Sacrifices of the Soul, Chapter 16

Gwen opened the door to the room that she and Ethan had selected to be the baby’s room. Though, it was further from their suite than Gwen would have liked, Gwen agreed with Ethan that the sun in the room was the best, and that a child would be happy here.

It was just a bare room, now. A lone chair sat in the room, and atop of it was the book of swatches that the decorator had left. Gwen went to the windowseat, and looked out at the Crane Estate. She patted her stomach and began talking,

" Hi, little one. It’s your Mommy. We’re sitting in your room. Nothing’s here yet. I’m looking out at what will be your view one of these days. You’ll sit at this window, and look out, and know that all you see is yours. You’re the first born of the Heir to the Crane Empire. That’s a heavy burden for anyone, but, your father and I will be here to make sure that you have a happy life.

You can’t possibly know what you mean to me. I’ve lost a lot, but, somehow, I think that you’re here to help fill the holes in my heart, left by Daddy and Malcolm dying. Your Grandfather and Uncle would have adored you, and I’m going to make sure that you know all about them.

Of course, you’ll know the rest of your family too.

What can I say about them?

Well, you have your Grandmother Rebecca, who will never allow you to call her ‘Grandmother’. I’m going to have to find a suitable term before you’re born. Remember to tell her how beautiful she is, and she will remain an adoring fan of yours.

Then, there’s your other grandparents, Julian and Ivy. You won’t spend that much time with Julian..I promise.  Now, Ivy, she’ll adore you because you’re your father’s child.

There’s your great-grandfather Alistair. If he were healthy, I would be trying to find ways to keep you away from him. But, he’s sick and harmless, so you’ll visit him regularly.

You don’t have any Aunts or Uncles in town, except for your Daddy’s brother, Chad. I don’t know Chad, not that much. I don’t believe he would mean you any harm, and if it’s something that your Daddy wants, then Chad will be a part of your life. I think contact with Chad will never be boring for you.

Now, that leaves your Daddy. Things are not easy for him. He’s got a lot of new responsibilities placed on him. I know what he’s going through, because I went through it myself when your grandfather died. I can see him getting older by the day, because it is overwhelming at first, but, your father’s been bred to lead since the day he was born. As you will be taught also.

My only fear for you, is that Ethan and I will there for you. We have so many responsibilities. So much depending upon us. I’m scared, little one. I didn’t think your grandfather would die on me, leaving me in charge. I thought I’d have a few years with you and your siblings before I’d have to take over. The task of running things, and being a wife and a mother are scary. I want to be there as a support system for your father, and yet, I can’t do it, because I need it myself.

But, we’ll be ok. I know we will be, because I love you, and so does your Daddy. And, we love one another. There was a threat to our family, but, everything worked out. Would you like to hear that story? It’s quite interesting. The day your Daddy saved our family.

It begins with the Housekeeper’s daughter, Theresa Lopez-Fitzgerald."


Theresa is looking at her computer. She has her first english assignment for school.
She's saving a file, when her finger slips, and because of the key that she hits, suddenly her diary is open. Theresa stares at the screen. She thought she had gotten rid of all the entries that concerned Ethan when…that day happened.


Theresa and Ethan were walking in the Crane Garden on the far side from the house. Ethan hadn't been able to help himself anymore, as he swooped in and gave Theresa a long, lingering kiss. He looked into Theresa's eyes, and became lost, and out of nowhere, he said,

" I love you, Theresa. I don't know how or when, but, I love you. I've never felt anything like this before."

" Oh, Ethan! I love you too. I knew that we were supposed to be together. "

" Theresa...", Ethan said as he kissed her once again. It was true. He had never felt this way before. His life had been so settled, so determined. Everything was in its correct order, and he knew how his life was going to go.

Or so he thought, until he began spending time with Theresa. First, there was the time in the cabin between the two of them. He had wanted to alleviate the feelings of grief that she was feeling for Chuck, and then, he wound up doing his Elvis impersonation. Ethan didn't even know that he HAD an Elvis impersonation before that time. He certainly wouldn't have done anything like that with Gwen.


He didn't know what was going on. But, he couldn't deny what he felt for Theresa. His feelings were all a mess.

" Ethan...", Theresa says sweetly, " What are you thinking about?"

" I was thinking about how this came about? I'm wondering how this all could have happened?"

" It happened because it was supposed to. Because of fate."

" I don't know if I believe that, Theresa. I was supposed to be with Gwen, and you were supposed to be with Chuck. "

" Chuck?"

" Yes, Chuck. Theresa, I don't know if we should continue with this. After all, this could be one of those 'rebound' type of relationships. You and I have been involved in long-term relationships for somewhile. And, how can anything between us compare to the loves that we feel for Gwen and Chuck. Realistically, this is just some momentary blip. For me, possibly its nerves about the wedding, and for you, it's classic rebound-some guy gives you attention after a major breakup. It's easy for you to mistake your feelings, as for myself, this is probably a passing fancy. One of those 'fling' type relationships, and I think that we owe it to ourselves to back away from it."

" Back away?"

" Yes. Not see one another anymore. So, that we can put this in its proper perspective. Time apart will help me focus my attention back on Gwen and our relationship, and for you, it'll be time for you to really recover from Chuck, and for you to find something else to occupy your time."

" Something else?"

" A hobby. Maybe some sort of project. Possibly you could talk to a counselor of some kind. A relationship specialist."

Theresa couldn't believe her ears. Ethan wanted her to see a COUNSELOR? Like she would get over her feelings.

" But, Ethan, I LOVE you! And, you've finally said that you love me!"

" Theresa, don't you see? It can't be REAL love. We have that with our partners, Gwen and Chuck."

" Ethan, I'm over Chuck."

" Theresa, there is no way that the love you felt for Chuck could be erased in the relatively small amount of time that we've spent together. It's just not possible for whatever we've shared to mean to you what you and Chuck meant to one another."

" You're wrong, Ethan. What I feel for you is totally deeper than anything I've had for Chuck."

" It's not possible, Theresa. You've loved Chuck for years, just as I've loved Gwen for years. Years of caring can't be erased that easily. Though I feel something for you, and, maybe it is love, I know it can't compare, and you know it too."

Theresa was getting more and more agitated. " You're wrong, Ethan. What we share is more than anything I've had with Chuck, or what you had with Gwen. It's fate. It's destiny that we be together. WE are the ones in love. WE are the ones who are supposed to spend the rest of our lives together. I'm supposed to be Mrs. Ethan Crane, not Gwen."

" Theresa, I know that you might think this. But, I think that we've just gotten swept up in everything. We've been involved in some of the most romantic things that couple can do: planning a wedding. And, with you being so beautiful, and me feeling bad about Chuck and wanting to make you feel better, I think we got carried away. We've had nothing but dress up, and romantic dinners and dances, and fancy clothes, and talking in the moonlight. The setup for a 'fling' was perfect. But, I respect you too much to take advantage of you like this, Theresa. You're hurting from Chuck, and I'm not doing you any good by continuing this relationship of ours.We should spend time away from one another."

" Ethan, You can't do this! I love you! You've finally admitted that you love me too. You can't throw that away. We're belong together. "

" No, we don't. I want you to really take some time out and think, Theresa. If you search your heart, you'll realize that what we have is nothing. Nothing compared to you and Chuck. It's Chuck who has your heart. Chuck you've been in love with for years. Chuck you've imagined yourself having a future with. When you see yourself as a bride, you think of Chuck standing there as the groom. I'm but a substitute, Theresa, and you deserve so much more. Goodbye, Theresa."

Theresa stood there, crying, while Ethan walked away. She couldn't let him leave. She couldn't let Ethan not know how deeply she loves him. She couldn't let him believe that her love for him was a joke. But, there he was, walking away after admitting that he loved her. He just didn't know how much they were meant to be together.

" ETHAN!!", Theresa yells.

Ethan turns around.

Theresa runs to him. " Ethan, I Love YOU! Only You! It's always been you. There is no Chuck."

Ethan looks at Theresa with a puzzled expression on his face. " What did you say?"

" I said that it's only been you. I love you. I always have. There is no Chuck. The man I've been in love with my entire life has been YOU."

Chapter 17
Chapter 15
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