off, so maybe it's not a good time to tell you I used too much of the chloroform to knock you out. But it's all right! You shouldn't have any long term damage, but anyway, I had a great time the other night playing journalist Nelly Watson. I hope you believed my bad girl performance with the knocking you out thing. Just one more step to that Emmy! Anyway, I have to talk to you about your "buddy" Chad Harris. I know you can't stay made at me forever!

                                                                                               With love,
                                                                                                       your favorite sis,

Nelly folded the note up and put on her 'annoyed/I can't believe she did this' look which was caught by Jax.

"Cursing the day you were born with a twin?" he said with a humored smile.

"I curse that day every day of my life."


"What are you doing here, Nelly?" How did you know where I live?" Chad asked as he got out of bed only wearing a pair of shorts.

Roxy stared at him. 'My Nelly has wonderful taste,' she thought.

"Did you follow me here or something?"

"Maybe. I just wanted to tell you again how sorry I am." She said, going back into Nelly form.

"So you followed me? And just welcomed yourself into my room? By the way, how did you get in here?"

"The door was unlocked."

"No, it wasn't."

"Okay, I picked the lock."

"Journalists need to know how to do that?" Chad said putting on a shirt, much to Roxy's disappointment.

"I'm a special journalist."

"Of course you are." Chad sighed as Roxy walked over and stood behind him, "Are you mad at me?" she pouted hanging her bottom lip.

"No, but you could've knocked."

"Well, where's the fun in that?" she said, putting her head on his shoulder. Chad suddenly remembered his dream or was it a dream, he questioned. "I need to ask you something," he said, turning around to face her.

"What is it?"

"You told me we didn't have sex the other night, but I just had this dream of flashback or something about us in your hotel room. And it seemed so real, like I was finally remembering us sleeping together. I mean, even in my mind now, I remember it as if it really happened, but you told me it actually didn't. So could you please set me straight?"

Roxy stood, swallowing all of the questions, trying to get it all to register. 'You are so busted, girl,' she kept saying over and over again in her head. How could she possibly get herself out of this one? But the one question that was hanging around her head was did her spotlight sister really get it on with this not male specimen?

"Listen, I-" Roxy was interrupted by the ringing of her cell phone. She reached into her purse, "This'll just take a minute. Hello?"

"I just thought I'd call and let you know you're sister is an incredibly intelligent woman." Jax said on the other line.

"Really? I actually knew that. So what's your point?"

"She put two and two together and figured out you were with her friend. She's on her way over there now."

"How does she know where it is?" Roxy asked nervously, smiling at Chad.

"She figured I'd call you and give you a heads up so she told me to tell you that she knows what she wants to know." Jax chuckled.

"Thanks a lot, Jax, I'll talk to you soon." Roxy hung up her phone and turned to the door, "I'm sorry I really have to go," she said before giving Chad and chance to stop her.

"Nelly, wait!" Chad sighed angrily, "What the hell was that all about?" Chad quickly grabbed some clothes and got dressed, as he raced to stop Roxy.

Roxy came down the stairs, taking a quick look for anyone before heading out the front door only to run into her an angry spiting image of her.



"Listen, you're lover boy is on his way down here right now, so unless you really want to scare him off, let's hide."

As much as she didn't want to admit it, Roxy was right, so as soon as she saw Chad come down the stairs inside, she grabbed Roxy and pulled her along the side of the Bed and Breakfast just as Chad came outside and left.

Roxy come out first and sighed, "Wow, that was a close one!" she smiled.

"What in the hell do you think you're doing?" Nelly yelled, "I have always been very lenient with all of your tricks, and it was often entertaining when you played with mom and dad, but when you interfere with other people in my life, that's where I draw the line."

"I was just practicing, Nelly. That Emmy gets closer by the day."

"Hey, I've always supported you're dream of acting even when mom and dad disapproved-"

"Which they still do."

"-but when you do things like this. I mean, God, you drugged me!"

"It was chloroform and I'm sorry I used too much, but I might be given the chance to play the bad girl someday and I've got to have experience."

Nelly stared at her for a moment, "What did you do to Chad?"

"Speaking of him, hey, sis, he some looker. Have you checked him out?"

"He is very good looking, but you didn't answer my question."

"What question?"

"What did you do to him? Tell him?"

"Nothing!" Roxy said, noticing Nelly wasn't buying it, "Okay, okay. After I saw you at the hotel with him the other day, I followed you two to that coffee place, when at that exact same moment I felt like a mocha latte. So I went in, unnoticed obviously and the only empty seat was the one behind you two."

"There was hardly anyone in there!" Nelly said angrily.

"It's bad luck to drink your latte facing east before 10 in the fall."

"You are so full of-"

"ANYWAY. Sitting behind you two, I heard a few things. Like how you two 'slept' together. Which ended up being the ammo I needed."

"What do you mean, ammo?"

"I wanted to see if I could make him believe I was you, so that night, after I gave you the chloroform, I went out walking and found Chad on the docks and we ended up going to dinner where I told him-"

"Told him what?" Nelly said, obviously irritated.

"I told him, that me-"

"meaning ME"

"and him didn't sleep together." Roxy stared at Nelly for a moment who could not get any words out.

"You what? You told him we didn't really sleep together!"

"Yeah, I was saving you the chance of telling him."

"Why in the hell would I lie to him?!" Nelly yelled turning around unable to face Roxy for fear of what she might do to her.

"Lie to him? It's, it's true? You really did sleep with him?" Roxy said in shock as Nelly nodded her head, "oh Nelly, you go girl!" Nelly turned around to get a hug. "That man is hot with a triple T."

"Roxy, you lied to him. What did he say?"

"Well, he was kind of upset, but he got over it. He's not made at you."

"Well, that's great. How do you think he's going to react when he discovers that we really did sleep together?"

"Ooo, I don't know, but that would be interesting to see." Nelly sighed and walked over to a bench and sat down.

"Did you do anything else I have fix?" she asked.

"Nope," Roxy said, sitting next to Nelly, smiling.

"What?" Nelly asked.

"He really likes you. That Chad guy."

"What makes you say that?"

"The way he just opened up to you the other night. Or me. Me-you."

"Whoa, whoa, what do you mean, he opened up? What did he say?"

"Well, after he left the restaurant after I told him you two didn't sleep together, he told me about how all these people in his life and lied to him. His family basically. He just found out who they were a few months ago."

"He told you all of this?"

"Yep." Roxy said.

"Roxy, you've got to promise me that you will never pretend to be me around Chad again. I'm going to go see him soon and when I do, I'll tell him I have a twin sister, hell-bent on becoming an award-winning actress by pretending to be me as much as possible."

"Sounds good. Good luck."

"Thanks. How long are you and Jax going to be in town?" Nelly asked, standing up.

"How long are you?" Nelly just smiled and started to walk away, "Hey, Nel." Roxy said, walking up to her, "I'm really sorry about all the trouble with this guy. And I promise, I'm going back to the rental house, right now and I'm going to change back into my normal, straight-layered 'do," she said, holding up a piece of her curly hair.

"Okay, thanks. I'll see ya, sis." she said as she and her sister hugged.


Chad walked into his club to find Rick sorting through papers on the bar.

"Hey, what's up, Rick?" Chad said, walking over beside him.

"Hey, boss. You know, I didn't know that when I started working for you, I started working for some ladies man."

"Excuse me?" Chad asked, confused.

"Those two girls were by last week, along with that pregnant blond, who comes in all the time and that cute brunette with the short hair. And now, there's this one." Rick said, pointing to the door. Chad turned around and immediately froze unable to move because of the shock and surprise.

"Hello, Chad."


Chapter 12
Chapter 10
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