Subject: Eve Cuts Julian Loose.....and Rebecca's Soulful Confession

Rebecca wants to know what the phone call was about. She tells Julian that she thinks it was about ' his floozy Eve', and Julian tells her it was about business. Rebecca tells him that business doesn't get him that upset, and Julian responds, it does when I stand to lose a great deal of money. Well, the loss of Crane money definitely gets Rebecca's attention, and she wants to know how much. Julian tells her not to worry - not enough for her lavish lifestyle to be affected. Rebecca tells him she wasn't just thinking of herself. That Julian is her husband, and that she doesn't want him to be stressed out about work or anything, and then drapes herself over Julian, telling him that she has a stress reliever for him......their sexual games.

Julian isn't interested, but Rebecca tells him about her plans, which will end with them playing a variation on Master and Commander - Master and Cabin girl. Julian finally agrees to it, and Rebecca is happy, as she goes off to prepare for their twosome. I loved the actors' choices in this scene. Andrea is pouring it on, stroking Julian as she purrs in his ear, telling him about her plans for the two of them. Ben's Julian is cringing more and more and showing it on his face, the more detailed she gets with the plans.  He agrees to Rebecca's plans because he has to get rid of her in order to concentrate on Eve. Julian says that he has to do whatever he can to help Eve.

In TC's Shed, Lizzard is prodding TC about the night of the accident. TC is remembering that there was another person in the car who hit him that night. Eve is sitting down, listening to this recollection, in pain. TC says that he has been so focused on Julian, that he didn't think about the other shadow. That there was someone else in the car that night. Lemon turns to Eve and hisses, ' of course there was, Eve - YOU'. Lizzard then goes all sweet back to TC, asking him if he knows who the other person was. TC says no, and then she asks Eve if she knows who was in the car with Julian that night. TC says that Eve wouldn't know anything about it because she didn't even live in Harmony back then, and wouldn't know anything about Julian and the ' disgusting scum' he hung around with back then. Eve is good. That she comes from a good family. Lizzard says she's heard that, but sleazy lowlifes can be tricky - they pretty themselves up and weasel their way into your life, and you don't really realize what they are until it's too late. TC thinks Liz is talking about Julian, while Lizzard is, in fact, talking about Eve.  She asks Eve if she agrees with that assessment, and Eve doesn't get the chance to respond because she gets a call on her cellphone.

It's Julian. He tells her that he found out that Liz was snooping around, trying to find out information about TC's old car accident. Julian figures out that Eve is with TC and Liz, and tells her that he needs to see her. Eve agrees, and tells TC that it was the hospital calling about a patient, and that she has to go. TC tells her that he understands, and doesn't want her to feel bad about the accident. TC tells Eve that she couldn't have been at the accident, but that she's been there for him, everyday of their lives for years. TC says that he thanks Eve for getting him off of the painkillers, which goes against Hidden Passions, but I guess, I should be grateful that they even brought out this part of TC's characterization. TC tells Eve that she's been so supportive and loving, and that he knows she would never do anything to hurt him. Eve's in agony, and rabid Lizzard is foaming at the mouth, wanting to tell TC the truth.

Once Eve is gone, Lizzard plants into TC that if they can find the other person in the car, then that person could set the record straight. TC comments that it was probably one of ' Julian's whores', and Lemon won't disagree on that. Lizzard then makes the 'suggestion', that maybe it wasn't Julian who hit him all those years ago. Maybe it was the OTHER person in the car.

Eve is over at Julian's, telling him of these memories she is having about a car and an accident. Eve asks for Julian to tell her truth - that she was there, in the car, with him, that hit TC. Julian tells her it's true. Eve is devastated, wondering how she could block it all out. Eve asks Julian why he didn't tell her, and he says he thought it was for the best. Eve asks how, since the destroyed the life of the man she married, and Julian tells her that they weren't married. That she didn't even know him. Julian tells her not to blame herself, that if she has to blame anyone, she can blame him.

Eve asks Julian to tell her one more thing. That she has flashes of her behind the wheel, even though she didn't have a driver's licence back then. Julian begs her to put it out of her mind, and Eve says that she can't. Eve asks him if she was the one driving the car that destroyed TC's life?

Eve asks Julian again if she was the one who was driving. The level of desperation was evident. It reeked from every pore of her being. Like her life depended upon his answer. And, he gave her the only answe he could:

NO, she was not driving the car.

The relief on Eve's face was evident. She asks him if he was just telling her this in order to spare her, and he says no. He was the one driving. Eve breaks down in tears, saying she doesn't know how she could have lived with herself if it had been true. Julian goes to comfort Eve by pulling her into a hug, and Eve pulls away, telling Julian it's too much. Julian says that they love one another. Eve asks him what their love has cost, and Julian says their love created a son. A son that they can't find, Eve replies. Julian says that they will find him. Eve says that she knows now because of them, TC lost his dreams. Julian tells her not because of them, because of him. Eve goes onto say that Whitney hates her because she thinks they're having an affair. Julian says that they're not, because Eve has done nothing wrong. Eve responds that she's done EVERYTHING wrong. You can read a lot into that statement. Anything you wish, because it's so true that Eve has made many missteps on the show.

She tells Julian that she's a married woman with a family. That she's supposed to put them first. That she has to put an end to this before they hurt anyone else. Julian tells her that she'll be hurting her and him because they love one another. Eve tells him that they're poison together. Their relationship is destructive to them and to everyone around them, and it has to stop. She tells him that she's never going to see him again. Julian tells her that she doesn't mean it. Eve begs him not to make it harder for her than it already is. He can't call her; he can't try to see her ; he can't contact her ever.

Julian tells her that she doesn't mean it. Eve says that she can't take it anymore. Too much pain. Too many ruined lives. Julian says that he loves her, and she says that if he does, then he will respect her wishes and never try and contact her again. Eve runs out, and Julian calls out to Eve, begging her not to do this.

Rebecca then comes into the Library, and states that it's finally over between him and Eve. Julian tells her he's not in the mood to hear her gloat. Rebecca tells him that she's not going to. She tells Julian that she's never see him like that. Julian expects the next words to be Rebecca going in for the kill - her zinger. Rebecca tells him that they'll be no zingers tonight. Rebecca says that she can't believe she's saying this, but isn't there anything Julian can do to get Eve back? Julian tells her the only thing he could do is cause her more pain.

Rebecca says that she should hate Eve, but she doesn't. Not completely. She envies Eve. Because, she has Julian's love. His true, selfless and uncondtional love. Rebecca says that she knows she doesn't have it, and never did, and probably never will. She made her bed. She settled: for the name, and the money. And, up until that moment, she didn't think it mattered. But, now, when she sees how much Julian loves her. .....nobody has ever loved her that way. She wonders how it must feel. She tells Julian goodnight, and that they'll save the costumes for another night.

What a wonderful exchange between them. Andrea was absolutely fabulous, showing a vulnerability to Rebecca that rarely, if ever comes out. It was not only the acting, but the body language. The little gestures. She wanted to physically comfort Julian, human to human, but she was so awkward with her touches, being oh-so-gentle, like touching him scalded her. The kiss of her lips to her hand to his cheek, in comfort, was terrific.

And, Ben and Tracey. Eve ripped out her heart and Julian's today. She just wants the pain to stop. She's so desperate about it, she sees this as the only way. Ben wore Julian's heart on his sleeve and face today, as Eve ripped it to shreds. The pain between them. Him sparing her, to the end, not willing to sentence her with the truth. Giving her that gift. When Eve pushed him away, and physically stopped him from trying to comfort her, Julian was devastated. My heart was broken for my Evian, because I understand everyone's motivations. I ache for them, but it was terrific soap.