The lady of the day, had to be Poison Ivy.
Ivy is on a mission, baby!
Now, that she's heard them talk about a Bird Statue, she's not giving up in the least.
She was rummaging around Julian's computer, but, found nothing. Pilar comes in, and tells Ivy that she needs to give up this foolish notion that Julian/Eve had anything together.
Ivy says that it's not so foolish. Ivy asks Pilar about Eve and she tells her that Eve is a devoted wife and mother, an excellent doctor, who even serves the poor. She's as close to a 'Saint' as one can get.
Ivy then tartly responds...that sometimes those that appear to be Saints were the Biggest sinners out there.!
Oh, Ivy... SO TRUE!
I also loved that Ivy decided to check out Eve on the internet...and, isn't it interesting, that the demarkation for Eve's Sainthood Resume was Medical School.
Pilar's comment about there probably anything in Eve's past before medical school that would be exciting...
LOL Pilar..if you only knew.
But, Ivy wasn't finished yet. She shows up at Eve's as she's making dessert. I loved it, Ivy came to Eve's home turf to try and upset her, and Eve told her that she didn't have to be nice to Ivy when they were alone..and, then Ivy dropped the bomb about the Bird Statue, and Eve dropped the dessert..and Ivy had her answer.
Oh baby!
The feud between them is perking right up. I loved them today.