Sacrifices of the Soul, Chapter 92
by SIPort


Sam was going over some paperwork from the office when his doorbell rang.

” Hey, TC! I heard you were back.”

” Yeah.”

” Let’s get some beers and go sit out back. “

TC and Sam sat outside.

” So, how’s Simone?”

” She’s still unresponsive. But, she’s back in Harmony, and I know that it will just take a little time for her to come back to us.”

” It’s got to be tough for you. “

” It is. She’s my Sugarbear; my baby girl; and I didn’t protect her, Sam.” TC began to cry.

” Hey, man…come on. Come on. You can’t think like that. None of us are perfect parents.”

” But, she needed me, and I was all wrapped up in MY anger and garbage ..”

” TC. You’ve gone through a lot. You love Simone. You’re devoted to her. You can’t turn back time. Stuff happens to our kids. We’d do anything to protect them, but sometimes we fail. We have to make sure we don’t repeat our mistakes. That’s all we can do.”

” I’ll be guilty until the day I die, Sam.”

” I know. I know for all my words, you’re a good parent, and guilt will go along with that. So….how are things between you and Eve?”

“ To be honest, better than when we left.”

” Really?”

” Eve and I had a long talk in New York, Sam. I asked her to explain how she could lie to me all those years, and she did. She told me the truth about her background. It was horrible. Simply horrible.”

” Really?”

TC nodded. “ It was bad. I couldn’t have imagined it was that bad, but it was. I understand Eve better now. I understand her decisions. I don’t have to agree with them. I hate that she lied to me, but I know that her lying to me wasn’t her trying to make a fool out of me. That she did love me and our life together, but she felt she had to lie because she wanted to be with me. I thought she enjoyed humiliating me; that isn’t the case. She just didn’t think she had a choice. A lot of her lies were because she wanted to protect our daughters; part of it was wanting to run away from her past. If I had that past, I’d want to run away from it too. She loves our girls.”

” So….do you think you have another chance?”

TC shook his head. “ No. Too much water and all that. But, now, I know that the past 20 years WERE real. I needed to know that. I’m as worried about Whitney as I am Simone. Whitney needs help too. She really is a simmering mound of rage, and it’s just wild. “

” One kid at a time, TC. Simone has to be your priority now.”

” I know. For so much of her life, Simone has had the backseat to Whitney. That was my doing, and it was wrong. I love Whitney, but Simone is priority one right now. “

” You know that anything you need…”

“ Thanks. You know, I didn’t ask, but I know that the Cranes are footing the bill for Simone’s room, and round the clock nursing.”

” Yeah?”

“ I love Simone more than I hate the Cranes. And, Chad did find her. So, if he wants to help her, my pride isn’t that important.”

” I’m glad you realize that.”, Sam replied with a teasing tone.

” Yeah, Samuel, I’m learning in my old age.”

“ Kay, do you think we know enough?”, Miguel asked.

” Miguel, we’ve gone over all the recipes. All the plans. All the tweaking we’ve done. We know what we’re doing. We’re going to win!”

Miguel smiled. “ I hope so. I’m glad I took this class. If only because I’ve been able to experiment at home, and Mama hasn’t had to cook much lately. It’s been a good help.”

” I know. I’ve been able to help my mom. I used to look at my mother as the Harmony version of Martha Stewart. She’s so intimidating. But, now, with the cooking class, even when I’ve messed up, Mom has been willing to work with me. It’s weird. We’re finally connecting. When I see the work that Mom puts into it, and it’s just the meals, I have more respect for her. Her family is her life, and I used to scoff at that, but now, I know everything she does, she does it with the love of her family as the focus.”

” Kay, that’s the nicest thing I’ve ever heard you say about your mother.”

“ I know. I’m shocked that I’m saying it too.”

” How was Simone?”, Miguel asked seriously. “ I was waiting for you to bring it up, but..”

” I know. I know. I…silly me, I thought, if I did her hospital room just right, everything would be fine. And, Simone would be staying there for a few nights. When she came into the hospital room, in the wheelchair, and she said nothing, it hurt. Then, I realized she wasn’t talking to anyone. It was like we weren’t there. Her eyes were like glass, Miguel.” Kay began to cry. Miguel held Kay in his arms. “ Hey, it’s ok.”

” No! It’s not ok. She’s my best friend. She’s a teenager! She’s had a mental breakdown! I didn’t know what that meant. I looked at that person, and it wasn’t Simone. No life. No fire. No soul. “

” Simone is there.”

” Oh, I know she’s there. And, I’m going to fight for her. “

” You know, that’s something I admire about you, Kay. You fight for those you love.”

Kay blushed. “ I didn’t think you admired anything about me, Miguel.”

” Kay, there’s so much to admire about you. You’re special, Kay. So special.”

Miguel put his hand up to stroke Kay’s face. Neither one of them noticed Charity looking through the window.

Whitney sat next to Simone’s bed.

“ I know that visiting hours are over soon, but I wanted to be here with you. Simone, I want you to yell at me. Scream at me. Tell me off. Anything!”

Whitney began to cry.

“ Simone, YOU were always the strong one. You had the will of iron. You had your own mind and stood your ground. I was the mass of mush who did as I was told by Her and Daddy. You gotta remember that, Simone. You have to remember how you marched to your own drumbeat. And, it was a beautiful drumbeat. You are so bohemian. So wonderful. Your independence is amazing. Oh please, Simone. Please come back.”

Whitney put her head down on the bed and cried.

Chapter 93
Chapter 91
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