Twisted, Chapter 12 (Simone/Paloma/Jessica)
by evianfan84

Chapter 12

Paloma had a weird feeling as she left home to see Simone. She had her regular argument with her mother but this time, she seemed distracted. Almost as if, she didn’t care that her daughter was dressed scantly and yelling that she wasn’t loved.

“I’ve told you this a million times. I sent you off to Mexico to live with my sister because I could not afford to raise five kids on one maid’s salary. I love you and I pray that one day you see that. If I had a choice, I would have relocated all of us down there away from this crazy town. I did not have a choice and I could only save you. At least I thought I could. You should change. Who are you going to see? A decent young man will never see you as wife material dressed like that.” Pilar’s voice barely raised as she said this speech. Unbeknownst to Paloma, she was thinking about Noah.

“Whatever, Mama. I’m not going to see a man. I’m going to Simone. We are going to the movies. It will be dark. No one will see me. Like you didn’t see me for 17 years!” With that she slammed the door. She waited two full minutes for her mother to follow her but when she looked back all she saw was her mother looking at her smiling through the window.

“Paloma? What’s wrong? You aren’t paying attention to the movie.” Simone had spent most of the movie trying not to stare at Paloma. She was somewhat bothered that a week ago, her mother moved out of the house but she had seen it coming. Tonight though, her mind was on Paloma’s outfit. She was torn between covering her up so that no one else could see her and the idea tearing up her closing and making her scream her name.

“Nothing is wrong. I like this movie.” Paloma innocently patted Simone’s leg. Simone felt shivers and bit her lips. Paloma, who by now knew exactly what she was doing, slid her hand up further.

“Stop it.” Simone whispered in Paloma’s ear, not meaning a word of it.

“Make me.” Paloma challenged. She let her hand play slowly until she reached Simone’s thigh. Paloma wanted so badly for Simone to kiss her right then and there for all of Harmony to see. Ever since their first kiss, Simone refused to lay a hand on her.

“Come on, now. I’m serious. You don’t know what you’re doing.” Simone whispered again. After making sure everyone was watching the movie, she licked Paloma’s ear lightly.

“You could teach me. Or maybe I should go out and have a bunch of affairs. Then come back to you. All knowledgably.” She smiled to herself for thinking up that idea.

“Do and I will hurt any man or woman that touches you.” Simone meant it. She gave Paloma a squeeze on the thigh.

“Lets get out of here.”

Paloma and Simone walked hand in hand down the street together, knowing that no one in Harmony would think it strange. They hadn’t even heard of homosexuality yet. Simone felt better than she had in weeks, she could walk silently by this young woman forever. Even in the uncomfortable heels she was wearing.

“I know you are worried that I’m going to leave you because I’ve never fell for a woman before. I wish you wouldn’t worry about that. I love you, Simone.” Paloma said, once they stopped for ice cream.

“I think you honestly believe you do but I don’t want to be hurt. And I don’t want to ruin our friendship. You are like my only friend. There was Jessica but Spike really messed her up.”

“Oh, I am so tired of everyone blaming Spike for that hooker’s downfall. She took drugs all on her own Simone. Sure, her mother left and who would want Poison Ivy for a new stepmom but come on. She has had chance after chance to straighten up. Sam has gone to hell for her and she just licks those damned stickers. She was my friend as well but…”

“I know where you are coming from but you didn’t know her well before this. She was the nicest brat ever. She got back at Kay as good as Kay gave. She used to be so pretty, not trashy. I just wish there was something I could do to save her.” Simone said the last sentence more to herself than Paloma. There was a part of her that still loved Jessica.

“Well, you can’t.” Paloma felt herself growing jealous all over again. When was Jessica going to be out of their lives?

“Well, if it isn’t Harmony’s one and only black dyke and her Mexican sidekick? God, are you even legal here, Paloma?” Jessica seemed to come out of nowhere. Her eyes were glazed over and her clothes were torn.

“I’ll legally beat your ass, wh*re!” Paloma was ready to pounce on her once good friend when Simone held her back.

“Paloma! Stop! Jessica what is wrong with you? Here come sit with us.” She quickly put her arm around Jessica’s thin waist and steered her towards a bench.

“Don’t put your hands on me! I charge extra for women.” Jessica said nastily. She wished she could remember the past two days.

“Isn’t that discrimination?” Simone joked, trying to lighten the mood.

“Get off of me.” Jessica fought weakly as Simone sat her down on the bench and then handed her the coat off her back.

“You need to go home, Jessica. Get away from Spike. Remember life before Spike?” Simone could see her old friend was weak and tired. She motioned over Jessica’s head for Paloma to get her some food. Paloma rolled her eyes and stalked off.

“You mean, before you were a big lesbo and my mom was not off with another man? Before Noah went away to college and Kay got knocked up and moved in with some old creepy lady? Yea, I remember.” Jessica’s voice was too bitter to be tired.

“I’m taking you home, Jessica.” Simone whispered in her friend’s ear and kissed her forehead. Jessica closed her eyes and leaned on Simone.

“The hell you are.” Simone turned around and saw Spike standing right behind her.

Paloma came back with hot dogs and almost dropped them when she saw the look in her girlfriend’s eyes.

Chapter 13
Chapter 11
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