Subject: Julian/Eve and the Vision Today. Julian Revealed a Bit Too Much

Today was great for this Julian/Eve fan.

Actually, I really enjoyed Eve and TC too, because it showed why Eve is with TC.

Eve and TC were at the Crane Mansion, talking about Julian. TC was ragging on Julian – what else is new? And, Eve commented that she felt sorry for Julian. TC said that it was an example of Eve’s generous heart, and that she’s lucky she never had any dealings with Julian as a young woman.

Of course, the irony of all of this is too much to take. It shows the gaps in TC and Eve’s marriage, and how TC has married an illusion. He married the woman he ‘thinks’ Eve is, but not who she really is.

TC was sweet when he said that with all Julian’s billions, he wouldn’t trade places with him, because he has what counts – Eve’s love. How lucky he feels to have her in his life. What woman wouldn’t want to hear that, and Eve is no exception. In fact, it validates how she sees TC in her life – her ‘Prince’. Her protector. The man who wouldn’t let outside forces come between them- which is what Julian did.

TC and Eve are hugging when Rebecca comes upon them. Rebecca and a donkey. They laugh about it, and Eve sees that she’s lost a charm. She will go look for it, while TC gets the girls.

Eve also remembers a conversation she had with Grace. One about Chad, and how Whitney was interested in him, and she was glad that he wasn’t her son, because it would be a disaster. This also contradicts the –Simone and Chad are great- shtick that TC is shoveling. Eve comes to the present and tells herself that Chad couldn’t be her son because they did the DNA test, and it came out negative. Hecuba is looking at Eve through her magic pool and tells her that tests can be falsified…that mistakes can be made.

Rebecca goes to the Library, where Julian is listening to the old tape of Eve. She’s ready to play games, but Julian declines. I know we’ve seen all sorts of kink between these two, but I REALLY don’t wanna think about why the donkey was there..LOL

Rebecca, schemer that she is, is by far one of the smartest characters on Passions, and I don’t think Julian appreciates that yet. Once again she has noticed Julian’s attachment to the tape, so much so that he didn’t even want her to turn it off. She told him that the voice is ‘familiar’. How much longer will Rebecca be in the dark? How much longer before she realizes that the voice belongs to Eve?

Rebecca and the donkey leave, and Eve comes by the Library. She’s furious with Julian. How could he be listening to the tape? How many does he have? He tells her many. He KNOWS that TC has caught him listening to the tapes. What if TC puts 2 + 2 together and comes up with Eve on the tape? How could she possibly explain it? She knows that TC would hate her and do worse to him, and STILL he continues to do it?

She ‘forbids’ Julian from listening to them. He chuckles and tells her that he can’t deprive himself of this pleasure. Of the happiest time of his life. She says it was the worst time of her life, and Julian looks SO hurt.

 I thought Ben Masters was fabulous in expressing Julian’s hurt about it all. He tells Eve that he didn’t know about her pregnancy because of Alistair, and she says that it’s convenient to have Alistair there to hide behind. Once again he apologizes, realizing how hurt Eve really is.

A shallow point – I think Ben Masters looks great, and I loved the ‘relaxed’ look of Julian, lounging in the vest and unbuttoned shirt.

Julian and Eve are there, then the green mist rolls in…..and, we finally get a vision.

We see Julian. He comes in and gets himself a drink. I think it’s noteworthy that he’s getting club soda, and not his beloved brandy. Maybe he drinks in current Harmony time for what he knows he doesn’t have. Eve comes into the apartment, and she’s so happy to see her HUBBY Julian! She has missed him so.

He’s missed her too, and he tells her before they stop missing one another, he has something to show her – another cover of Eve for Rolling Stone.
Eve can’t believe that she’s gotten the cover again, but why not? She’s had her fabulous husband running things. She thanks Julian for all he did. She has the career she wanted, and they succeeded by working together.

 They talk about how he stood up to Alistair, who disinherited him, and they were broke for awhile, but succeeded anyway. Julian downplays his involvement, believing that Eve would have made it anyway, but she doesn’t think so.

Eve and Julian come out of the vision to the present. Eve is like ‘ WTF just happened?’, and Julian is literally the happiest that I’ve seen him since the beginning of the show. It was all over his face. He tells her that he sees his dream.

Julian was SO unguarded in this moment that he let it slip.

” Eve, I love you with all my heart.”


The PRESENT tense. In the past, Julian has always spoken of his feelings for Eve in the PAST tense. He could distance himself from them. Well, today, he couldn’t. His heart burst open, and this is what came out.

Eve’s immediate reaction?

Put up that shield. Don’t hear what he said. Reinforce her feelings about her life. She wears her life with TC and the girls like a shield. She had to bring them up to Julian. To tell him what she has.

Bringing up TC, they go back into the vision. They are kissing once again, and the door opens.

 It’s TC. He’s standing there, in his leather pants (yeah, baby), and open shirt. He comes over to Julian and hugs him. He and Julian are friends, and Julian has given him financial tips that have paid off. TC is a tennis champion, and they talk about him possibly retiring. TC really does look happy.

Then comes Rebecca down the stairs. She’s a PR person, and tells Eve about her upcoming photo shoot. The funniest part of the vision is when TC and Rebecca see one another. Sparks fly, and they wind up together.

Julian and Eve look at one another in the present about TC and Rebecca. Before they can delve too deep into that, they are back in the vision, and Rebecca tells them that their son will be there for the shoot. Just then, a young man comes into the room. Julian and Eve smile at their son, but we can’t see his face.

Julian and Eve come back to the present, and Julian tells Eve he couldn’t see their son, and Eve is acting emotionally about ‘their son’.

As an Evian fan, you know this vision was delightful, and outside of Kay’s, I think the most true to what really could have happened.

Julian and Eve are rich, just a different kind of rich than the Crane money. Eve is successful in the music business, which only could happen with support, the kind of support Julian would have given her. And, they have their son, which I believe would have happened too.

I really enjoyed it, especially Julian’s declaration. I loved Ben and Tracey together. That vision, IMO, will be the impetus for Julian to begin searching for his son.