Revenge Is Fair In Love (Money Is No Match For Love pt 3) ch. 1
by lordoftheringsfan

      It was a few weeks before Christmas, almost a year later. Antonio Lopez-Fitzgerald watched as Sheridan and Luis kissed across the room. Dealing with the truth that they were in love had been the hardest thing he had ever had to cope with. Just when he had found out that his illness wasn't fatal, he had lost the woman he loved. Liz watched Antonio's facial expressions.

      "Antonio, it's really for the best that you don't get caught up in the middle," Liz said.

      "I can't stay here anymore, Liz," Antonio said. "I'm going for a walk." Antonio left the newly rebuilt Lopez-Fitzgerald house. As the snow fell outside, he thought about all of the things that his sister Theresa would never get to experience again- Pilar's cocoa, Christmas Carols, her family and friends, her baby. When everyone found out that Theresa had died during the bizarre earthquake, Ethan was looking after Ethan Martin.

      Ethan knocked on the Bennette's door. He had been miserable that day, struggling with the idea of whether or not to propose to Gwen. Listening to the Christmas carols being sang inside, Ethan managed a smile.

      "Ethan, what are you doing here?" Sam asked.

      "Can I come in for a few minutes? There's something I need to talk to you about." Ethan said.

      "Sure," Sam said. Ethan went inside. "What did you need to talk to me about?" Sam asked.

      "I want to propose to Gwen, but it just seems so soon after losing Theresa." Ethan said. "But I'm afraid if I don't, something is going to come up and stop me like every other time I try proposing."

      "Just do whatever seems right," Sam advised. "I hope you make the right decision."

      "Geez, how many decorations can you possibly put up in one house?" Connie asked as they watched the Bennetts decorate the house.

      "Too many, that's for sure," Tabitha said.

      "Well, I thought of a way to make there be one less decoration," Connie said. Connie smirked as she saw Reese climb a later and prepare to put a star on the top. "Watch this," Connie said. Connie walked up to the ladder and shoved it over.

      "Aghhhhh!" Reese screamed as the ladder crashed down and took the tree with it. Everyone rushed over.

      "Reese, are you alright?" Jessica asked.

      "I'm fine, but that doll pushed the tree over!" Reese said.

      "Reese!" Everyone groaned in unison.

      "Ross, this doll had nothing to do with your latest catastrophe." Tabitha said.

      "I know what I saw," Reese said, remembering the incident from Halloween a year ago.

      "Reese, lay off," Sam said.

      "Alright, Chief Bennett." Reese said.

      "It's odd not seeing tomatoe soup cake everywhere at Christmas," Jessica said to Kay.

      "Mom hasn't been the same since she found out the truth," Kay said. Ever since Grace had learned the truth about Eve being John's mother and David being his father, Grace had completely withdrawn from reality.

     "Hey, Simone and Max are here!" Kay said as Simone and Max arrived. Max put down his crutch.

     "Wow, we never celebrated Christmas like this at the warehouse," Max said in disbelief as he watched the Bennetts decorate their Christmas tree. Last Christmas, he had spent in the hospital because the warehouse had collasped during the earthquake, leaving him in a coma. He had recovered, but he had a limp in his leg which required a crutch for walking for extensive lengths of time. With much convincing of Eve and TC, Max had been staying with the Russells until he going get his priorities sorted out and make it on his own.

     "So, how's the apartment search coming along?" Miguel asked.

     "Not so good," Max said.

     "I just wish there was some way to get Aunt Grace into the Christmas spirit," Charity said. Charity started singing Silent Night as everyone joined in.


      Julian watched as his son crawled around on the floor of the mansion. Rebecca entered the room and picked him up.

      "It's way past his bedtime," Julian said, looking at the clock.

      "Yeah," Rebecca agreed. Rebecca looked at Julian deviously. "It's way past ours too," Rebecca whispered in his ear.

      "Yes it is," Julian agreed. Julian and Rebecca took Allan upstairs and put him to bed. A few minutes later, they turned off the light and entered the bedroom.

      Theresa Lopez-Fitzgerald stood on the balcony underneath the baby's window, watching as the light turned out. Everyone had thought she was dead, at least, that's what she wanted them to think. Awaiting revenge on everyone that had ever hurt her, Theresa had used a new identity and lived in a different town for nearly a year. Now, it was about time that everyone knew the truth that she was alive, but first, she had to get revenge. Gwen was definitely on her list, but Julian and Rebecca were first. They had both known that Julian was alive and would have let her be executed if Alastair wouldn't have interefered. She thought about her baby.

      "If my baby can't be raised as a Crane, then why should theirs?" Theresa thought deviously. Theresa opened the window and climbed inside. She turned the light on and stood over the baby's crib. "You're coming with me, Allan," Theresa said, picking Allan up and climbing out the window and leaving the mansion. "This will make both of them sorry that they ever tried to ruin my life," Theresa said.

      "Julian, why is the light on in the baby's room?" Rebecca asked. "I could have sworn we turned it off."

      "Maybe one of the maids went in to check on him," Julian said, trying to reassure her.

      "We'd better go check." Rebecca said.


      Luis and Sheridan continued dancing to the tango that they had been listening to.

      "I don't believe it," Luis said with a grin. "Our first Christmas together as husband and wife," Luis said.

      "I can't wait until Christmas," Sheridan said.

      "Yeah, you always do go all out on decorating," luis said.

      Antonio entered the Book Cafe and sat down at one of the tables.

      "Hey, Antonio's here," Chad said to Beth.

      "I'd better go say hi," Beth said. "He looks kind of depressed. Beth sat down at the table with Antonio.

Chapter 2
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