I saw the ratings for this week, and how can anyone be surprised about this?
And, as someone else commented, there is NO WAY to spin being 2.9 a year ago and 1.8 today. That is a quantifiable loss of ONE MILLION HOUSEHOLDS.
WHY is this happening?
So many reasons, but, I'll try to lay out a few.
#1- The Teen NON-Storyline
People might not think it, and I know I keep harping on this, but, it has to be said. IF you watched this show from the beginning, about 6 -8 months ago, you realized that you had been watching THE SAME DAMN THING every single day since the show began, and that there had been NO CHANGE in the storyline. You had literally been watching a Hamster Wheel for the past 2 years.
If we named off a teen character, and Tabby/Timmy, we could say, with certainty, the 5 lines of dialogue that they've been saying SINCE THE BEGINNING OF THE SHOW.
Now, people can only be fooled so many times before they catch onto a scam. And, the teen storyline of Passions has been nothing BUT a scam.
It hasn't moved ONE IOTA since the beginning of the show.
The show continues to insult the viewers by choosing a teen couple with NO chemistry and NO story. The only story that they have is how they use Kay, Tabby/Timmy to PROP UP this NON-Story. If left to their own devices, Charity and Miguel wouldn't be able to fill a half-page of anything as to WHY they should be together. If you can tell me why, or what story they have ON THEIR OWN, please tell me. Because, I don't see it.
What I do see is that Kay Bennett, who is a complex character and could be doing so much more..
As well as a several hundreds-year old witch, Tabitha Lennox..
are being continuously wasted by being the ones chained to this non-storyline, in order to PROP IT UP.
How are we, as an audience, really supposed to take this mess seriously, even in an entertainment point of view, when we have NO PROOF that Tabitha helping Kay will result in ANYTHING.
How can we trust it, considering NOTHING ELSE HAS MOVED in this storyline in TWO YEARS since the beginning of the show.
Fool me once, Shame on you. Fool me after two years, Shame On ME!
It's ridiculous to watch Tabitha NOW decide to help Kay using magic. I want to know what has changed? WHY this line of action?
The reason why this story doesn't just smell, but, reek, is because....
It's preposterous for this show, which SUPPOSEDLY is geared towards teens (demographically), can not only have SIX teens, but, not a REAL story between ANY of them.
Character-wise, NONE of the teens are any further along than they were when the show began. IS there a teen couple in soapdom with less 'chemistry' than the actors who play Charity and Miguel? If there is, please point it out to me.
In order to sell a couple...the optimal conditions are to have BOTH story and chemistry.
But, I've seen couples with CHEMISTRY sell a weak STORY.
And, I've seen couples with little CHEMISTRY sell a strongly told STORY.
But, I've never seen a case where a couple with little CHEMISTRY and NO STORY be able to sell it.
Charity and Miguel fell in love 2.2 seconds after meeting. WHERE WAS THE LOVE STORY IN THAT?
They aren't a couple who've fought against any odds? They didn't have to fall IN LOVE. Miguel hasn't even been torn one iota in this wretched' triangle' that Passions has farcically tried to sell.
I have to remind those in charge, that a TRIANGLE is based on the supposition that the POINT in question, is actually TORN between the other two points.
At the very least, the weaker POINT has to be able to 'win' some of the time......something that Kay Bennett has NOT done since the beginning of the show.
Kay has won NO BATTLES in her quest for Miguel.
I have people who have told me that Kay Bennett is James Reilley's Passions Version of Sami Brady, and this is supposed to be a repeat of the Sami/Austin/Carrie battle from DOOL.
There are major differences with Kay/Miguel/Charity.
1. Miguel/Charity have NO chemistry, while Austin/Carrie did.
2. Austin/Carrie had a love story where we SAW them fall in love. It
was progressive. Miguel/Charity fell in love 2.2 seconds after meeting
3. Austin/Sami had NO chemistry between them, while Miguel/Kay share
more chemistry than he ever did with Charity.
4. Sami WON in her schemes. It never lasted long, but just long enough
to do damage to Austin/Carrie, and to increase the rooting potential of
the pairing. I've been praying for Kay to win ANY battle, so that I don't
have to see the miserable Charity/Miguel on my screen. When you root for
the bad guy to win, that signifies to me that something is seriously wrong
with 'rootable' coupling.
5. There was a supporting cast on DOOL, with Lucas, and then Mike.
They were actually USED. Passions has the nerve to have three more teens
(Simone, Reese, Jessica), as well as Tabby/Timmy, and NONE of them are
being used. ANY of them could be used and developed and are more
interesting than a Charity/Miguel pairing.
I have nothing against teen stories. What I do have something against
are BORING teen stories, and in Passions Case : NON-EXISTANT teen stories.
To WASTE a full THIRD of the Passions Canvas with the Charity/Miguel 'story'
as the centerpiece - it is symptomatic of what is wrong with Passions as
a whole.