Somehow I WIll Ch7- One Small Request
 by LilAngelGirl

Chapter 7-One Small Request

The room went quite as all eyes gazed at Ethan’s stern face. Theresa stared up at his eyes and gripped Chad’s hand. Miguel stepped up and spoke gruffly.
"Get out now." He said walked toward Ethan.
"I said I have something to say." Ethan repeated taking a step toward Miguel.
"And I told you to leave. " Miguel followed taking another step.
"Look, I came here to say something and I will say it." Ethan huffed.
Theresa slowly stood up, "Leave him alone Miguel." She mustered.
"But Resa." Miguel said staring back at his sister.
"Say whatever it is and then go Ethan." Theresa told the man staring at the crowd of people.
"Thank you Theresa." Ethan spoke with a grim smile.
Theresa nodded and slowly sat back down next to Chad.
Ivy smiled at her son, "So what do you want to say Ethan?" She questioned
"First off I’m not an outcast. And I really wish this town would stop treating me like one."
"No your just a man who abandons the woman he claims to love weeks before her wedding, now suddenly your back?" Miguel said bitterly.
"I made mistakes, I will be the first to admit that, I will never forgive myself for hurting Theresa."
"And Sheridan? What about her? You can’t undo what was done, she died thinking you didn’t love her." Miguel told him.
Ethan stared at the floor. "I loved Sheridan like a sister, always will."
"But she’s gone, and Theresa is strong, she has people who love her, so just leave." Miguel declared.
"Sheridan would want us to forgive, to move on." Ethan began.
"How do you know what Sher would have wanted? You left Ethan, you walked away for years! Don’t tell us what she would have wanted." Miguel shouted.
"He’s right." Theresa whispered. "Ethan’s right."
A silence fell, as Julian stepped beside Miguel. "Yes my sister would have wanted to see us all come together. "
Miguel looked at Julian his eyes raging with anger," And my brother would have wanted me to stomp his face in before he even go to the door." He hissed looking back at Ethan.
"But Sher would have talked him into a second chance Miguel." Hank replied.
Miguel frowned, "He might have pretended, but Hank you knew my brother, he would have never trusted this man again."
"All I’m asking is for everyone here to forgive me, I know I hurt Theresa when I left, I understand that Sheridan was heartbroken, and I will be the one to live with that, the one that must suffer over the pain I caused and the hearts I broke. I just want to say I’m sorry, to tell Theresa and who ever else I hurt that I made a mistake and I can only hope they forgive me."
"Is that all you have to say?" Theresa asked standing up.
Ethan nodded, "Just that I belong here, in Harmony and I want you to know I’m sorry, that’s all I know to say."
"Because I love Sheridan, and because I know she would want me to teach her children forgiveness I do forgive you Ethan, But because I am Luis’s sister, and I’ve learned in my life trust is to be earned, I do not trust you, and don’t know if I ever will." Theresa said her eyes refusing to look up at him.
Ethan nodded, " I understand how you feel, and I don’t blame you. But your forgiveness means a lot to me Theresa."
"I’m doing it for Sheridan, and for the children Ethan." She answered back.
"Thank you Theresa," Ethan said looking up at Miguel. "I’m sorry I bothered everyone, I’ll be going now."
Miguel nodded, "I think that would be best." He said putting his arm around his sister.

With those words said Ethan turned and left, as the door slammed behind him, Ivy frowned. "I think I’ll go after him, make sure he’s OK."
"That’s a good idea." Sam agreed.
Julian and Hank soon followed and soon the house was cleared Theresa looked around the empty house and sighed, slowly heading upstairs to be with the children, the one tie she had to her brother and sister-in-law.

Chad slung his keys down on the coffee table and looked around his house, the day had been rough to say the least.
"Justin, Jada, where you two at?" He yelled.
"Hey man keep it down, I just got your kid asleep." Justin said as he made his way down the stairs.
"You got Jada to go to sleep?" Chad asked.
Justin smiled, "Lots of dumb books makes that girl real tired."
"Well man I’ve gotta say I’m proud of ya, not just anyone can get my angel to go to sleep like that."
Justin smiled, "But I’m not just anyone." He laughed.
Chad nodded, "You got that right."
Justin looked at his brother for a moment, "What’s that in your hand?" He questioned looking at the video
Chad clung to.
"Oh, its a video message Sheridan and Luis left me before they died." He frowned.
"So how’s that family doing? Gotta be rough on them."
"They’re taking it hard, its sad deal ya know?" Chad said sitting down.
"How about you bro? Sheridan was your aunt, you OK?" Justin asked staring over at his older brother.
"I’m dealing, I’m more worried about Resa than anything."
"She got the kids didn’t she? That’s gotta be hard on her."
Chad nodded, "She’s a strong woman, but a person can only take so much."
"I heard that. Well I’m gonna go back upstairs and work on a new song I’ve been written, you gonna be
Chad smiled, "I’m all right, Thanks for taking care of Jada."
"Anytime. Night Chad."
"Yeah, Night Jut." Chad answered back as his brother headed back upstairs.
Chad looked at the tape in his hands, he walked over to his VCR and slipped it in.
"Well Sheridan, lets see what you had to say." He whispered as it began to play.

Sheridan sat next Luis, holding his hand a brief smile on her face, but it quickly faded.
"Chad, I hope you never see this, that I live a long life but if you are watching this, I have a few things to
say. Chad, I love you, your a strong man, a Crane man. You have the chance to make the Crane’s look
real, to make the Crane name something to be proud of. You Chad, can show everyone Crane’s do feel,
That we aren’t made of stone. I pray you do just that, break the wall’s the past Crane men have put up.
Show the world the love you have for Jada, more than that, show the rest of the family what it is to love,
to feel. Help my son and my little girl become Crane’s that love, that feel and help them see life as it is not
how it should be under just the Crane name. I know Theresa will do that on her own, she will make my
children strong, but help her with that please." Sheridan wiped a tear, "And my dear brother, Chad find
that part of you that is strong and bond with him. Become a son to Julian, help him become the man I
know he is, the man I’ve saw before. Show him how to love, and help him love. "
Luis smiled into the camera, "Chad, man I’ve got one thing to ask of you. It may shock you, then again I
hope it doesn’t. Chad, I respect you, admire you and have found you to be someone who I would trust
completly. In saying that, I want you to look after my sister. Theresa is a strong person, but in the case that
I’m gone, she’ll need someone, and I want that someone to be you. I think you two could one day be happy
together, given the chance, and if you did find yourself loving my sister nothing would make me happier.
I trust you with the lives of my children, and my hope would be you would be the man to help her raise
them. " Luis laughed and looked at Sheridan, "If nothing more, keep your friendship with Theresa strong
at least then she’ll have someone. My greatest fear is that Ethan will return, only to hurt her again. In that
case I hope you will be there for her, I know it’s asking a lot, but I’ve saw the friendship you have with her
and I believe it could turn into love, whatever happens, know you are one man I would love to see help
raise my children, If I can’t. Take Care Man.
Sheridan smiled into the camera again, "Chad I hope your not pressured by my husband. Just follow your
heart and if it leads you to Theresa, it would make us both happy, if not, stand by her as the friend you are.
I love you Chad, goodbye."

Chad frowned as Ethan’s words echoed in his head. "Whoa, you know how to surprise a man Luis. Even
when your gone." He said hitting rewind to watch the words play out again.

Chapter 8
Chapter 6
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