Twisted,  Chapter 14 (Pilar/Noah/Sheridan/Martin)
by evianfan84

Chapter 14

Pilar smiled at the handsome young man across the table from her. She knew that this feeling she had for him was better and purer than anything she had felt since Martin came back into her life. She had waited for Noah and here he was. She only hoped that she could be forgiven for her sins and even more for the fact that she did not care.

“You keep smiling at me, Pilar. Why?” Noah reached across to touch her hand. He wished they didn’t have to go so far out of Harmony but he knew that she would be ashamed to be seen with him in town. He had a lot of affairs during the past five years but none of them ever compared to what he had with Pilar. Not even the on again off again affair with the spoiled rich girl.

“Because, you make me happy. Maybe we should tell our friends and family that we are dating. I just do not want them to laugh in our faces. Mostly mine. What people must think when we go out together. Remember the look on that hotel clerk’s face when you corrected him about not being your mother. The shock he showed when you kissed me like that. I was thrilled and embarrassed.” She sighed and took another sip of the ice coffee. She was going to let him have most of it because while she could not help being the older lady with the young stud of a boyfriend, she could help being the fat one.

“I’m not. I love you, Pilar. I have since I was younger and I do even more now that I’m adult. I am an adult and you shouldn’t feel ashamed or embarrassed about what we chose to do in bed. I’m not trying to replace your husband but I’m not going anywhere.” He was determined to make her see that he was old enough for this decision.

“What are you going to do in Harmony? You have a college education. I refuse to let you work at some lousy dead end job just to be close to me.” She reached over and touched his cheek. Her voice was soft.

“Well, then I guess it’s a good thing that I got that computer programming job at Crane Industries. I’m not leaving this town. It’s home. You’re home for me, Pilar.” He took her hand and kissed her palm.

“If you are set and determined. Who would have ever guessed an affair from my past would turn out like this? Let’s go for a walk.” She grabbed her purse because for some reason, even though it was getting late, she needed a stroll.

“Only if you agree to hold my hand and not duck when you see someone coming.” He laughed.

“I only did that once.”

Pilar and Noah walked side by side like lovers for twenty minutes when something caught Noah’s eye.

“Love, lets go back. I’m tired.” Noah tried to steer Pilar roughly in another direction.

“No. I’m not and you are not either. What are you hiding? What don’t you want me to see?” She knew when he was lying and knew that he could run a mile in eight minutes so leisurely stroll was nothing to him.

“Nothing. I just want to make out in the backseat of my car. I can touch you places.” He tried his most seductive voice and kept her eyes on his face.

“No. You are hiding something. You can touch me in the backseat of any car later. I promise. Just tell me what you are hiding.” She turned her eyes off his face and followed in the direction he was looking at before he started to act weird.

Her stomach dropped when she saw what he wanted her to avoid viewing. It was Martin. He was dressed expensively and looked extremely handsome. This was not the surprise or the hurt that Noah wanted to spare her from. For on his arm was a medium sized blonde with huge darling eyes. On his arm was someone Pilar had considered a second daughter even after she continued to break both of her son’s heart. Sheridan Crane. Pilar wasted no time in running up to them. Screw the suspense.

“MARTIN! SHERIDAN! WHAT THE HELL!” She was on top of Sheridan in an instant. Both Noah and Martin tried to pull their secret girlfriends off each other but Pilar was relentless. Years of fighting with Rebecca had taught her how to fight dirty.

“Pilar, get off of me. I can explain. Really. This is not what it looks like.” Sheridan cried as she slapped her ‘second mother’ away. She felt so torn inside, this was the woman she put over her own mother and she was hurting her.

“Fine. Fine. I’m good.” She let Sheridan go and waited for explanation.

“I’m not going to lie to you, Pilar. Me and Martin are lovers. We have been for a while. We didn’t want anyone to know, which is why we were out here.” She looked Pilar in the eye, tired of the secrecy. She loved Martin Fitzgerald and did not care who knew it, Pilar thought it was digusting.

“What about your mother? What about Katherine? Hell, what about my sons?” Pilar found herself getting angry all over again. She no longer cared who Martin messed around with but this was low.

“I hate her, though this has nothing to do with that. I love Martin, Pilar.” Sheridan looked deep into her second mother’s eyes and tried to reassure her that this was best.

Pilar sensed something just then in Sheridan that she had never noticed before. There was a secret message there that clicked inside Pilar. She knew she would not win any battle with the blonde tonight.

“Okay. I will, we will keep this a secret. I do not wish to crush my sons. But you must tell them soon so that they can start to get over you.”

“Hey, wait. Why are you here with Noah?” Sheridan had been so busy trying to defend herself she hadn’t really noticed Pilar’s date.

“We are shopping for my mother. I miss her and I wanted to send her a present. I knew Pilar would know the right thing to buy.” Noah spoke up for the first time, covering for Pilar’s loss of words.

“Really? That’s odd, I thought you would still be angry at her. Too angry to buy presents.”

“Well I love my mother no matter what decision she made. And Jessica needs her now more than ever. I just thought a present and nice long letter would soften the blow.” Pilar admired what a quick thinker her new lover was.

“Fair enough. Well, we’ll be going now. I’m sorry to do this to you, Pilar. I do love you and I hope one day you can forgive me.”

“I don’t know. I just don’t know.” Pilar shook her head and allowed herself to be lead away by Noah. She was very glad she had his body to lean on.

Chapter 15
Chapter 13
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