Passions Problem #4 - The Non-Existent Triangles
This is a problem for Passions, because this show has SO MANY of them.
It would be one thing if you could point to the show and say, well,
they have 'X' number of triangles, and only this one is a farce....
But, that is NOT the case for Passions.
Passions has triangle upon triangle that is one in NAME only, because there are three people.
There is a couple, and then another person thrown in to perpetrate that it's a triangle. Add insult to injury, these characters and actors are completely WASTED when they could be doing other things.
Who is wasted?
Gwen certainly has been with the Ethan/Theresa Black Hole
Kay has been on the Miguel/Charity hamsterwheel
Hank supposedly was in a triangle with Luis/Sheridan
Simone is a third for Chad/Whitney
Can ANYONE tell me with a straight face that ANY of these characters have been shown to have ANY sort of a chance in these triangles?
The bad thing about it is that in two of the cases, Gwen/Ethan/Theresa,
Kay/Miguel/Charity, stories with a REAL triangle could have been written,
because the background totally existed. There was definitely enough there
to write a good triangle, and even have JER's 'Chosen Couples' come out
on top.
If they had actually written REAL triangles in these stories, I doubt
that I would have the disdain that I do for both Ethan/Theresa and Miguel/Charity.
The wrong done to Gwen, and the ruination of her character, in order to clean up the garbage that the E/T wretch became, is and always will be for me, " A Hustle".
Couple that with the Hamster Wheel that they've had Kay Bennett on for over TWO YEARS, while trying to SCAM that this is a 'triangle', and you have 2 out of the 3 'chosen couples' involved in storylines, that are, in essence, huge frauds.
Then, we had the waste of Hank on Sheridan and Luis. Of course, for the first year of Hank Bennett, they rarely, if ever showed him. I still think it's a possibility that they fired Dalton James because he didn't look like enough of a traditional 'Hunk', like Galen, and someone got it into their head that THAT was the reason why the triangle didn't work. Um....the reason why the 'triangle' didn't work, was threefold:
1. Sheridan is NOT a 'triangle' kind of girl. As I've said, Sheridan has been so desperate for love all her life, even if she fell for pondscum, she was LOYAL to that pondscum until he showed his true colors.
2. The wretched ambiguity of Hank. They never really knew how to characterize
Hank. While I could have believed it if they had Hank be a FORTUNE HUNTER,
totally after Sheridan for her money to save his own skin, they only skated
around that issue and hinted at it. I was NEVER convinced that Dalton's
Hank loved Sheridan's money more than he loved Luis. It was so obvious
that the Luis bond was more important to Hank than Sheridan or her money.
3. THE STORY WAS NEVER WRITTEN! We NEVER saw Hank fall head over hells for Sheridan. We NEVER saw Hank try and clean himself up to be worthy of Sheridan. We NEVER saw 'Hank the fortune hunter' developed. In essence, we NEVER saw it. The story was NEVER written.
And, BECAUSE there was NO history between Luis, Sheridan and Hank, there wasn't any emotional tie to even link these three. Their (romantic) bonds were all brand new when the show began. The longest bond was the one of Luis and Hank, and Galen/Dalton played it that way.
But, I think Luis and Sheridan came out of it far better than the other
couples involved in triangles, because the rest of them were eventually
turned into pairs of liars. I can't help but bring up Chad and Whitney
as a prime example of this.
Involving Simone in this 'triangle', has only participated in the decline
of the characters of Chad and Whitney.
Simone, unlike all the rest of the 'thirds', is the only 'innocent'. She's a teenager, who showed Chad more friendship than anyone. When TC dumped on him in the beginning, she stood up to him. She's stood up to Eve at least TWICE for Chad. When Whitney crapped on him, Simone was there. When Whitney jumped to believe Kay's lies about 'Tiffany', Simone didn't need to take a poll to know that Chad was innocent of what he was being accused of by Kay's lies. Did it create any romantic feelings from Chad towards Simone? No. I'm not even saying that it had to. But, because Chad has NOT shown ANY romantic feeling towards Simone whatsoever, TOTALLY makes calling Simone/Chad/Whitney a triangle, a complete FARCE.
Not only has Chad not shown any romantic feelings towards Simone, but his continual lying to Simone, has degraded the character. It was never Whitney's responsibility to tell Simone 'the truth' about Chad's feelings. It was Chad, BEING A MAN, who should have told Simone how he did NOT feel about her. Simone has been the ONLY one honest about her feelings in this 'triangle' up until a few months ago. She was front and center about how she felt, and very open about them. Chad NEVER corrected her when she believed that he kissed HER and confessed his love. NOT EVER in all these months. IF you don't correct someone on it, and you KNOW how they feel about YOU, how can Chad be seen as anything BUT a liar to Simone, and the longer that this has gone on, going from liar to scum.
Sure, Simone is annoying when she speaks of Chad as 'her boyfriend', but, until someone TELLS HER DIFFERENTLY, what is she supposed to think? She's young, and yes, she's only a teen, which makes others lying to her even worse.
On the one hand, you have Chad, and then, you had Whitney, who didn't give a rat's ass about Simone's feelings for MONTHS on end, lying time and time again as Simone asked her for the truth about her feelings for Chad. She dismissed Simone and her feelings, never once bringing them into the forefront, until Simone got hit by a truck. Then, they tried to shill the 'Whitney and Simone are so close' farce. And, 'poor Whitney, sacrificing her relationship for Simone'. Oh puleeze.
It's not Whitney's choice. And, this is the crux of the matter. Whitney's decision should have NOTHING to do with Chad setting Simone straight about his feelings for her. If Whitney NEVER spoke to him again, it shouldn't mean that Simone should be walking around in her cloud of delusion, since Chad has NO romantic feelings for her. To link the two is nothing but a 'false issue', and only adds more slime to the Chadney 'pairing'.
Plus, it's a waste of the character of Simone, who should be with the teen set. ANYTHING - a good guy, a bad guy, would be better than to see her be manic about Chad , moaning ' my boyfriend, my boyfriend, every other sentence', and then not speak of him for months.
To say that this is a 'triangle' is a FARCE.
So, Hank and Simone have never had a chance, and have been wasted in storylines that only trot them out, from time to time, as a plot device for the 'chosen pairing'.
Now, unlike Hank and Simone, Gwen and Kay actually had the potential
to be in REAL triangles. The emotional and lengthy bonds that Gwen had
with Ethan, and Kay had with Miguel, could easily have been built upon.
The long histories between these two couples could have been the basis
from which the points of interest were truly TORN, thus making the triangles