I really enjoyed today’s show
Subject: Sheridan, I love you…BUT…..
Sheridan and Luis are on the boat enjoying themselves. Nobody has posted to me or emailed me as to explain how the two nitwit criminals are STILL spying on them with what looks to be plain binoculars. ARE they on another boat, cause I didn’t think so, which only adds to the farcical aspect of this story.
Sheridan has another ‘ Am I a hidden Standish’ moment again today when she got yet ANOTHER ‘feeling’ that something was wrong. Luis reassured her that nothing was going to go wrong. They love one another, and no one could break them up.
There was something wrong with the anchor, and Luis had to go into the water to check it. He asked Sheridan for some coffee when he got back aboard, and she went down below to get it. Love how Passions recycles sets. Bermuda is the Crane Mansion, and this boat is Sam’s boat that Ivy stowed away on during one of her seduction attempts.
Sheridan took off her rings for Luis. There has to be a purpose in that, and my money is still on the amnesia angle.
Sheridan is looking for sugar for the coffee and finds the bomb.
Now, Sheridan…honey….
I don’t think I was supposed to be LMAO at you today.
But, Sheridan was pitiful.
She was like the women in those horror flicks that are so dumb, you wind up yelling at the screen, " RUN, WOMAN, RUN!!"
But, screaming ‘Luis’ in the vicinity of the bomb, and not hightailing it up the stairs and AWAY from the bomb…
Thumbs down, Sheridan.
Subject: The Kids and Crazies on Warlock Island
Tabby has been caught by Norma in her trap. Norma’s pretty handy in the wilderness. That trap was pretty good, considering I would have thought all her materials would have burned in the boat that she sank.
But, she trapped Tabby in the net. She told Tabby that she was going to go dig her grave (with what? That axe?), and that Timmy need not worry, because there was enough room for him too.
Once Norma was gone, Timmy set about trying to help free Tabby. The first couple of tries didn’t work,but, he finally got her loose from Norma’s trap. Tabby told him that they had to stick close to the kids, and they set about finding them.
And, were where our precious teens?
Well, Charity was having a premonition a minute on the Island. I know that WE know that Charity is ‘on the level’ and has ‘powers’, but, realistically speaking, if your girlfriend kept on talking about doom and destruction, and was this frantic, wouldn’t you think that she was a beer short of a six-pack?
I know…reality..this is Passions.
Well, Charity insists that things are too far gone for Theresa, and that she’s going to have to deal with what she’s done. And, she sees the ‘countdown’ to Shuis’ death (the bomb timer). She also sees that they will not get off the Island today, because nobody will see the fire, because something will keep it from being lit.
Charity’s three for three, because that ‘something’ is Kay Bennett, who is dousing all the wood with water. Kay isn’t funny. Kay isn’t annoying. Kay isn’t even infuriating. Kay isn’t even pathetic anymore. I’ve become apathetic to this entire situation.
Kay has to ‘seduce Miguel’ so that she can get pregnant, and have a baby that will bond him to her forever.
Yeah Yeah Yeah – we know, Kay. We know, because it’s the SAME OLD STORY that’s been played since the BEGINNING of this show.
IS there any reason why I would be apathetic to this ridiculous NON-Story.
The only bit of emotion I had for it today was the DISGUST I felt watching Simone just stand around, letting Kay mess with their chance of getting off an ISLAND that they are definitely STRANDED on. She should have been tacklking Kay, instead of standing around like a mope.
Boo HISS on YOU, Simone.
Kay doesn’t seem to know better.
YOUR life is at stake, and you let her pathetic plan get in the way of that. If you remotely believe Charity has powers, you KNOW that she thinks that THREE people’s lives are at risk…and you just stood there and LET Kay pour the water on the wood?
I have to say that Charity’s skeleton premonition for those on Warlock Island was pretty creepy.
Tabby and Timmy were happy to find themselves back with the kids. Jessica came and asked Tabby where she had been, and she said a ‘nature call’. Jessica told Tabby that she had found some more help, and when Tabby asked who, out came Norma!
And, to add insult to injury, the Warlock Lights have begun to glow again.
Things just don’t look good for the Kiddies and the Crazies on Warlock
Subject: David had a turning point today.
Sam and Grace are outside talking, and Grace is convinced that David is telling the truth, while Sam says that his ‘cop instincts’ tell him that something’s off about David’s story. He just has to have the time to uncover what’s wrong. He tells Grace that she should think about THEIR future: the new home, their marriage, their family.
They go back inside of the B&B, and Hank tells them that David has decided to leave town. While Sam gets the lowdown from Hank, Grace goes upstairs. David is packing. He explains to Grace that he made a mistake coming there. I was touched by David today. I’m getting confused about him all over again. It didn’t seem like he was ‘up to’ something. He seemed genuine. The look in his eyes as he told Grace that he loved her, and when he saw her picture, after all these years, all he could do was leave to come to her. He didn’t think about that she had another life, or that she wouldn’t remember him. He told her that he sees that she has a life now. She has a marriage, a family and most importantly, she’s happy, which is all he ever wanted for her. He can leave now, and she can get on with her life.
Sam and Hank come upstairs. They are only TOO happy to get rid of David. They were cracking me up as they went to get his luggage for him. David wants to give Grace the sketch of her that he did while in jail. She declines it. He tells her he doesn’t need a picture to remember her. I thought the picture was very beautiful, and obviously drawn with love and caring. Grace looks at the picture, as David is about to leave. Sam and Hank are talking about a ‘shortcut to the airport’, and David is on his way out the door when Grace tells him to stop. That she wants him to stay.
I was LMAO at the difference in the expressions between Grace’s Men.
David was grinning. He has HOPE. He doesn’t know WHY Grace wants him to stay, but, he’s hoping that she is remembering him.
Sam, on the other hand, looks like someone took a knife to him. You could knock him over with a whisper, he’s so in shock.
Oh Grace.
What a choice!
Loved these scenes.
Subject: Bermuda is getting more tangled by the moment!
I absolutely LOVED all the scenes in Bermuda today.
Ben Masters is SUCH a delight. Will someone tell me HOW he didn’t get an Emmy Nod?
Ethan, Theresa, Julian, Chad and Whitney are all in Luis and Sheridan’s room. Ethan has just noticed the wedding band on Theresa’s finger. He asks her what it’s doing there. Then, before she can answer, he decides to ‘Pull a TC’ and say that he KNOWS why she has a wedding band.
Why, you say?
Well, the President of the International Brotherhood of DENSA, believes that Theresa has the wedding band on, so that it is a signal to other guys that she’s taken.
He tells Theresa that it’s a smart idea.
Whitney tells Chad that Theresa’s never had any trouble dealing with unwanted guys before, so why the wedding band now?
Chad comes up with a lame excuse.
Ethan says that has to be it, and for a moment there, he thought she married someone else. But, who could she have married in the spanse of a day?
As Theresa says nothing, Julian needs a drink!
Julian and Theresa think that maybe they’ve dodged a bullett, when there’s a knock on the door, and before anyone knows it, Bruce has opened the door, and he’s there to take Julian and his new BRIDE to dinner!
I loved the looks on everyone’s faces. Whitney looked like ‘ Oh no, you didn’t’, Chad is stunned, Ethan has that stupid face that he’s perfecting everyday, and Theresa and Julian look like, ‘ Oh #$@*’
Julian then decides to see if he can ‘save’ this debacle, and goes over to Bruce and introduces him to ‘his former son’s FIANCE- Theresa Lopez-Fitzgerald’. Bruce didn’t get it, until Julian pinched his shoulder, and then he played along, acting as if he had never met Theresa before. Julian made the rounds of introduction, and then, Ethan asked Julian why Bruce said that he wanted to take Julian and his ‘wife’ out to dinner. Julian tells him that it’s because Rebecca was supposed to come with him and they were supposed to be married, but then she was delayed. Ethan nodded in agreement, and then said for a minute, it sounded like Bruce was referring to Theresa as his wife. Julian and Bruce had a good laugh about that, and made their way over to the bar, where Bruce asked Julian how he was gonna get out of this one. Julian gave Bruce his drink and sent him on his way.
Once Whitney and Theresa had a moment alone, Whitney asked Theresa what was wrong, and Theresa admitted that she was in trouble. Big trouble. Whitney wanted to know what was up, and Julian was talking to Theresa with his eyes, telling her not to say anything.
Finally, Ethan had a ‘great’ idea. He wanted to marry Theresa –NOW!
LMAO when Theresa, who FINALLY was on the threshold of getting what she wanted – a wedding with Ethan, asked him, ‘ Now?"
Hee hee heee
This is by far the most entertaining story on Passions right now.
Ben Masters is fabulous and Lindsey Korman is playing this well.