A couple of months ago I posted a comparsion of Luis and Theresa. In
it I compared their
adittudes, actions, intentions and relationships. This post really
explains why I am not a Theresa
fan, but Love and wholeheartedly support Luis' relationship with Sheridan.
Keep in mind that this
was written back in June/July and a lot has happened since then, but
the premise is still sound. (This was also posted on the mainboard last
Luis vs. Theresa
Many of us were suprised by Pilar's reaction to finding Luis, in his
boxers, in Sheridan's
bedroom. Her, "Oh God" was a understated response compared to her practicly
Theresa out of Ethan's room. Pilar opposes Theresa pursuing Ethan and
yet supports Luis'
relationship with Sheridan. I don't know why so many of you are suprised
by this, but you are. A
simple comparsion between Luis and Theresa's attitudes will explain
The Cranes:
Luis: The Cranes are evil people. They are responsible for Martin's
disappearance. They do not
care about anyone but themselves. The Lopez-Fitzgeralds need to stay
away from them, far, far
away. Since meeting and getting to know Sheridan, Luis has begun judging
them upon their
actions and not a blanket condemation. He still distrusts the Cranes
and with good reason, given
Julian's actions this past year alone.
Theresa: The Cranes are the greatest. They live such wonderful lives
and can do no wrong.
Working for Ivy this past year has not changed this view. Luis cannot
prove to Theresa that the
Cranes are not basicly good people. Nor can Pilar. Theresa is oblivious
to Julians lechery,
manipulations and treachery.
Luis: Marriage is no fairytale. "Happily Ever After" doesn't exist.
Just look at Mama and Papa.
Papa left us, or was taken from us. A marriage between people from
different social classes is
even more difficult. A person from one class isn't going to be readily
accepted in the spouse's
social class. A marriage takes work and commitment from both parties
to work and stay strong
and to last.
Theresa: Ethan is going to marry me and everything is going to be great.
We are going to live
Happily Ever After. The Cranes are going to welcome me with open arms,
as are all of their
friends and associates. My marriage to Ethan is going to be wonderfull
and last for ever.
Luis: Doesn't believe in 'Love at First Sight', at least not for him.
Even though he and Sheridan
sparked from the first time their eyes met. Love is something that
grows and becomes stronger
as two people get to know each other. Love alone is not enough for
Theresa: Love will make everything alright. It transcends good and evil,
social class status, rich
and poor. Love is all you need to be happy.
Pursuing the relationship:
Luis: While Luis did not actively seek to be a part of Sheridan's life,
circumstances forced the
two of them together. During these times Luis came to understand, appreciate
and respect
Sheridan as a person. When he decided to explore the possiblity of
a relationship and his
growing feelings for her, Luis asked Sheridan out on dates. They, both
Luis and Sheridan, used
these dates to get to know each other better and became closer. When
Sheridan broke off the
relationship, Luis tried to respect her wishes and keep his distance.
Their contact was kept to a
minimum and mostly 'Official' in nature. Even now, if it wasn't for
the fact he is Sheridan's
bodyguard, Luis would not seek out Sheridan unless he had too. He will
respect, what he
believes her wishes to be and stay away.
Theresa: Fate will bring us together. Ethan is going to fall in Love
with me and marry me.
Theresa has intentionally sought a place in Ethan's life. She disguised
herself in order to be
close to him, repeatedly snuck into his room and used her job with
Ivy to be with him. She has
been very open in discussing her feelings with Ethan and invited him
to share his feelings with
her, creating an emtional bond between them. All of this done with
the intent of getting Ethan to
Love her. Theresa has no intention of staying away from Ethan, even
if he asked her to.
Luis: Luis has been honest with Sheridan about his feelings concerning
her family. While he isn't
so upfront about his own feelings for her, he isn't sure of what they
are and is confused. Luis has
been about his intenetions. Even going so far as to ask her help in
finding out what her family
had to do with Martin's disapearance. Not to say he was right to do
this, but at least he asked
her and didn't use her. All in all, Luis has been honest with Sheridan
throughout their
Theresa: While Theresa has tried to tell Ethan her true feelings for
him on several occasions,
only to fail because he didn't hear her or wasn't there. Theresa has
lied to Ethan repeatedly. She
lied about having a boyfriend, about why Luis doesn't want her near
the Cranes and about her
motives and intentions. Theresa hasn't just decieved Ethan and his
Family in her pursuit of
Ethan, but her family and most importantly herself. Theresa has deliberately
miss reads Ethan's
actions to fit her version of reality. These Lies and deceptions are
right because Ethan falling in
love with her will make everything right in the world.
Rivals for Affection:
Luis: Hank has declared his intent to court and eventually marry Sheridan.
Luis is not interested
in hurting his friend, but if Sheridan is interested in Luis, than
Hank has a fight on his hands. Luis
isn't going do anything underhanded to get Sheridan, but he isn't going
to just stand back and let
Hank have her either. If Sheridan breaks it off with Luis, then he'll
try to respect her wishes and
stay away.
Theresa: Theresa has never given Gwen a chance. Gwen is the enemy. Theresa
has tried to
portray Gwen as some sort of spoiled rich bitch and tried to get her
to act that way. Once,
Theresa even tripped a waiter to get Gwen to loose her temper. Theresa
has pushed forward and
pushed hard to get Ethan to Love her since Gwen has accepted Ethan's
proposal. Theresa
doesn't want E1than to marry Gwen and I honestly don't see Theresa
giving up once Ethan is
married either.
Luis: Luis has discussed his relationship with Sheridan repeatedly with
Pilar. From the we can't
stand each other / She's driving me nuts stage, to the we may have
something going on here
stage, to the what did I do to hurt her / Sheridan slapped me and broke
it off stage, to the what
am I doing here stage. Luis has asked for Pilar's advice, support and
understanding concerning
Sheridan and his feelings for her. Pilar has been well aware of how
this relationship has
progressed and been shaping up. When Luis believed that Sheridan was
in danger, Pilar was
aware of this. She encouraged Luis to go and warn Sheridan and supported
his decision to go.
When Luis and Sheridan went to New Mexico to find Martin, Luis didn't
tell her they were going,
because he didn't plan on going until he caught Sheridan going there.
However, when it became
clear that they would be there overnight he called home and left a
message telling Pilar what was
going on. Now, when Luis was arrested in Boston, he didn't call Pilar
but Sam Bennett instead.
This he did because he didn't want her to worry and because Sam was
in a better position to
help him. Luis has respected Pilar and her wishes, he has listened
to her and doesn't want to
hurt her.
Theresa: Theresa has disobeyed Pilar. She took the job with Ivy against
Pilar's express wishes.
She has repeatedly refused to listen to Pilar, concerning the Cranes,
concerning Gwen, and
especially concerning Ethan. Theresa is openly defiant of Pilar when
it comes to Ethan and her
pursuit of him. She has lied to Pilar on several occasions about what
she was doing. Then you
have the trip to Bermuda, Theresa went there without telling Pilar
where she was going. Pilar
learned about the trip from Ivy long after she had left, but Theresa
was on the phone to Whitney
repeatedly throughout the trip. Theresa does not care about the pain,
the sorrows and the grief
that her prusuit of Ethan has brought into Pilars life.
Relationships with others / Past Romances:
Luis: Clearly Luis has the advantage here. He is ten years older than
Theresa with extensive
dating experience. Beth Wallace is an old girl friend and at one time
he might of married her.
Luis has dated other people and been open to relationships with women
over the years.
Theresa: Theresa has dreamt of only Ethan Crane. He is the only man
that she is interested in.
Theresa has never opened herself up to a relationship with anyone else.
Sure she let Eve set her
and Whitney up with dates once, but she turned down a date with Chuck.
Chuck Wilson, a friend
of Whitney's, expressed an interest in getting to know Theresa and
she turned him down.
Theresa has no boyfriends, past or present, and no desire for one anytime
soon, unless it's
Looking at this comparison Luis and Theresa. Is it any wonder why Pilar
supports Luis being
involved with Sheridan instead of Theresa being involved with Ethan?
It isn't just about Luis being
older and more mature. Nor is it about the Cranes being dangerous people
for her children to be
invovled with. One of Pilar's children is pursuing a relationship,
a healthy, growing, honest
relationship with a good person. The other is pursuing a foolish fantasy,
a relationship that is not
honest, not healthy and very destructive to a good person, their relationships
with others and
their happiness.
Which do you think is which?
Which one would you support if you were Pilar?
What do you think of all of this?