The Turns Life Takes - Julian/Eve - Chapter 6
by yhh

Ringing the doorbell, Julian waited patiently. Patience was a new virtue he was learning, especially with Ethan-Martin running around. A month had past since he had seen his precious Eve or rather a month since he saw her in public and talked to her. He had watched her and Endora at the park and other little outings they had taken around town, sometimes with Eve's older daughters and sometimes without. Endora. He tried to see if he saw any of himself in the little girl, but he could never get close enough. But if Eve thought and believed the girl was his, then he believed it too. Plus Endora's presence in his life was allowing him to put another foot in Eve's life, now if he could find their son, and get her to acknowledge the love she felt for him, life would be perfect. Maybe he should buy Endora a pony. Didn't every little girl want one? It's the least he could do for the person who brought his love back to him.

"Julian, what are you doing here?" Eve demanded, closing the door behind her.

"I've come to visit my daughter," he replied with a smile.

"A month later, you remember you have a daughter?" she questioned, praying she hid the hurt she felt because he hadn't bothered to come and visit Endora sooner.

"I thought she needed time to deal with her mother's death and to bond with her new family. Eve, she is a young child. I didn't think all these changes at once would be beneficial to her mental health or emotionally one, for that matter."

Eve stared at the man in front of her. Was Julian giving her parenting advice? Who was this man? Though she had to admit to herself only, his sensitivity towards Endora touched her. For a moment it was like having back the Julian she once loved.

Allowing Eve to process his sincerity, Julian decided to put his plan into action. "I was wondering if we could meet at Kathleen's house so as to keep down the ugliness between myself and that brute you married?"

"He is not a brute."

"A man who uses his fists to settle disagreements is a brute- - no, no," Julian stated when Eve was about to argue with his comment. "I came to see my daughter. I will be waiting for you at Kathleen's." Looking at his watch, as he stepped away from the door, he said, "I'll see you both in twenty minutes." Before Eve could get a word in edgewise, Julian had taken off.

What in the world had just happened?

"Honey, who was at the door?" TC asked.

Walking back into the house, Eve closed the door. "A salesman."

"Oh. Okay. Well, I better get out of here," he said, walking up to her. "Have I told you how much I enjoy you being home?"

"Yes, you have." On numerous occasions. How did he think they could keep the lifestyle they had if she quit her job to be a stay-at-home wife and mother? Did he forget he was a teacher and a coach? Did he even look at his paychecks or did he just deposit them knowing she would took care of everything else?

"I love you, honey." He kissed her cheek, grabbed his coat, and headed out the door.



"Aren't you forgetting something?"

TC did a mental checklist, but nothing came to mind.


"Eve, she doesn't like me."

What was he two? "TC, she's a toddler who has just lost her mother and now is living in a new house with a new family. You're the first father figure in her life. Give her some time, she'll warm up to you."

"The girls weren't like this," TC reminded her.

"That's because you were there from day one. They remembered your voice from the womb. Endora hasn't had that advantage- -"

"She likes Sam."

"Because she doesn't see him every day." Why did he have to act like such a child? "I'm not asking you to hug and kiss her. I just want you to treat her like a human being and say goodbye to her. That's it."

Noticing his wife's rising temper which she rarely displayed, he decided to do as she asked. Though he had noticed her temper showing through more and more since this kid had come to live with them. He knew this hadn't been a good idea from the beginning. This kid was coming between them. "Goodbye, Endora."

The toddler sat on the floor in the dining room, happily playing with her doll.

"Endora?" Eve called out.

Turning towards Eve, Endora looked up at her new mother. "Yes?"

"Daddy TC said 'goodbye' to you. Didn't you hear him?" Eve asked, knowing Endora had heard him.

Endora stared blankly at Eve.

Eve wanted to scream. Her angelpie had the stubbornness of Simone, TC, and Julian in her pinky finger and it drove her batty sometimes. If Endora was like this at two, God help them when she was fifteen. Giving up on the “did you hear him” fight, Eve continued on. "What do you say back to him?"

"Bye," Endora said dismissively, then with a flip of her curly hair went back to playing with her doll.

If that wasn't pure Julian Crane, she didn't know what was.

"See Eve," TC complained, walking outside. "She doesn't like me. And the way she looks at me. Your angelpie should be called Damien- -"

"TC! Don’t you dare talk that way about that precious little girl. Remember how you felt when your dad died now imagine being two when it happened and then tell me how you'd feel and act," Eve reprimanded him angrily. "Is she stubborn? Yes. Can she be difficult? Yes. But dammit, TC, you're the adult in this relationship with Angelpie and you need to start acting like it." Eve raced into the house and slammed the door behind her.

Damn that little girl, TC thought, climbing into his truck. Endora Lenox was not going to break up his happy home. Maybe he should talk to Grace, she loved children and with only Jessie-poo and Charity in the home, she would be delighted to have another child to occupy her. Yeah, he would have to call her and have lunch with her.

Julian came out from his hiding place at the side of the Russell home and smiled brightly. His new little one was doing him proud. Her Crane genes were kicking in and she sensed and knew that TC was no good for their Eve. Now it was only a matter of time before Eve was his again.

Eve was astounded. Julian Crane once again surprised her. She had wanted to introduce Julian to Endora, but he refused. He said he didn't want to be introduced as her father just as a friend. She wanted to question his reasoning, but she didn't and let it go. After playing dolls with Endora for a while, Julian asked her to follow him into the kitchen, where he explained with Daddy TC being so new into her life, the toddler didn't need a Daddy Julian also. Her admiration for him shot up a million degrees when he explained his reasoning. She was slightly concerned that he was pulling one over on her, but she saw the sincerity in his eyes. Her Julian was staring right back at her.

Returning with snacks, they happily ate the crackers,
cheese, and apple juice then played some more. She hadn't been on the floor playing with dolls since Jess and Simone were little. She missed this feeling. Though she was still shocked to look up and see Julian next to her playing with a Barbie. She couldn't imagine he was like this with Ivy's children. Her question must have been apparent because the next thing she knew he was answering her.

"My first time in parenthood land, I failed. My son died."

Eve felt the tears roll down her cheek.

"I failed him and his mother, the woman I loved with all my heart and soul, but I was too stupid, greedy and a creature of habit to know any better. My second time around I closed myself off, I didn't deserve to be a father again when I had failed so miserably the first time. Fox, Fancy, Cassie, they were all much better off in boarding school. Ethan probably would have been too, if I could have pried Ivy's hands off of him. And this third time, it's being forced on me. All of my foolish mistakes, due to my drinking have come home to roost. Out of me and Theresa, a judge found me, with no Crane strings pulled, the better parent for Ethan-Martin. What an odd world we live in? And now with this situation, once again I'm all she has left. But with Ethan-Martin and Endora, I'm not afraid. I see this as a chance to do all the things for them that I couldn't do for our son."

"Oh, Julian," Eve cried.

Opening his arms to comfort her, Endora jumped in his way and threw her arms around Eve.

"No cry," the toddler begged.

He was going to have to work on her timing.

Wrapping her arms around her newest daughter, Eve sniffled and composed herself. "Thank you so much, Angelpie."

Angelpie, Julian snorted quietly. He had seen his daughter in action this afternoon and the last thing she was was an angel. But once again his lovely Eve could look beyond the Crane temperament and see an angel. Eve Johnson was a remarkable woman.

"I apologize, but I must leave in order to pick Ethan-Martin from school. But I have a gift for Miss Endora."

Eve hoped Julian didn't think he could win Endora's affection and love with gifts, regardless of the price tag.

Reaching behind the sofa, Julian pulled out a bag and took out three dolls.

"Julian," Eve cried, "they're beautiful. Simply beautiful."

"Mommy," Endora screamed and ran into Julian's arms, hugging Julian and the dolls.

Eve cried openly at the thoughtfulness of Julian's gift, three replicas of Endora's first family, Tabitha, Timmy, and Endora herself. It was just what the little girl needed. Holding his daughter in his arms, Eve marveled at the Julian Crane she had once loved sitting before her once again. The walls she had built against him were slowly crumbling.

Chapter 7
Chapter 5
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