(After leaving TC to his shed {in which the contents have now been revealed...
no surprize...}, Julian makes his way inside to sweep his lady fair off
of her feet!)
JULIAN: (stepping over Rebecca's corpse, which is still lying in the
middle of the room... they were gonna move the body out of the way, but
nobody wanted to touch her...) "Eve, my love!" (they embrace)
JULIAN: (turning to Sam, who is twirling his new Police Chief Pen) "Officer Bennett, I believe that this is just one of those cases that will never be solved, that should be shrugged off and forgotten..." (Everyone nods in agreement and continues with the party. Julian turns and takes Eve in his arms)
JULIAN: (Galliant and romantic)"Eve my pet, I have something to tell you... TC wants-"
(Julian is interrupted when TC barges inside, raging like a madman once more)
TC: "EVE! I want a divorce!!!"
EVE: (gasp!) "You what? After all I've done for you?!"
(Eve walks over to TC and socks him in the jaw, knocking him to the ground)
TC: (scrambling to regain his composure {haha!!! oh, sorry}) "Well, I- I... I fixed the bathroom sink last week!"
(Eve raises her fist once more, but TC passes out. He is thus dragged away and tossed onto the dancefloor next to Rebecca's body {which is really starting to smell, and not just because of that cheap french perfume she wears...})
JULIAN: (taking Eve in his arms) "My love, Now we can finally be together!"
(Crowd cheers, audience applauds, and JER shrugs... "whatever, I don't do short stories... they don't drag out enough for my taste. You gotta make the audience drool, beg for more! You gotta make them-" Author walks in, listens for a while, then kicks him in the shin and returns to the story)
(Julian takes Eve in his arms and kisses her Passionately. For real. And everyone is allowed to see. And nobody has to pretend to be giving CPR for it to happen.)
(After a long, drawn out kiss, Julian pulls back and looks deeply into Eve's eyes)
JULIAN: "Eve, I promised you that I would find our son. And I did."
(Crowd gasps! Audience's collective jaw drops! JER tries to say something, but Author throws shoe at him.)
EVE: (exstatic) "Who is it, Julian?! Who is our son?!"
(Julian smiles, random guest hands him an envelope, and he opens it......)
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~DRUM ROLL, PLEASE~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
JULIAN: (opening Envelope)"Eve, my love, our son is:
EVE: (shocked, to say the least)"Reese? Reese is our missing child?"
JULIAN: (whispering) "Be thankful it's not the guy who's been sleeping with your daughter..."
EVE:(smiling) "Whew! That was close!"
(Suddenly, all turn to Reese, who is standing with the audience, er, party guests. He looks just as shocked as everyone else.)
EVE: (tearfully) "My Son..."
RANDOM GUEST: "Isn't he too young? I mean, he just graduated high school not too long ago..."
REESE: (hanging head in shame)"I flunked... a few times..."
(Everyone cheered!)
Julian and Eve, along with their new-found son, lived happily ever after.
The End.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ROLL CREDITS~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Meanwhile, back at the Book-Cafe....
(Liz and Beth screaming in pain)
(Author walks in, watches as dark figure comtinues to murder Liz And Beth, takes a seat next to him....
Author: (throwing rock at Liz)"....so, how's the pie?"