Sacrifices of the Soul, Chapter 72

“ Good morning, Julian.”, Sheridan said, entering the Crane living room for coffee.

“ Sheridan, why are you so chipper this morning.”

” I only have time for a quick cup of coffee before I go to work.”

” Ah yes, my sister, the working woman. How is that?”

” With Chad? Excellent. I’m very optimistic about our future success.”

Julian laughed. “ A Crane woman working. Will wonders ever cease.”

Sheridan turned her nose up at Julian. “ Not today, Julian. You won’t be able to bring me down.”

“ Chill out, Sheridan. Isn’t that what the children say. So, tell me what’s going on at the radio station.”

” Why, so you can sabotage it?”

” No, because I’m Chairman of the Board, and a nosy father. I would like to know what my son is up to.”

” We’re going to do a talent contest.”

“ A talent contest?”

” In case you haven’t been watching television, the hottest shows for reality-tv have been the talent contests. Haven’t you heard about American Idol?”

Julian shakes his head. Haven’t watched anything but CNBC and C-Span in years.”

” Well, it’s going to be big. Chad thinks we should publicize it from Maine to New York.”

” Whoah, this isn’t exactly a national radio station.”

” Julian, I wanted to talk to you about that. You and I both know that the Cranes own a group of small radio stations, up and down the East Coast.”

“ WHOAH. Sheridan, you’ve been employed for a hot minute. Let’s see what you can do with the one station.”

Sheridan shook her head. “ Julian, I understand your hesitation, but the reality is, we can use this talent contest to boost our profile for the ENTIRE network of stations. The promise of a record deal to whomever wins the top 2 spots? Using the internet to help us. Julian, I have so many ideas.”

Julian stared at Sheridan in shock. “ Oh my God. You’re serious.”

” Of course. “

“ There’s a fire in your eyes, Sheridan. And, I like it. Ok, give me a real proposal, Sheridan. Let’s see what your overall ‘vision’ is, and see if it’s doable. “

“ Where we are, or what we could be.”

” Both. Nothing wrong with dreams, but I need to see that you’re feet are planted in reality. “

“ Thank you, Julian.” Sheridan kissed him and left.

Julian drank come coffee. “ I wonder how Officer Lopez-Fitzgerald is going to deal with this new Sheridan. The man has more pride than muscles.” Julian laughed and went back to his paper.


“ So, can I get you two anything else?”, Eve asked her children.

“ Mom, come on. Chad and I are stuffed!”, Simone replied.

“ Doc, it’s true. This is quite a breakfast.”

Eve sat down at the table. “ You have no idea what this means to me.”

Chad and Simone looked at one another, and then began to laugh.

” There she goes again, Simone.”

” Tears, tears.”

Eve threw her napkin at her children. “ Not very sensitive of you, teasing your mother.”

“ We don’t mean any harm, Doc. I’m…I’m really glad that you’re back.”

Simone looked at her mother with sincerity. “ Me too.”

“ It’s good to be back among the land of the living.” Eve looked at Chad, who understood the depth of her comment.

“ So Chad, how’s your job?”, Simone asked.

” Great. I’m so psyched about it. Sheridan has a lot of really good ideas, and she actually is interested in what I have to say.”

” You like working for the Cranes? What are they like?”

Chad thought about it for a minute. “ Well, Sheridan is really nice, but you already knew that. She’s a good soul. I used to be friends with Ethan, and slowly, we’re trying to find common ground. I think I should stay away from Ivy.”

” Yes, you should!”, Eve said so curtly that both her children stared at her. “ I don’t like Ivy. I think she’s a mean, spiteful woman bordering on pure evil. Julian told me of the stunt she pulled at Ethan’s dinner.”

“ What stuff?”, Simone asked, her eyes wide with curiosity.

“ Just a speedbump.”, Chad said, as he tried to brush it off.

” Bullshit!” Her children looked wide-eyed at Eve again. “ Simone, Chad’s dear stepmother, at Chad’s first public event as a Crane, wanted to humiliate Chad by having him be in confrontation with a known racist. I heard how you handled yourself, and I’m proud of you. Don’t EVER turn your back on that bitch. Do you understand?”, Eve said, looking directly at Chad.

Chad knew she was serious. “ I get it, Doc. She sees me as a threat to Ethan.”

” Yes, she does. And nothing on EARTH means more to Ivy than Ethan. She’ll mow anyone over if she sees them getting in the way of Ethan’s ‘destiny’. But, be rest assured, she’ll never pull another stunt like THAT again. She’ll have to go through me first.”

Chad and Simone looked at one another. Neither one had ever seen Eve like this. This new Eve was nobody to try and piss off.

” Good to know you’ve got my back.”

Eve laughed. “ I guess I did sound fierce, huh? I’m your mother, and I’ll protect you.”

” We know that, Mom.”

“ So, Simone, how is cooking school?”, Chad asked.

“ It’s interesting. I’m actually good at it.”

The phone rang. “ I think it’s my lawyer. I have to get it.” Eve got up and left the dining room.

Chad finishes up his food.

“ Chad?”

” Yeah, Simone?”

“ Remember what I told you about Mom and the divorce? Well, I’m more sure than ever. I want to live with Mom.”

“ It would probably be good.”

” Probably? It’ll be great. Mom wants me. She loves me. I’m not an afterthought with her.” Simone realized what she said, and lowered her head.

“ Simone, you’re not an afterthought to your father. He’s just going through tough times.”

“ Yeah, I know he loves me, but it’s hard being invisible most of the time.”

Chad pulled Simone over and kissed her head. “ We love you, Simone. All of us.”

Chad sent up a silent prayer as he held his little sister in a supportive hug.

Please keep her safe. Please help us to help her before the monster gets control over her.

Chapter 73
Chapter 71
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