Charity, Miguel, and Kay / Tabitha and Timmy
Posted by blueeaglex
A Passions Primer: A Must-Read for New Viewers
Charity/Miguel/Kay and Tabitha/Timmy:
For at least three hundred years, the witch Tabitha Lenox has been
after the Standishes. She has known that one day a child will be born with
the ability to
destroy all evil.
That child is Charity Standish.
Years before, Grace Standish was raised with her identical twin sister,
Faith, by their mother, Mercy. Grace left home and later, Tabitha started
a fire in hopes of killing
Grace. It left Grace with amnesia. Faith searched for her sister but
never found her. With her daughter, Charity, Faith kept on the move, always
fearing that the
forces of evil would find her.
As the show began, a teenage Charity wanted to know why they couldn't
settle down. Faith revealed that she was on the lookout for her twin sister.
Charity got
her mother to agree to go with her to the Harmony Carnival.
There, Charity met Miguel Lopez-Fitzgerald--and it was love at first
sight. This was not good news to Kay, who was in love with Miguel and wanted
to be with him. (Miguel
only saw Kay as a good friend.) This was seen as even worse news to
Tabitha, who knew that Charity could destroy her! Tabitha, who everyone
sees as a
dotty old lady, knew she had to kill Charity, at any cost. Assisting
her was Timmy, her doll that she brought to life.
Tabitha tried everything. Drowning Charity, running her down with a
car, etc. Charity continued to survive, with no idea that her life was
in any kind of
danger. She kept going back and forth between her home and Harmony,
against her mother's orders, as she wanted to be with Miguel. Kay did her
best to keep
Miguel and Charity apart, but nothing worked.
Finally, Grace realized that Charity's mother was her identical twin.
They met via computer. Before they could meet in person, Tabitha confronted
Faith and
started a fire. Miguel saved Charity from the fire, but Faith apparently
died. (No body was found.)
Charity had amnesia after the fire, and then became a part of the Bennett
household. Kay used subliminal messages to convince Charity to stay away
Miguel. Tabitha made more attempts on Charity's life...placing her
on a train track, burning her at the stake, etc. Nothing worked.
Tabitha came up with a new plan. If Charity was to kill Miguel, she
would become evil. She had to do this now! And fast--Miguel and Charity
shared their first
kiss. A scheming Kay needed to get Miguel, but her plots to get Miguel
into bed didn't work.
Kay learned that the bird statue she had found (see the TC/Eve/Julian
story) drove Charity mad. She used this to have Charity placed in an asylum.
Charity had learned she had the ability to see premonitions.) To cure
her madness, Charity was given a special drug. Tabitha learned it had an
unusual side made people susceptible to others. Tabitha tried to get
Charity to kill Miguel, and she almost did. The drug wore off before that
could happen.
Now, Kay decided that she would ruin Charity's life once and for all.
But how? Tabitha came up with the perfect idea after seeing the movie "Carrie."
slipped the video into Kay's room to get the plan moving. The video
was all Kay needed to get her plan going. She would ruin Charity's prom,
just like what
had happened to Carrie at the prom. The shock would drive Charity insane.
Then, Kay could have Miguel for herself!
Before the prom, Tabitha slipped a magic pendant on Charity to concentrate
the evil. Miguel and Charity were named Prom King and Queen. Kay then dumped
fish guts on a happy Charity. She was so shocked by the fish guts that
she went catatonic! Then, the pendant's powers were turned on. Possessed
by evil,
Charity created a storm which sunk the prom boat.
Afterwards, Miguel and Charity reunited, to Kay's dismay. Whenever she
put on the pendant, though, Charity was possessed by evil. (Others, most
Grace, also were possessed by evil whenever they put the pendant on.)
The forces of evil wanted to destroy Miguel. They also wanted to destroy
Tabitha and
Timmy for failing to do their jobs of destroying Charity.
Evil Charity didn't have any better luck at killing Miguel than Tabitha
had had. The teens went off to the mountains, for a school project. Charity
pushed Miguel
into a mineshaft, then Kay and Charity all ended up inside! The evil
pendant was destroyed. Kay told Miguel she loved him, and Miguel revealed
that he was
planning on asking Kay out until Charity showed up. The teens also
met Hecuba, a witch in the mineshaft who Tabitha had trapped down there
years before.
Kay took a rock from the mineshaft with her. Once they were saved, however,
the teens believed that everything which had happened there had all been
a vision
caused by some gas. However, the rock Kay had allowed Hecuba to free
herself from her cave prison! Hecuba vowed to destroy Charity, and prove
she was a
better witch than Tabitha.
But Hecuba needed help. Realizing that Kay was after Miguel, Hecuba
got Kay to sell her soul to her. Hecuba promised to give her the soul back...but
first, she
needed her help to destroy Charity! Kay fell for Hecuba's idea, even
though Hecuba had no real intention to give Kay her soul back.
A frightened Tabitha and Timmy temporarily fled west, but their vacation
was no vacation. At the Bates Motel, they met up with Norma, a butch woman
wielding an ax. Tabitha and Timmy managed to escape back to Harmony.
In the meantime, with Kay's help Hecuba achieved her goal. Charity was
dragged into hell, via a portal in Charity's bedroom closet. Charity communicated
everyone via the computer, and Miguel realized that Charity was in
Miguel did everything in his power to save Charity. He was able to rescue
Charity from hell, though Charity didn't recall Kay's part in Hecuba's
Tabitha trapped Hecuba in a bottle, then disposed of her by throwing
her into her basement, which is inhabited by the forces of evil.
Still without a soul (as Tabitha now posssessed it, hanging around her
neck) Kay again tried to snag Miguel. Timmy gave Kay her soul back, though,
and Kay
decided that she must give up on trying to win Miguel's heart. Kay’s
attempts to be good didn’t last long, especially once she and the other
teens reached Warlock Island.
Kay’s plans to seduce Miguel on the island fell through when the teens
discovered Tabitha trapped on the boat. Tabitha is the target of Norma,
the psycho stalker who went after her months before and who is again attempting
to kill her.