This is my 2005 Year End Review, and bottom line – it’s been a rotten year for Passions.
As I sit here, January 1st will soon be upon us, and I can’t begin to express my disappointment with the show. Even during bad years, Passions usually stepped up to the plate during December through the middle of January. It was always a consistent bright spot of the show, but not this year.
Fox/Kay – A disaster on so many levels
I wasn’t pro Fox/Kay from the get go, I admit that. But, having written Fox/Kay in a fan fic, I sort of knew a blueprint that could be followed to make them appealing. For those who watch Days of Our Lives, in order for Fox/Kay to really work, Fox had to become the Lucas to Kay’s Sami. What I mean by that is that Fox had to see Kay for the scheming, lying bitch that she is, accept that about her, but think that there was also another side to Kay Bennett, and work through a relationship. But, we got none of that.
I once used to write that I liked Kay, or appreciated Kay because Kay was what she was, and there wasn’t anyone trying to tell me that she was anything other than who she is. It was the reason I could appreciate Kay and Poison Ivy, and hate Theresa.
Well, that’s all changed. I can’t stand Kay anymore, because they’ve given her the Theresa treatment.
I don’t mind a bad girl who reforms, as long as it’s a long process. It’s a soap tradition – the bad girl gets so horrible that she’s exposed for all her crimes, and punished by the community. She’s becomes an outcast; a pariah, and has to work hard to earn the respect and the trust of the community, because she realizes what she did was wrong, and apologizes to those that she did wrong.
Kay Bennett is NOT NOT NOT that character.
Kay Bennett hasn’t apologized to ANYONE.
She has NOT made amends.
She has NOT done penance.
She has NOT corrected the wrongs that she has done.
One of the main reasons why I’m happy that Passions is re-running on the Sci-Fi Channel is so that once again, we will be able to see the REAL Kay Bennett, not this pathetically whitewashed version that Passions is trying to shill as some rootable heroine. I don’t think so.
Kay NEVER paid for her sins. She NEVER paid for
all the hell
she put Charity through. She NEVER paid for all the schemes that she
against Charity and Miguel. Miguel still doesn’t know that he was
raped, and
that’s how his child was conceived. Sam doesn’t know that Kay could
have saved
his marriage IF she wanted to.
Kay has NOT atoned for ANYTHING that she’s done.
The throwaway lines with Fox at Christmas about missing Grace is such complete and utter horse#*$&.
Oh, you miss your mother, Kay?
BITCH, you’re the reason your mother is gone.
Just a few words from you and your mother would be at home.
But, no…she’s said nothing, and continues to let this lie stand.
Kay hasn’t done an ounce of penance for her sins. And, that’s why the entire Kay/Fox thing falls flat on its face, because it’s a phony Kay in the relationship, and trying to use Valerie as some ‘bad guy’ in order to put sympathy towards ‘heroine’ Kay and the Kox relationship – I don’t think so.
IF Kay had truly learned from her mistakes…
IF she had wanted to make amends for all the hell she has caused…
Then KAY should be the one who’s following around Jessica, trying to keep her out of trouble. Instead, we have this garbage of SIMONE, who had never had 3 solid conversations with Jessica before she became her ‘keeper’.
KAY should be the one following Jessica around, and fighting Spike.
KAY should be the one covering for Jessica’s possible involvement in murders.
KAY should be the one wringing her hands, in agony, watching her little sister walk the streets.
KAY should, after a conversation with a high Jessica, who laments that nothing was the same after Grace left, and THAT’s what the drugs numb for her, be distraught. She should be saying in monologues to herself –‘ Oh my God, I did this. Jessica’s messed up because Mom left, and ‘I’ am the reason that Mom left. If I had said anything, Mom would be here, and Jessica wouldn’t have gone down this path. I can’t believe I did this to my little sister. And to Dad. Jessica, I’m gonna fight for you. I’m not that bitch that let Mom leave. I ‘m going to make it up to you.”
If Kay had uttered something remotely resembling this, I might believe she’s ‘reformed’. That, at least, she’s been trying to reform.
But, she hasn’t.
Kay never confessed to Miguel all the bad things SHE did to Charity. He doesn’t have a clue, to this day, about the extent of Kay’s treachery.
And, this garbage about Tabitha’s spell, along with bringing Valerie into this, does not make Kay into some ‘rootable’ heroine. Go Ivy, for not wanting Fox to be with Kay. Kay has no high horse, nor moral ground, nor rootable position to stand behind in the least.
Kay as ‘bumpkin’ at Crane Industries – that fell flat. Why? Because we watched Kay Bennett for a good 4 years do anything to get what she wanted- Miguel. And, you’re telling me that a little corporate stuff would put the REAL Kay down? Puleeze. The REAL Kay Bennett would bulldoze everyone there, with the exception of Alistair, to get to the top.
The ‘whitewash’ of Kay doesn’t work. It doesn’t gel. It’s a fraud, scam and a hustle – and I’m not buying it, or Kox. MAYBE if they’d had Fox fall for the REAL Kay Bennett, I could buy the relationship. Fox hasn’t a CLUE about Kay. I think Fox could have found something interesting in Kay. I think he might have stumbled a bit, but, it could have been possible. But, that’s not the swill they shoveled.
Passions Hell on Earth, i.e., the
Gwen/Ethan/Theresa Black Hole
It’s so hard to write anything new about The Black Hole that hasn’t changed in the last FIVE YEARS.
As 2006 approaches, where are we?
Both women are pathetic and Ethan being one of the most unworthy desired points in a triangle in soapdom.
We’ve been tortured for the last 2 months as Theresa went around screaming that Gwen was trying to kill Ethan.
No, Theresa, YOU attempted to kill Alistair, but wound up poisoning Ethan.
I should know better, after all, I watch Passions, but you know, seeing James Reilly mock yet ANOTHER serious subject, just makes me shake my head in disgust. This is NOT a show that should attempt to tackle meaningful subjects, because it won’t do them justice or even mere respect, but here it goes.
Ethan, being a lawyer, knew what he was doing.
He didn’t give his wife Gwen his Medical Power of Attorney, which he could have done. He could have given Gwen the CHOICE to decide what do to with his life if he became incapacitated.
But, Ethan didn’t do that.
With deliberate thought, and choice, Ethan, THE LAWYER, drew up a Living Will, as to what he wanted to happen to him.
It wasn’t Gwen’s choice to make.
Ivy’s choice.
Sam’s choice.
Or anyone else’s.
It was ETHAN’s. In his OWN thoughts, he made the choice FOR HIMSELF.
And, that is what Gwen was trying to honor.
So, no, Gwen wasn’t trying to kill Ethan, you psychotic bitch. She was trying to honor the undeserving lump she married.
The difference between Gwen and Theresa is that Gwen has only one person in town offering her advice – Rebecca. And, we know how much Rebecca’s advice is worth, and the lack of moral grounding from which it springs.
Theresa, on the other hand, gets advice from at least 75% of this town, and nearly everyone giving her advice SHE KNOWS has her best interests at heart.
But, does she listen to them?
And then has the nerve to go around playing the victim card.
Um, Theresa, women who go around marrying their rapists have no reason to complain when the man does it again.
Her marrying Alistair could have actually been a good story for Theresa.
As much as I hate Theresa, I'm madder because this really COULD have been a good story for her. They simply ruined it by having Al rape her in the beginning.
In my version, there’d be no Theresa the 'victim'. Theresa, after
umpteenth confrontation w/Gwen over Jane and Ethan siding with Gwen
would say,
“That’s it. I'm through with this $*%&. I want my daughter, and I
want her
NOW. Now, how can I achieve this?"
And as soon as she says it, Al is coming around the corner.
She can marry him, but no quivering lip. No tears. She walks down the aisle with vengeance on her mind.
Sleeping with Al is just the price she pays.
Night after her 'honeymoon', at breakfast, she tells her husband that she's had it with Gwen having anything to do with her child. She wants that judge's custody order overturned. Al says, ' well, I do have a little bit of information on the judge's family - but, it's bad.'
Theresa replies: ' Use it.'
Next thing you know, they are all back in front of the judge who has seen the 'error' of her ways, and Theresa is granted full custody of her daughter.
Next thing is, Theresa wants Gwen and Ethan OUT of ' her' house.
Al has no problem with that.
Theresa then tells Al she wants Rebecca dealt with. She wants her to not be Julian's wife, and to be penniless. Al says he won't allow Julian to marry Eve. Theresa tells him to arrange it that Julian's divorce to Ivy was never legal. Win-win for both of them. Al thinks about it, sees that she's right, and Becs is out in the cold too.
I also want Theresa to FIND A CAREER. Rich men finance the career choices of their wives all the time. Theresa was once devoted to fashion, let her find that again.
Let her ENJOY being Mrs. Crane. Let her enjoy being seduced by what the power and position could do for her.
I would enjoy her having a cold heart to Ethan for just a bit, even though we know her obsession will never end...sigh...
But, what that story could have been, we didn’t get. We get Theresa raped every few episodes, and I think we’re actually supposed to feel bad for Theresa.
I don’t. She made her bed. She CHOSE to marry Alistair after the man raped her, so no better for her.
As we close the year, the Black Hole just gets blacker and blacker. It’s just….yuck.
If this didn’t get Kalouria fired, it
I don’t know the ins and outs of Kalouria’s leaving NBC, but he should have been fired for saying ‘ okey dokey’ to James Reilly’s asinine plans of keeping Passions Leading Man off the canvas for SIX MONTHS.
What kind of logic, in any kind of universe, does it follow to have your Leading Man, your hero of the show off the canvas for that long a time?
Because you had such fabulous story planned in his absence?
I don’t think so.
Who in their right mind would read the ‘plans’ for that six months, and go, ‘ wow, what a fabulous story.’
What story?
I ask what story?
This wretched drivel that we’ve had to endure of
Chris and
his supposed son as they make a make-believe family with
I’ve been told that the actor, who plays Chris-Adrian Wilson, is dazzlingly handsome in person. I’ll take their word for it, but, dazzling or not, Chris is a dud
In case Reilly hasn’t smartened up after all this
Sheridan and Luis aren’t people that can be involved in a ‘triangle’.
It didn’t
work with Hank, or Beth, or Antonio. It didn’t work because Sheridan
and Luis
aren’t people that can honestly have seriously divided hearts. They
love, they
love completely. Anything else is them trying to be nice and not hurt
else’s feelings. LUIS is
So, reveal that he’s Stump so that we can move on, and so that this actor can move on. Maybe he’d be wonderful with another actress, but we’ll never know because this show has insisted on making us suffer with all these scenes between Chris and Sheridan, who have absolutely NO chemistry.
I don’t care if he’s a bad guy. It’s been too
long. We
should have been told this up front, so at least there would be
interesting about the character. As is, it’s been lame from day one,
I could have accepted them showing a ‘lost’
Thanks for nothing, Reilly.
They had Cathy and Silvana and they give
Jessica Bennett has had 3 portrayers. The first two were actually talented actresses stuck in a role that was little more than glorified wallpaper. But, all of them had talent, were entertaining, and most importantly – COULD ACTUALLY ACT.
So, now, after 5 years, Jessica Bennett actually GETS a storyline they do it with Dan-ICK-a Stewart?
Of course, we could get into the fact that this story had no background, and just one day, we saw Jessica, who had been used as a walking Mark commercial for a year, suddenly smoking, drinking and hanging on guys. Soaps are still about the DETAILS, and this show forgot to SHOW US Jessica slipping from Mark commercial to the mess that she is.
And, as we’ve seen Jessica get worse and worse, I think we’re supposed to feel something for the character, but I could care less, and I know it’s because of her portrayer.
I believe, after 25 years of watching soaps that bad actors can’t sell Shakespeare, and good actors can make the worst dreck watchable. Passions isn’t Shakespeare. The writing is mediocre when it’s at its best, and it’s hardly ever at its best.
This show spent 5 years on a ‘youth’ storyline that went nowhere (Kay/Miguel/Charity), while the rest of the ‘youth’ were glorified wallpaper. In all that time we had Taylor Anne Mountz, Deanna Wright, Lena Cardwell, Chrystee Pharris, Mary Elizabeth Whitehead and Jade Harlow.
And now we have Cathy Doe and Silvana Arias – both very capable young women who can actually act, but are playing supporting roles to the likes of DanICKa Stewart? What kind of sense does this make?
It makes none. Simone and Jessica were never friends. They talked to one another because Simone and KAY were best friends, and now Simone is Jessica’s gay savior? GMAFB.
Simone could have turned bad because of the
fallout of her
parents. We saw the wildness of Paloma in
What a waste. It could have been entertaining. But, instead, it was a loss for us as viewers. I don’t actually blame James Reilly, he’s merely the Headwriter. The blame for us being stuck with DanICKa Stewart can be placed at Lisa de Cazotte’s feet, for keeping DanICKa employed.
I know that Foah was supposed to be ‘The Next Big Thing’ in coupledom on this show.
But, they don’t thrill me. They were but a cheap
version of
Shuis. It was like they took old scripts, and just crossed out
Yet, they are SO not Shuis.
Fancy is no
One of the things that work so strongly against this character is her supposed relationship with Alistair. The quintessential Fancy moment that epitomizes what’s wrong with the character is, after she KNEW that Alistair had ruined a good man’s life and career- Sam, she went into Alistair’s library, and when he presented her with a stack, she squealed like a pig, and all was right with the world. Her relationship with Alistair doesn’t make him look anymore human (I’ll get to Alistair later), but it definitely makes Fancy look worse.
As for Noah Bennett – we waited five years for that? I’m underwhelmed. I’m sure Dylan Fergus is a decent person, but I’m talking about Noah the character that he portrays. First of all, making Noah a loser gambler – uh, um, yeah, whatever. Then Noah gets to Harmony, and I’m not impressed. We haven’t seen Noah ever, and this is the best that they can do? When you have five years to plan a character, shouldn’t we expect a little more?
Of course, this is the same bunch that completely destroyed the possibilities of Antonio and Martin returning, so why should I think that it would be any different with Noah?
The mobsters from Vegas were stupid; Esme was stupid, and I have news for JER, I’m rooting for the gal from the letter in Noah’s wallet. I’ll be cheering her on, because Foah is just a dud.
Social relevance or social stupidity?
Simone’s lesbianism.
When I read that they were going to make Simone a lesbian, I just rolled my eyes. If I didn’t care about the character of Simone and weren’t a fan, I’d just shrug my shoulders.
But, I AM a fan of the character of Simone, and had hoped, that one day, just one day; she’d be allowed to showcase herself and her talents in a nice story. That after seeing her be wallpaper for Kay, and then a phony prop for a supposed ‘ triangle’ with Chad/Whitney, that one day, they’d find something interesting for her to do, and she’d get a chance at a romance.
That didn’t happen. We get ‘Simone is gay’ out of the blue, and that insures Simone is going to permanently be in obscurity. First, we get ‘hints’ that Simone is a By having her persistently spout anti-man rants. How ‘all men’ were no good. Um, excuse me, but THAT pathetic stereotype was just insulting.
Then, we have Simone’s new ‘purpose’ on the show. She can’t go to school. Find a career. Find something that will give her life meaning. No. She’s become Jessica’s handmaiden. Simone had barely uttered 10 sentences to Jessica in the previous five years of this show, and now, she’s Jessica’s savior? WTF?
Cathy Doe has the earnestness, innocence,
sincerity and soul
of Simone that hadn’t been there since
And, if that wasn’t bad enough, then I have to suffer through this show using Simone’s lesbianism to make TC look even worse – and I have to admit I didn’t think that was possible, considering the extreme short shrift that this character has received since the show began, but I was wrong. TC is just horrible, showing disdain and true ignorance in his rampant homophobia. One of the best characteristics TC was allowed at all by this show is that he was a good father; now even that has been stripped from him, through his tirades and his venom against his youngest daughter.
I thought TC was bad enough, but now, we had to endure watching this New Year’s Eve episode, where Alistair takes credit for ‘ turning Simone gay’, since he was the one who hired Rae to seduce Simone. This show just won’t stop with the insults. You can’t be ‘turned gay’. You either are, or you aren’t, and it’s just another reason to shake the head in disgust.
Not Socially Relevant, Just Socially and
Morally Repugnant – CRAPNEY
Usually when a character should leave the show it’s because they’ve gone down a dark corner, and they’ve done too many bad things. They’re just ‘too evil’ to remain on the show.
That is not the case of Crapney.
They aren’t ‘too evil’ to remain on the show; they’re just socially and morally repugnant.
The Incest Freak went about adopting Whitbait for one reason – he wanted a lure for Whitney. He wanted to get Whitney back into his bed, and knew that the kid would do it.
Don’t give me the crap that he adopted his own kid, the bottom line is, when he did it, HE DIDN’T KNOW IT.
He willingly and willfully went after adopting what he believed was FOX’s kid, so that he could use the kid as Whitbait, which is what he did. And, persists, to this day, insisting that he, Whitney and Whitbait should just be a family.
And Whitney?
It’s just depressing to see how far this character has gone downhill. For what, I might ask…
For the likes of CRAPNEY?
They were never a good couple to begin with, and this sick, disgusting story, of siblings wanting to be with one another is just gross, and has ruined both characters.
It doesn’t matter if they find out tomorrow, next week, or next month that they aren’t siblings.
THAT can not be erased.
THAT can not be removed from the Passions history.
And THAT was the moment that they were forever ruined, with the rest of this just adding crap upon crap of why these characters should be put out of their misery.
They removed Valerie from this ‘story’, because who the hell would root against Valerie in trying to keep SIBLINGS away from one another? Valerie could not be the bad guy, because CRAPNEY isn’t rootable in the least.
I have to wonder if someone at NBC thinks that the show just HAD to have a ‘Black Couple’, and thought that, whatever audience they thought wanted a ‘ Black Couple’, would be happy to have one, even through INCEST.
I’ve got news for them; NOBODY is that desperate to have a ‘ Black Couple’ on TV that they’re willing to accept one that has committed INCEST.
CRAPNEY is a loser pairing; always has been, but now, it’s so low, it isn’t even worth using the words CRAPNEY and pairing in the same sentence.
She’s Crazy and Do We Care? Nope –
I like Amelia Marshall. I’ve been a fan of her work ever since she played Gilly Grant on Guiding Light. I followed her to All My Children and enjoyed her work there. So, as a fan of the actress, I was happy to know that I’d be able to see her talents again on Passions.
But, Liz ‘ The Ultimate Emotional Cripple’ Sanbourne, is totally not worthy of her talents.
Liz’s entire focus since she’s been in Harmony has been Eve. Nothing else has mattered. She spent a year trying to replace Eve in Eve’s life, and when that didn’t happen, and TC and her daughters still loved her, she set her sights on Julian.
In some of the most bizarre scenes for Passions, and that’s saying something, now Liz’s troubles can be laid at JULIAN’s feet?
First, she blamed Eve, because Eve didn’t protect her from being
molested from
THEIR father.
Then, she blamed Eve, after the re-write was done, and now Eve didn’t protect Liz from being molested from LIZ’s father.
Now, Liz is so messed up because she was raped, ‘back in the day’, by Julian.
The molestation didn’t mess Liz up…no….now, it was a rape by Julian.
I simply don’t buy it. Not in the least. Not just because I’m a Julian fan, and I know his faults to the nth degree, but being a rapist isn’t among them. I don’t believe it.
Liz has changed her story so many times, it’s
And, because she’s changed it, I don’t believe any of it. She’s an
emotional woman with no life of her own in the least. I didn’t care too
much in
the beginning about what made Liz tick, and I certainly don’t now. I
that Reilly thinks that he can pull out the ‘
You know, they could have moved Liz on. She could have still had Eve in her sights, but moved her on, to maybe a partnership with Rebecca. Or maybe Liz could have gotten interested in trying to find out the secrets between Eve and Ivy, and set out to go after Sam for many reasons – rile up Ivy, and TC, Sam’s best friend.
As it is, Liz can hop the plane to wherever she wants, because she’s just outlived her usefulness, though I don’t think she was useful anyway.
They Gave Him A Face For THIS? –
I was one who was excited at Alistair Crane getting a face. I thought it was about time that he stopped being hands. I thought it would make Alistair more human.
I absolutely loved David Bailey. He rocked, and I thought he was A+ casting from the word go. I thought casting Alistair was a wonderful idea.
But now…sigh.
They hired a true professional like John Reilly, and then, they make him a cartoon villain. I take that back – cartoon villains have more depth than Alistair Crane does.
I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again – Alistair Crane is the WORST villain on daytime. He’s a wretched patriarch, and an even worse villain. There’s no emotion. No depth. No explanation as to why Alistair does what he does. He’s a dope dealer, supports hookers and supplies criminal elements like Spike, because? He just does evil things, and we’re supposed to accept them because it’s Alistair Crane.
There was so much that could have been done with Alistair, it’s just sad to see him turned into this pathetic excuse for a villain. I don’t blame John Reilly – he’s honestly acting his heart out; being a true professional. I suppose it’s turning Alistair into Harmony’s version of ‘Rapists-R-Us’ that really reeks. As a woman, it’s just grim to watch Alistair rape, and rape, and rape. There IS no humanity there, so I don’t remotely believe his ‘human spot’ – Fancy – especially after he pulled out a GUN and was willing to shoot as she was doing the nasty with Noah on the beach. How can you even perpetrate that he loved Fancy when he did that? I don’t buy it.
Of course, maybe I COULD buy it, if they EXPLAINED why Fancy was Alistair’s favorite. What made her special to him. This man, who could order the murder of his own child numerous times; order the murder of his grandchild (Evian’s child), and could threaten his children without a second thought – FANCY was his vulnerability? Yeah. Right. Whatever. And, that scene with him and Fancy in the Library where he’s naked in his robe, and she sits in his lap…it was, um, disturbing with its overtones.
Alistair is but another wrong move with this show. He could have been so much more. Meant so much more genuinely to the Passions Canvas; instead, we get this garbage. So disappointing.
At This Point, They Might As Well Kill
Off Grace Bennett
I know that some aren’t Grace Bennett fans, and this isn’t about that. This is about the story.
If Grace Bennett doesn’t return when her youngest child
Begins cutting herself
Takes drugs
Runs Away
Becomes a hooker
I mean it.
Everything that we remotely know about the character of Grace Bennett; the hallmarks of the character and what made up her persona….
WHY wouldn’t she be back helping Jessica?
The bullcrap about Jessica running away if Sam called Grace doesn’t cut it. Jessica’s been run away, and has done 10x worse than that.
Grace Bennett should be there for her daughter. Even if it didn’t help Jessica, and she continued on this path to ruin, it doesn’t matter.
This goes back to Kay’s phony redemption. Oh, MARIA has taught Kay so much?
If MARIA had taught Kay so much, then her selfish ass should be on the phone to Grace telling her all about Jessica’s problems.
There are missing pieces to a story that without their presence, the story just falls apart. Grace Bennett not being here, when EVERYTHING we remotely know about Grace Bennett would indicate that she WOULD be here, is just rotten, smelly storytelling.
Missing in action – the Adults
I willfully admit that the reason I didn’t stop watching Passions in October 1999 was threefold
1. Julian saw Eve
2. The Adults got stories
3. Donn Swaby as
I love the adults on this show, even the ones that I hate- Rebecca, Ivy. ALL the adults have chemistry with one another, whether be romantic, friendship, enemy – the chemistry is there. It’s been awfully dry wanting to see them interact with one another.
Eve/Ivy – great enemies.
Ivy/Lizzard-potential enemies
Sam/TC – great friends
Rebecca/Ivy –great enemies and allies
Rebecca/Eve-great enemies
Julian/Ivy – great enemies and exes
I like all of them.
Martin and Katherine even became tolerable once they were removed from being a ‘wuv story’.
ANY and all of them would be more enjoyable than watching the hideous JessiHo; boring Chris; lackluster Foah; the Black Hole.
The Lady In Red – Was Anyone Surprised?
The Lady In Red is Rachel.
We knew that.
What does it add to the show? As far as I can see – NOTHING.
THE Positives of Passion – Endorra
Endorra is the only thing I look forward to on this show. Isn’t that ridiculous? A child is the only bright spot that I see on this show.
I actually did enjoy Norma’s reincarnation this time because she was paired up with Edna – they were very funny together, but that’s a gimmick, not a storyline. Good for a few quick laughs, but soon forgotten.
The Loss of Family
The show has lost its focus. It forgot the small details that help make a soap move forward. I felt characters were even more isolated as the year moved on, as the show forgot about writing for an entire canvas, and the connections between people.
If Kay was so reformed, then why didn’t we see her with Father Lonigan at least wrestling with this change of conscience?
How about Maria, Ebait and Jane getting to know Martin?
How about SEEING Pilar and Paloma breakthrough?
How about SEEING Paloma and Theresa trying to be sisters? Why not have Paloma sit down with Theresa and ask her if she’s crazy for marrying Alistair? Why not have Paloma – someone who didn’t grow up with Theresa’s obsession, point out to Theresa that she doesn’t see love with regards to Ethan and Theresa, and that maybe Theresa can do better? Where is Paloma being an aunt to her nieces and nephew?
Why abundant scenes between Foah, yet months went by without a Fancy/Fox scene? What about a Fancy/Chad scene, if only to comment about how weird it was to find out she had another brother?
Where is the Sheridan/Chad scene? I don’t think
we’ve had
one since it was revealed that
Where are the scenes between Katherine and Julian? How about a scene
Katherine/Eve? How about a scene with Katherine and each of her
grandchildren? How
about Katherine being with her great-grandson, Whitbait?
Where is the scene with Julian and Endorra? He doesn’t have to spend a lot of time with her, but since Tabby takes Endorra with her everywhere, would it kill the writers to sneak in a scene where Julian ‘happens’ to come near them, and we see that Julian is taken with his adorable daughter?
Where is the scene where Simone told Whitney she
was a
lesbian? We could see Simone come out to JESSICA, but not her SISTER?
Where is
the scene where Whitney asks Simone to really look out for Whitbait;
that he
needs his aunt? Where is the scene where Simone reams Chad out about
going into the convent, telling him that his sick insistence on them
being a
‘family’ is the reason why Whitney’s gone, and telling him that he’s
doing no
good for his son. Where is TC showing up at
Alistair could have been very involved with his
family and
still have been evil, and it could have been entertaining. Him pitting
The show has potential. It has a lot of elements that could work; if only they would use their positives, and get rid of their negatives. But, to continue ignore all that they have at their disposal for wretched stories that don’t showcase the best of their talent, it will roll right into cancellation.
Passions has seen better years. Let’s hope 2006 brings something better.