Twisted, Chapter 26
by evianfan84

Chapter 26

Martin looked around and tried to figure out exactly where he had been dropped off. He could not believe that Julian had had him kidnapped and then added some light torture in, probably just for the hell of it. Something about this trip told him that it wouldn’t be permanent. There were no threats of death and the goons sent to get him were actually a little polite. After they broke his nose and made him vomit for three hours straight, they got him some ice and a nice feather pillow. Martin had to give it to Julian, the man had style.

“Comfortable?” Julian walked into the cell that he had Martin placed in a few days ago. He thought that maybe having his nose broken would make him feel better towards the man that was doing his mother and sister at the same time but it had not.

“Terribly so.” Martin got up from the cot but did not get too close to Julian. He was not stupid.

“Good. Good. Well, I’m not here to free you. So let get that out of your head. You will stay here until the ceremony. You sent a note from your phone to my sister telling her you just needed to clear your head.” Julian flicked an invisible piece of lint off of his cuff.

“She won’t believe it.”

“She’s not happy about it but well, can’t help that.”

“When are you letting me out, Crane?” Martin wasn’t looking for a fight. Not now.

“I just told you, moron. The ceremony. I’m going to have to up your food or what not if this is how your memory works. Well, enjoy your daily beating.”

“Damn you to hell, Crane!”

“Why can’t you people think of any other threats? It’s always ‘Damn you, Julian!’ Damn you, Crane!’ I mean why not once say ‘May bad you never have sex with the woman you love again, Crane!’ Or ‘May your favorite television be cancelled, Julian!’ I mean, add some creativity people! Anyway, I’ll see you at the ceremony. I’ll give my sister your love.” Julian walked out carefree, reminding himself to up the daily beatings. The big day was approaching and he wanted to make sure that.

 Martin felt pain every time he even thought about Sheridan or his mother.

Liz fought the feeling of sickness as she listened to Alistair talk. She was more than a little glad that he was no longer after her for sex. It felt like she was cheating on the love of her life and she couldn’t bear to do that to T.C. She loved him entirely too much.

“So, you will keep our ‘time’ together a secret? You won’t tell anyone?” Liz could hear the desperation in her voice.

“My dear, you don’t need to worry about me ruining your relationship with T.C. When it comes out that you and Eve are sisters and you have been lying to him all this time…he will leave you. Maybe even kill himself.” Alistair chuckled but he had not been feeling well as of late. He knew he should cut down on the drinking and the smoking but he just could not bring himself to do it. Every where he turned there was something to celebrate.

T.C. was destroyed over his daughter not only being a lesbian but also working for Crane. He had to give it to his son; he knew how to hurt a man. Julian was finally showing some balls after all these years and sticking it to T.C. He had even had Martin kidnapped after he was already thrown out of the house. Alistair knew about the affair he was having with his daughter but didn’t care about that. He knew his daughter was up to something which was something new and wonderful. Even Theresa had made him proud by using the Crane money and power to crush Ethan and Gwen. She used her power to get her daughter back and gain sole custody. She would make sure that neither of them would see Jane again. The final nail in that coffin would be the news about her and Fox. Alistair hated that Ethan was a Bennett who got around on his money for all those years. He knew it would kill Ethan to see him lose Theresa to Fox. The topper was the look on his son and Eve’s face when they found out about their ‘son’. It was enough to make a man giddy.

“He could forgive me that. Just not this.” Liz shuddered to think of what she knew about Eve. She felt no pity for her sister though. T.C. was having a hard time dealing with Simone’s lifestyle and Eve was in no way being supportive. She just kept repeating the same line about there being nothing wrong with Simone and that there could be worse things than working for a Crane. In fact, Eve was mad as all hell at T.C. for making Simone uncomfortable in her own home.

“Highly doubt it. But you have nothing to worry about from me. In fact, you can leave. I’m tired of seeing you.” Alistair pointed her to the door and watched with a smile as she left. Their ‘time’ together hadn’t been all bad, after all.

Chapter 27
Chapter 25
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