Past and Present Danger: Chapter 4
by blueeaglex

Tabitha gazed inside her crystal ball, curious as to what she might see inside.


"I'm out of touch," Tabitha grumbled. "This is what happens when a witch loses her powers," Tabitha told Timmy. "I'm a big flop now."

"Try again," Timmy suggested.

Waving her hand over the crystal ball, Tabitha was almost surprised when something started to form inside. "It's working!" she said gleefully. "Show me one of the Eves," she commanded, tapping the ball with her right thumb.

A picture of Eve formed inside the crystal....she was singing at the jazz club, seemingly oblivious as to how out-of-date she appeared. Tabitha cackled, pleased with the results. "Now show me the other Eve."

This time, Tabitha saw Eve in the hospital, looking down at a patient's chart as she walked towards the elevator. Eve didn't notice the man coming from the opposite direction, also headed towards the elevator.


"Oh, this is going to get good."

"Would you like some popcorn?" Timmy held up a bag of popcorn he prepared.

"Why thank you, Timmy."

"And a Martimmy, of course." Timmy handed a drink to Tabitha, and started sipping his own drink.

"This is better than a movie," Tabitha declared, as she sat back to watch the mayhem which was about to unfold.


Looking down at his hospital report, Julian didn't pay Eve a bit of attention as he stepped into the elevator. Neither did Eve notice her former lover as he entered the elevator, since her attention was focused solely on the patient chart in her hands.

By the time Julian and Eve looked up and glanced at each other, it was too late: the elevator door had closed.

"I just can't stay away from you, can I?" Eve complained.

"I'd like to think we could get through an elevator ride without you getting at my throat," Julian said. "Though you're always welcome to get at another part of my body, if you know what I mean."

"I always know what you mean," Eve said, turning away from Julian. "What are you doing here, anyway?"

"Hospital board meeting." Julian pulled at his tie. "Why they'd schedule this on a Saturday morning is beyond me."

The elevator ride seemed to go on forever. Julian finally added, "I'm sorry for what happened last night, you know. I guess we got our signals crossed."

"Here's a hint, Julian: I will never want to be with you. Never. Ever. Is that understood?"


"Why is Eve being so mean to Julian?" Timmy asked, between handfuls of popcorn. "I know she doesn't like him, but still..."

"The only Eve who liked Julian was the one in the past," Tabitha pointed out. "This Eve has done everything to become the woman T.C. wanted for a wife, and that woman wants nothing to do with Julian."

"Tough break for Julian."

"Oh, but Julian will have his fun if he meets the other Eve," Tabitha said, laughing. "I just hope it happens before everything falls apart."

"Falls apart?"

Tabitha nodded at her cohort. "You can't exist forever as only part of a person. If the two Eves don't meet up eventually, both of them will die. Won't that be lovely?" The crystal ball began to move again. "Now sssh, I think things are just getting good now."


Julian stood quietly in the elevator as Eve continued to berate him. "What I wanted to do with you, I'll never know. I can only guess that I was an insecure young woman who didn't know any better. But I've changed, Julian. I'll never be that woman again. I--"

The elevator stopped suddenly, and the unexpected motion sent Eve off her feet, tumbling into Julian's arms. The light above turned off, plunging the elevator into darkness.

"What happened?" The anger was gone from Eve's voice, replaced by fear.

"The elevator appears to have stopped...hopefully it will start up in another moment or so."

Julian reached for Eve, holding her close to him as they wondered what they should do next.


T.C. sat in the hospital waiting room, a million emotions going through his mind. Fear. Sadness. Horror. Confusion. Would Whitney be okay? Why was Chad with her in his shed? And--what all had they seen inside?

Pacing the waiting room like an expectant father, T.C. looked up when the door opened--and Chad entered. T.C. had dropped his anger before, when Whitney needed to go to the hospital, but now it was all he could do to not strangle Chad.

"Is Whitney alright?" The worry on Chad's face almost made T.C. less angry towards him. Almost but not quite. "They're gonna be able to take care of her, right Coach Russell?"

"They haven't told me anything yet." T.C.'s eyes never left Chad's face as he went on. "But my daughter wouldn't be in this mess if she had stayed out of my shed." Chad looked down at his feet, not wishing to meet T.C.'s steely gaze. "Now would you like to explain what you were doing alone with my eighteen year old daughter in my shed?"

"Well you see, Coach Russell, I--"

"What's wrong with Whitney? Is she going to be okay?"

Simone had just rushed into the waiting room, looking for answers. Her blue purse hung over her shoulder.

"We don't know, Sugar Bear." T.C.'s voice softened as he spoke to his daughter. "Whatever this snake was, it worked quickly.

"What was she doing in your shed?" Simone asked.

"That's what I would like to know." T.C. crossed his hands over his chest, then stared back at Chad. "Chad?"

"Chad? You were with her?" All of Kay's previous warnings about Whitney being interested in Chad came flooding back to Simone's mind. "No," she told herself. "Don't be silly...I'm sure there's a perfectly good reason he'd be with Whitney in the shed."

"Well?" T.C. pushed. "Are you going to answer me or not?

Chad opened his mouth to give his answer.


"Would someone get us out of here!" Eve screamed, hitting the side of the elevator with the back of her bare hand.

"Whoever's in charge of the elevators is as good as fired," Julian snorted. He reached into his pocket and brought out a small bottle of brandy.

"Do you carry alcohol with you whereever you go?"

"It comes in handy." Julian lifted the bottle to his lips, downing the drink.

The elevator moved again, and as Eve screamed out, Julian dropped the bottle and took Eve into his arms. Again, the elevator stopped. Eve glanced down at the shattered bottle. "You chose me over the alcohol," Eve pointed out. "That's almost--sweet." Eve looked up at Julian, staring at him as though seeing him for the first time.

"And then you had to ruin the moment by putting your hand on my butt," Eve groaned, pulling away from Julian. "Honestly, Julian!"

"I thought we were having a moment."

The elevator shifted again, throwing Eve back into Julian's arms. Then, the door opened.

T.C., Simone, and Chad looked to Eve and Julian. T.C. was particularly focused on how Julian was holding on to his wife. "Julian, what the hell are you doing with my wife?"

Chapter 5
Chapter 3
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