She looked away, quite quickly, but he turned her to him again.
“I want a straight answer and don’t turn away.”
“You are putting pressure on me to choose between you and T.C.”
“Life is too short, you have to take chances, but if you can honestly tell me that you never want to be with me ever again, right here, right now, then I will walk away, I will be out of your life, all I ask is for you to face whatever feelings you have for me.”
“I can’t.”
“Yes you can Eve, your head is taking over for you to be cautious and do the right thing. Well did you ever stop to think that being with me is the right thing?”
“But I have a life with T.C.”
“And you can easily have a life with me, you can still be a mother, to your girls and our son.”
“Our son.” She said smiling.
“Yes Eve, our boy, our son who was created from such an intense and amazing love.”
“We can still find our son and love him even if I am with T.C.”
“He will never understand, you know that Eve, no way in hell will he after what happened tonight.”
“I don’t know.”
“Look before you turned me down, you wanted me to take you to Paris, I could see the excitement and happiness in your eyes, you can still have that, but this time we will make things happen when you are ready. But I know that you are afraid to face your fears.”
“I am not!” she said firmly.
“Yes you are, your greatest fear is allowing yourself to be in love with me.”
“Maybe I should go.” She said putting her hand on the door handle.
“I am right, look at how you want to run, but don’t, I am not going to break your heart sweetheart, I am not going to abandon you and I promise you that.”
Eve looked at Julian and as much as she didn’t want to admit it, she did have many fears and one of them was the love she felt for him.
“Even if I did want to be with you, how can it be possible? I can’t just go up to T.C. and say I am leaving you for Julian Crane, let’s be real about it.”
“Well not exactly like that, but like I said I don’t want stolen kisses, I want you Eve, you and only you. I can deal with Rebecca, T.C. would be our main concern.”
“And Liz?”
“Well, she wants him so she could have him right?”
“No Julian, Liz should not have him, she would have won. Liz does not deserve T.C. she has been trying to get him away for so long.”
“Would that be a bad thing?” he asked.
“Yes of course, T.C. is a good man, Liz is a spiteful bitch.”
“Well I understand that, but it will be up to T.C. who he wants to be with.”
Eve sat there, unsure of what to say next, everything Julian was saying made sense, he knew her so well and he could tell when she was in denial or avoiding a subject.
“So what it is going to be sweetheart? If you say yes, are you going to change your mind again?”
“I said I was sorry about that.” She said rather annoyed.
“All I ask is that you take a chance on me. I can offer you everything, money, power of the Crane name.”
“I don’t want any of that, I am not Rebecca.”
“I know that, but the one thing that I will offer you is unconditional love. A chance for you to be yourself, you don’t have to pretend to be someone your not like you do with T.C. I know you Eve. I know how you beat the personal struggles from the past to come out on top as a wonderful doctor, mother and wife. But you only have to be you Eve; I will be there to comfort you, to lean on, for happy times, to make love. I will be the man that I should have been so long ago. I will be the Julian you loved then, but even better now. Above all, I will be the man who is in love with you and puts your needs above anyone else’s”
Eve could feel tears in her eyes, he put her on a pedestal, but not like T.C. did. He accepted her with all of her faults, with all of her mistakes. T.C. thought of her as perfect, Julian thought of her as human.
“Eve, I don’t mean to upset you, I just know how I feel and can’t help but want you to feel the same way.”
“I do love you Julian.”
“How much Eve?”
She leaned forward and kissed him ever so softly on his mouth, trying to avoid hurting him where T.C. had punched him. But he didn’t care, pulling her into his arms and kissing her more passionately and deeply than he thought was ever possible. They had shared quite a few kisses along the journey of getting to know one another again, but this kiss was the one he would treasure the most.
“Oh my beautiful Eve does this mean….”
“It means that I couldn’t stand nearly losing you and to go another day without feeling your mouth against mine, oh Julian.” She said hugging him ever so gently.
“Let me love you, let me show you what kind of a man I truly can be.”
“I know who you are Julian, I have seen the man that I loved so many years ago, I have remembered the wonderful passion and love that we experienced. You are that man and much more.”
“Will you give me the chance to be the only man in your life or will I forever be competing for your love with T.C.?”
“I love both of you Julian, that is my dilemma.”
“Do you not love me just a little bit more?”
“Please don’t ask me that.”
“Eve, don’t shut me out, please, if you can honestly say, no you don’t love me anymore than T.C. I will understand, but maybe one day you will.”
“I feel so much when we are together Julian, I feel alive, I can be myself, I can be just Eve. I am not only known as Dr. Russell or T.C.’s wife.”
“You are your own person my love, if only T.C. knew how beautiful of a singer you really are. If only you could share your common bond for music with Whitney. She has your gift Eve, she truly does.”
“I wish I could run away with you.”
“Then do it Eve, let me take you as far away from here as possible.” He said, touching the strap on her dress.
“I can’t, I just can’t Julian.”
“Won’t you at least spend a weekend with me? If I can’t take you away permanently, will you let me take you away for a few days?”
“So we can be alone and I can show you what I have to truly offer if you chose me.”
“You see me here in town enough.”
“Not enough my darling Eve, there are always people around, Whitney, T.C., Rebecca, everyone. I just wanted a chance to be on our own, away from prying eyes where we can just spend hours talking or hours… well my point is I love you and I want to show you.” Julian said.
“T.C. hates you so much right now, he would never let you near me, let along take me away.”
“We will do it complete secrecy, I will tell Rebecca I have business to attend to, I need a break from her anyway. You can say that you have some kind of meeting for work, anything, just to see your beautiful face, to hold you in my arms for even a day. Eve, let me show you, please, then you can make a clear decision about me and genuinely tell me how you feel.”
“I don’t know Julian.” She said looking away.
“Please Eve, I love you so much, I need this chance.”
“Just a few days?”
“But where will we go, we can’t stay in Harmony.”
“Anywhere Eve, we don’t have to travel far, but if you want to, we can go to Paris still, I will call for the jet and have it ready.”
“This is a bad idea.”
“No, a good one, let me shower you with attention, spoil you, please Eve.” He said tracing her lips with the tip of his finger.
“Okay, yes, I will go with you.”
“Oh Eve.” He said pulling her into his arms.