*Only Time* Chapter 3 )}i{(basically everyone)}i{(
 by rockstar

"We could go to a movie tonight." Kay said staring into her latte. "What do you want to do?" she asked looking up at Simone who was obviously just as bored as herself.
"I don't care." Simone sighed.
"Come on, we can go see that new movie with Josh Hartnett. He's always nice to look at."
"Nah, I don't think so. You go ahead though."
"You just said two seconds ago that you didn't care."
"Well, I care now."
"I know you're still having a hard time dealing with everything that's happened with you and your family, Simone."
"I will never deal with this. It's sad really. Every time Whitney comes over, she complains to our dad about how mom keeps trying to see her and she won't leave her alone. You want to know how many times Mom's tried to talk or see me? None. Not once. It's just like it always was. And even after Whitney goes off and gets pregnant out of wedlock, just like our mother, she's still the one everybody worries about." Simone said, tears forming in her eyes.
"If it makes you feel any better, I worry about you more than I have ever worried about Whitney. You're my best friend, Simone. You have been with me through everything and I will be with you through all of your problems too."
Simone smiled. "Thanks, Kay. It is your niece Whitney's carrying inside of her, you know?"
"Yeah, I'm going to be an aunt. That's pretty far out there. I guess it's something to look forward to." Kay said, lowering her head back down to her drink.
"I know giving up on Miguel was hard to do, but I am glad you did it. And who would've thought, Reese and Jessica." Simone said, letting a slight laugh out.
"I know. Reese use to be so hooked on me and then Jessica moves on in. My sister may be more like me than I thought." Kay laughed. "I'm going to get a refill. You want one?"
"No thanks." Simone said and Kay got up and headed to the counter.

Nikolas starred at the girl as she stood up and walked to the counter and, unknown by him, Livvie's eyes were watching exactly what his were.
"You might want to scratch going after the local girls," she said.
"What?" Nikolas said, realizing she had been watching him watch this girl he'd never even seen before more than half an hour ago. "What do you mean?"
"Well, it's just she most likely knows who our family is and she may be scared off. That's all." Livvie saw the look on Nikolas's face as he processed everything his sister had said. "But hey, you want make a play for her. Go ahead, I won't stop ya." Livvie stood up and grabbed her briefcase off the floor, "I think I've made the impression I wanted with my coffee-run do, so I'm going to go to the mansion, shower and change into....do you know what color our food is going to be tonight?"
"I haven't the slightest." Nikolas said, now standing next to Livvie.
"Oh, well, I'll put on a little mix. That way if something does get spilled on me, it won't show all over." Livvie gave a small laugh, "I'll see you tonight." She turned to leave to see the brunette girl stood at the counter playing with her hair. Livvie turned back around, facing Nikolas, "If you do go over there, my I suggest, just as precaution, don't start by introducing yourself."
"That might not be a good idea." he said as Livvie left.
Livvie and Nikolas knew just like everyone else how much so many people in Harmony and other places hated the Cranes' for all of the terrible things their father and grandfather had done.
Nikolas walked over to the counter and passed the girl as she returned to her seat. He stood at the counter and ordered a cup of coffee wondering if he had caught the girls attention like she did him, as he walked by her table.

"Did you see that guy?" Simone said as Kay sat back down.
"What guy?" Kay asked.
"That guy that just walked by, when he was sitting down over there, he was totally checking you out." Simone said, excitedly.
"Why didn't you tell me?"
"I only saw him looking over when you got up just now. You just passed him." Simone took a quick look over her shoulder, "that's him at the counter."
Kay raked him over, "He is so hot."
"Umm, Kay. You know what? I changed my mind, I would like another cup. Could you be a doll and get it for me?" Simone said, pushing Kay her mug.
"You know, I am in such a giving mood today. Of course, I will." Kay stood up and grabbed the mug and walked back to the counter next to her mystery man.

"Hey Beth, could I get a refill for Simone."
"Sure, dear. Here you go." she said sliding her the mug full of coffee. "And here's your change." Beth said handing Nikolas a few coins.
"Thanks." he said as Kay watched him.
Beth, seeing Kay look at Nikolas and him flash her a smile, decided it was time for her to clean up the back tables.
"Excuse me," Nikolas said, facing Kay, giving her a full view of his face for the first time. "how long have you lived here in Harmony?"
"My entire life." she answered back, staring into his blue eyes. 'Where have I seen eyes like that before?' she thought to herself, but ignoring it.
"Great, then you know what a guy can do around here to keep busy."
"You're new in town?"
"Yeah, I just got in today."
"Do you have family here?" Kay asked wanting to get more information on this guy.
"Yeah, I'm visiting them."
"Visiting? So you're only here for a short amount of time." Kay said, showing the disappointment in her voice.
"Well, my parents expect me to be back at school in New York once my vacation's over."
"Oh, so when's that?"
"A few days."
"Few days? Shouldn't you spend time with your family since you're only here for a few day?" Kay said, irritated.
"If only you knew my family." Nikolas let slip.
"Well, maybe I do. What's their name?"
Nikolas froze trying to figure out what he was going to do. Should he tell her the truth? What would she say? His eyes wondered over Kay's shoulder to a magazine cover a man was reading.
"If you're not going to tell me their name, then I'm going-" Kay said, turning to walk away only to be stopped by Nikolas.
"Where?" Kay said looking around toward the ceiling.
"No, that's my families name. Bird."
"Oh, well, I don't know any Birds', except for the one's that fly." Kay laughed.
"It was real nice talking to you..."
"Kay." she finished off for him.
"Kay, but I have to go. I have big, coming home, family dinner tonight. And I have to prepare myself for it. So maybe I'll see you around." Nikolas said, walking toward the door.
"Yeah, maybe." Kay said, as he left. As soon as he was out the door, Simone was by her side.
"So is he as good as he looks?" she said smiling.
"Better!" Kay smiled back at Simone.
"What's his name?"
Kay's smile faded, "Damn it. I didn't get it."
"Oh I got his family's name though. Bird. Have you ever heard of any Birds' in Harmony?"
"Just sea gulls." Simone joked.
"Yeah, me too. I'll find them though. And that guy too. Come on, let's go back to my house." Kay and Simone grabbed there things and headed out the door passing the man reading the magazine Nikolas had stared at. The cover reading "Cranes in Danger of Bird Extinction."


Eve stared at Julian, concerned of what he was going to tell her about Chad.
"Is he all right? He's not hurt is he?"
"No, I just, I did something." Julian finally admitted, turning his back on Eve.
"Did something? To Chad?" Eve said, her voice now overriding concern with anger.
"No, I did something for him." Julian said turning back around.
"Was it a good thing? Oh wait, I forgot who I was talking to for a minute."
"It was a good thing. And thank you. I've always appreciated the amount of faith you put in me."
"Don't mention it."
"It's too little to mention."
"Just tell me, what did you do for Chad?" Eve said, getting irritated with Julian.
"I helped him. But now that I think about it, I might have done something pretty stupid."
"There's nothing shocking about that. How did you help him?"
"Well, see, this all started a few days ago, when I was talking to Sheridan. And she told me that if I wanted to try and work things out with Chad, I should make an effort. Sheridan went on and told me about the club Chad's opening downtown. So I decided to help Chad the only way I know how."
"And how's that?" Eve asked, getting suspicious of what Julian had done.
"And Julian, before you answer, if you paid for something or gave him money in any way, he will find out and he will not be thanking you. So please, Julian, tell me you did not give Chad or his club any money."
Julian stood there in silence for a moment. "It wasn't a lot."
"Oh Julian-"
"I was just following Sheridan's advice. Money's the only way I know how to help anything."
"That's the problem. Chad knows that. You know he grew up with next to nothing. Earning his own money and getting by without anyone's help means a lot to him. You giving him this money will not make him happy. Not one bit. If anything, he will only hate you more."
"He can't hate me more. He's already at the highest point of hate. Isn't he?"
"He can hate you just as much as my family hates me. And believe me, that's a lot."
"I guess I should have made an appointment," an anger, harsh voice came from the doorway.
"TC-" Eve said, almost happy he'd came to see her, only remembering Julian was with her. She made her way around her desk and in front of TC.
"Actually, we were through." Julian said making his way toward the door only having it blocked by TC.
"I just stopped by to give you these. I don't know or care where you're staying, so I just told my lawyer I'd drop them off here myself." TC said, shoving the brown envelope to Eve. He turned to leave when Eve grabbed his arm.
"Wait, TC, I really would like to just sit down and talk to you and the girls." Eve said, practically pleading.
"None of us care what you want, Eve. Just get those back to my lawyer fast. I want this over and forgotten. And stay the hell away from Whitney. She doesn't want you around."
"What about Simone? Have you dropped this restraining order yet? I want to see my daughter. Both of them."
"You're not getting anywhere near Simone. She's not of legal age yet. They're my daughters. You'd only poison them." TC said cruelly.
"Poison them in good ways only." Julian said, stepping up beside Eve. She looked at him strangely, when he realized how lucky he was to be in a hospital, because that's exactly where he's going to want to be after standing up to TC Russell.
"There is nothing good about her." TC said coldly. "I want those filled out and back by next week." He walked out of the room after giving Julian the look of death.
"He has a restraining order that says you have to stay way from Simone? Did she ask for it?" Julian asked concerned.
"I don't know. I haven't talked to her since I moved out of the house. If I call or go anywhere near her, I get put in jail, and I think I have a better chance of seeing my girls and my son out from behind bars." Eve said going back to her chair and sitting the envelope on her desk fearing what it was.
"I think I'll go and give you some time alone. I have to meet the others for dinner tonight."
"Livvie and Nikolas came home today."
"Are they going to meet Chad?"
"I don't know, I haven't seen them yet. I'll talk to you later." Julian said, heading toward the door and turning back around before he left. "Do you really think Chad can hate me more than he already does?" he asked giving her a look of disbelief.
Eve just nodded her head, yes, and Julian left.
Eve sighed and reached in her drawer and got her pills out for the second time that day.


Chad walked around the open floor of his club, checking the boxes for inventory that was still being brought in.
"Thanks for bringing this stuff in, guys." Chad said to the movers.
"Sure thing." One of the two men said as they headed for the door.
"Whoa, wait! I didn't get the bill."
"It's already paid for." the other man said.
"I didn't pay this shipment."
"Well, I chart says it was paid for yesterday." he said, pulling out a piece of paper. "Here's our copy of the receipt" he handed Chad the receipt.
"I didn't pay this." he said staring at the paper.
"Well, someone did." he men stood there for a moment, when the first man spoke, "We have to get the truck back tonight. You can call and work things out with the office to see if there was a mistake."
"All right. Thanks." Chad said, as the men left.
"Who would have paid for this?" Suddenly, Chad heard the door open and close and he turned around to see his ex employer.
"Hey you." Beth said walking up to Chad, "This place looks so awesome!"
"Thanks. How you doing?"
"I'm okay, moving along. I still don't know how the Book Cafe has lasted so long without you."
"It was up before I came to Harmony."
"But it was going down. Then I did, probably the smartest thing I've ever done in my entire life, I hired you. And my place, I mean, business stayed afloat."
"What's wrong with calling the Book Cafe your place?"
"Because it's not. It belongs to the Cranes. Just like everything else in this town, except for your place. Nope no Cranes own this business." Beth said as Chad turned away from her and pretended to be looking in some boxes. Chad had forgotten about Beth loosing the Book Cafe to Julian when her mom got sick. What would she think if she knew she once hired Julian's son? Or worst, she was standing in his club.
"I hope you're not going to be here all night." Beth said, breaking Chad's thoughts.
"I was planning on it. Why?"
"Why? Cause you need to get out. Have some fun! We could go to the video arcade. Oh I love that place." Beth smiled.
"There's a little kid in you isn't here?"
"There is in everyone. Haven't you every heard that phrase 'Find your inner child' or something like that? Well, we are going to find your inner child, Chad. And make him come out."
"All right. Could we at least stop off at the back first? I'm low on dough."
"Fine, but then it's fun times." Beth said as Chad went and locked up the doors and turned off the lights.


At that exact time, it was mid-afternoon in Harmony.
A shiny red mazda miata roamed down the ocean view road and passed a sign.
"Harmony, 6 miles." the woman said to herself as she turned the radio up louder and smiled knowing she would be having a wonderful time in a foreign town as she beamed down the road.


Nikolas walked through the front door of the Crane Mansion. He hadn't been there for years, yet it all looked strangely the exact way he remembered it. He walked in the living room where he found Sheridan and Luis.
"Nikolas?" Sheridan smiled as she walked up to him and gave him a hug.
"Wow, Aunt Sheridan, look at you."
"I try not to. It's very depressing." She laughed. "Oh I have to introduce to my wonderfully wonderful husband, Luis."
"Wonderful to meet." Nikolas said, "Uncle?"
"Sure why not?" Luis said.
"So where's Livvie?" Nikolas asked.
"She's here?" Sheridan asked, surprised. "I thought you two came home together."
"We did." Livvie's voice rang through the living room as she walked in, wearing exactly what she told Nikolas she would be. A matching top and skirt with swirls of every color thought of. "I had to come home and change."
"Oh it's so good to see you." Sheridan said, hugging Livvie as Livvie responded patting Sheridan's back.
"Livvie, this is-"
"Luis, yes I know. Lovely to meet you." she said, shaking his hand.
"You too."
"Oh now, come one. You don't have to lie to me. I bet you were raised to hate our family and are currently holding a very strong grudge against us, except for Sheridan. Correct?"
"Are you sure you're Julian's daughter? You're much smarter than him." Luis said to her.
"Oooh, look at that. Two compliments in a row. And I've known this guy for a whole minute."
"Well, it seems everyone is getting accompanied." Julian said walking into the room.
"Hey dad." Nikolas said.
"Ah, Nikolas, look at you, boy. How old are you now? 21? 22?" Julian joked.
"Damn, he got closer than I thought he would." Livvie said Luis.
"Hello, Julian." she said.
"How many times have I told you to call me 'dad' or 'father'?"
"Not nearly enough, Julian."
"Livvie." she corrected him.
"Since when?" Julian asked looking at everyone.
"Since I was old enough to rebel against Olivia."
"So how have you two been?" Julian said, ignoring Livvie.
"I'm okay." Nikolas said.
The group was interrupted by the opening and slamming of the front door.
"Doesn't anyone work around here? That's what we pay you for!"
Felicity's voice boomed through the house making everyone in the living room groan.
"Yep, family dinners. Got to love them." Luis said, sarcastically.
"Livvie, what's wrong?" Nikolas asked, seeing Livvie shiver.
"I just got this sickly feeling." she said.
"Don't worry. Felicity usually has that effect on people." Julian reassured her.
"No, Seeing or hearing Felicity makes me want to slap my head against a brick wall. Only one person makes me feel like this."
Just then, another voice was heard screeching in the entryway.
"Felicity Crane, I am your mother and I am as welcome to see my children as anyone else in this family is!" Ivy yelled as she and Felicity made there way into the living room.
"Mom?" Nikolas asked in disbelief.
"Yep, that's the person!" Livvie shouted.
"Oh this night can't get any worse." Luis sighed.
"What the hell are you doing here?" Julian asked.
"I came to see my children Julian. Oh Nikolas," she smiled as she hugged him, "and Olivia-"
"It's Livvie, Ivy." Julian smiled.
"Oh really? Is that you're artist name?" Ivy asked her, showing a look of disgust when she said 'artist'.
"Actually it's escort name."
"That's about right." Felicity spoke up.
"A hell of a lot better than yours, Gigi. By the way, I though you worked tonight." Livvie shot back.
"Are they always like this?" Luis whispered to Sheridan.
"Well, it's been such a long time since everyone was together."
"Is this the reason?"
"So, when is dinner?" Ivy asked looking around.
"You can't stay." Julian said.
"I have every right to see my children as you do, Julian."
"Well, see them another time. You weren't invited."
"Well, neither was Felicity. But when is she ever?" Nikolas shot out.
"You runt." Felicity said to Nikolas.
"I'm staying." Ivy told everyone once again.
"So much for keeping my dinner down." Livvie said to herself.


Chad and Beth walked around the corner to Harmony Saving. The two walked up to the ATM machine and Chad whipped out this card.
"Hurry up, Chad. All the good games are going to be taken." Beth said, sounding like a little girl.
"All right. I hope I have enough. The last time I checked, I didn't have but a few hundred dollars."
Beth leaned up against the machine as Chad put in his card and typed in his numbers. She saw him stand still as she stood up straight next to him and looked at the screen.
"Whoa, $300,000? I thought you said you only had a few hundred."
Chad looked back at the screen, hiding his anger as he put the pieces together. He got his card back and looked at Beth. "You know, Beth, I need to go take care of this. If the bank finds out about this, they might think I stole it. We'll go out another time."
"All right." she said, leaving.
"Damn it, Julian!" Chad let out heading down the street toward Raven Hill.


A maid appeared in the room and walked up to Sheridan and Luis.
"The cook said dinner will be ready in a few minutes."
"Thank you." Sheridan told her.
"Um, excuse me," Felicity said, motioning the maid, "you need to report to people who actually live in this house."
"She can't." Livvie stepped in. "Chances are either you'll cast a spell on her or Julian will try to get her in bed."
"Nikolas how's school?" Ivy asked, ignoring everyone.
"It's going." Nikolas answered, looking over at Livvie.
"Well, hope we can sit down and talk about your classes before you go back to school in New York." Ivy said to Nikolas.
"Actually I've decided to stay here."
"You're dropping out of school?" Ivy asked.
"That's unacceptable." Julian said.
"I'm not dropping. I'm just going to a different school."
"But a school where you can live in Harmony?"
"I've decided I'm going to enroll in Castleton College."
Everyone one looked at him in shock except for Luis and Livvie. Livvie knew exactly what was going on and Luis didn't understand what the big deal was.
"Castleton College? Locals go to that school." Felicity said.
"So." Nikolas answered.
"This is ridiculous. You will go back to the University in New York when your vacation is over and you will get a fine education." Ivy said.
"I can't go back." Nikolas said.
"Why?" Julian asked.
"I got expelled. They kicked me out." Nikolas said, once again getting silence, this time shocking Luis.
"How? You've only been there for 2 months." Julian said.
"I caused a little stir."
"What kind of stir?" Julian asked.
"I did an experiment to see what kind of impact an egg would make once dropped from a tall distance."
"That's all?" Julian asked.
"Well, it didn't work out the way it was supposed to. I hit a kid in the head with the egg."
Luis couldn't help but laugh imagining the scene.
"You just accidentally hit a kid in the head with an egg?" Ivy asked.
"From the bell tower." Nikolas let out.
Livvie chuckled, which lead everyone to realized she knew everything.
"You knew about this? And you didn't tell us? Or do anything?"  Ivy said.
"What could I do? Pay for the egg head's hospital stay?"
"Hospital?" Sheridan asked, looking at Nikolas.
"Slight concussion." Nikolas told her.
"You could have told us, Livvie." Ivy told her.
"This is no problem. I'll call the dean in the morning and they will have you back before lunch tomorrow. Why wasn't I informed of this? Don't they call students parents when they get kicked out?" Julian asked.
"They call who the student listed as their guardian." Nikolas told him.
"So why wasn't I told?" Julian and Ivy asked in unison.
"The guardian was told." Livvie spoke up. Everyone turned around to find her sitting on the couch. Having putting the pieces together, Julian and Ivy raged toward her.
"You named yourself Nikolas's guardian?" Ivy yelled.
"I asked her if I could name her my official guardian." Nikolas defended Livvie.
"Why?" Ivy asked.
"Because he needed someone close by, who would actually drop everything to go to him if he needed something." Livvie said, standing up.
"I would do that for you, Nikolas." Ivy reassured him.
"So would I, son." Julian said.
"Look real hard." Livvie told them, "that is not Ethan. It's your other son."
"I didn't-" Ivy started.
"You didn't what? Give a damn about him? We all knew that!" Livvie shouted.
"I love him, Olivia! He is my son!"
"Oh, but not the golden child just like me and Felicity, huh?" Ivy grew quiet. "Face it! Neither of you ever gave a damn about Nikolas, Felicity, or me. You only cared about the children you had out of wedlock! Someone else is going to have to figure that one out cause there is something severely wrong with a family that cares more about their illegitimate children than there other kids combined!"
Suddenly there was a huge slam of the front door and the maids voice.
"Excuse me, sir, I don't think you want to go in there."
"Oh yes, I do." Chad said, coming into the living room. "Julian, I swear to God, I'm going to have to kill you!"
"First come, first serve." Livvie said to him.
"What's wrong, Chad?" Sheridan asked him.
Livvie and Nikolas looked at each other and back at the man standing infront of their father.

Chapter 4
Chapter 2
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