Subject:  The Squeeze of the Hand between Julian/Eve - Loved It
Date:  Thu, 17-Oct-2002

I loved Julian with the Russells today.
It's hard being a TC fan. Especially when he acts like he did yesterday and today. I was so disgusted when he went into beating up Julian. TC was always a loving and concerned father. He should have picked up Julian, thrown him away, and been consumed with finding out about Whitney. He didn't even look Whitney's way, which was so disappointing.

Today, he's back beating up Julian, and Eve is trying to pull him off of Julian, even asking Chad to help. Whitney finally comes to and tells them to stop TC - that Julian helped her.

Whitney told them that Julian helped her. That he saved her life. Eve was concerned when she couldn't find a pulse. They took Julian to the hospital, and Eve began to work on him.

Whitney told TC, Eve and Chad about what Julian had told her about the woman he had loved. TC didn't think it was true; that the woman was better off. Whitney said that Julian showed her another side. He was 'fatherly' towards her.

People are now buzzing that Whitney is Julian and Eve's child. I don't believe it. Outside of the timeline being utterly wrong, I think Whitney chose those words carefully because she wanted to make it clear that Julian made NO advances towards her. I mean, considering Julian is married to and has a child (for now) with Theresa, everyone knows that age isn't a problem with him. Whitney used those words to reinforce that Julian had not made improper advances towards her at all.

I'm sure it wasn't calculated on the part of Julian, but, somewhere in his mind, he knows that a major way to Eve's heart is through her children. If he has any chance of getting her back, he must treat her children well. He must show a 'different' side of himself to them. Plus, as someone pointed out to me, the more time Julian spent with Whitney, there was probably a part of him that believed, if he had chosen differently, that Whitney could be 'his ' daughter. She would be part of 'his' family with Eve.

Eve was moved by them. She doesn't even understand how or what is happening. The roles have changed and she hasn't processed it all.

Eve went into see Julian, and as she was checking up on him, Julian awoke and squeezed Eve's hand. I LOVED IT!