Fallen Ch. 26 Part II
It happened in slow motion, she rose when Eve motioned for her, and there was just deadly silence, she heard her name, no… she heard what sounded like her name, but then someone had gotten her last name wrong, because they had said Crane, and she wasn’t a Crane.
“MOTHER.” Gwen stood, and strolled angrily toward her mother in the center of the room. “What are you doing?”
“Gwendolyn, I thought it was obvious, after all you told me it was time to be honest, you were honest with Ethan, and now I’m being honest about what I know.” She thrust the microphone at her daughter, and walked over to the Russell table and dropped the magazine on the table in front of T.C., whose eyes narrowed at the pictures.
Julian stood, and marched down form the table, and confronted his ex, with fury blazing from his eyes. “Rebecca, you’re an unwanted guest in my home, I suggest you take your lies, and leave before I have to remove you myself.”
“Oh Pookie.” Rebecca made a move to cup, his cheek, but the steel in his voice cause her to falter. “These aren’t lies, I have proof, check the article Coach Russell, page four, I believe you’ll find it enlightening.”
T.C. picked up the tabloid, with apprehension, but turned to the page, and let his eyes roam the article, his eyes repeatedly returning to the picture of Eve and Julian locked in an embrace. “This has got to be a lye, my Eve wouldn’t… not with him.”
Rebecca rolled her eyes, and turned to look at T.C. with pity and annoyance. “ Oh come on ‘Coach,’ connect the dots already, all those private conversation you walked in on, Eve’s refusal to speak of her past, the longing looks, or how bout this take a good long look at the star of tonight’s show.” All eyes swung to where Jody stood frozen in place. “She looks like oh my god… like Julian and Eve HAD A CHILD TOGTEHR.”
Eve finally moved from her place at the podium to take a good long look at Jody, and realized with both hope and dread, that Rebecca was right. Her eyes were blue, like Julian and Sheridan’s, but she had the same nose as Simone, her father’s nose, and for the first time she saw clearly why something about Jody’s face had always annoyed her, because she had her Liz’s chin. “It’s not possible… I…we… had a…son.” She spoke quietly, but not quietly enough for the mic in front of her not to pick up her words.
Kay and Antonio stopped in their tracks, at the sentence; she grabbed his arm, and pulled him back, unsure of what to do. “I hate it when I’m right.”
“Actually Doctor.” Rebecca said her voice oozing with sarcasm. “According to the doctor that delivered darling little Jodyah, they guessed it was a boy, a girl was actually what you had… this little girl.”
“Oh that’s just great.” For the first time invisible spot light sifted back to the Russell table, where Simone pushed herself away from the table in disgust. “I was wondering where Whitney got her sluttly nature, and now it all seems clearer, she’s a tramp because OUR MOTHER IS A TRAMP.”
“SIMONE…” Kay began, but stopped when T.C. rose so quickly that he took the table with him, she felt Antonio come beside her, before he moved swiftly in front, while he nodded to Luis, and Sam who were already closing in on the man. “Let’s just calm down everyone…”
“Now see here no matter how upset you are, YOU WILL NOT DISRECPECT EVE, neither in my house nor my home.”
“Julian?” Eve quiet childlike call, caught his attention, and had him turning quickly to face her, he caught her eye, nodding slightly and bent to retrieve the tabloid. He gaze softened when it fell on the picture, but curiosity had him, devouringly the article, watching names and dates. When he was done he gave a small smile confirming the tale, as he looked at Jody with wonderment.
“My baby...” Eve moved quickly toward her daughter with tears running silently down her face, her hand stretched out aching to make contact.
The act seemed to propel the silent doctor, into action she steeped back, and held up a hand to block the older woman. “Let’s not and say we did.” Aware they everyone was watching her, Jody stepped down form thee main table and calmly made her way to Julian, and held out her hand.” May I?”
“Of course.”
Jody took it quickly, hoping no one saw how her hands shook, before she read it quickly, grimacing at the realization that the information was true to what she knew of her own beginnings. Snapping the trash shut, she made eye contact with a waiter frozen by the door. “What’s the strongest thing you got?”
“We have some 80 proof...”
“Bring the bottle.”
“I don’t think…”
“Have you been paying attention to what’s going here?” At his nod she gave sad smile.” Then I think you’ll agree that I earned the bottle.” He hurried away leaving the room, in a tense silent, that was broken once again when Jody picked up one of the disregarded chairs thrown to floor , in T.C.’s anger and righted it before sitting down, and staring at the angry man, with fascination.
“Jody you okay?” Hank realized it was a stupid question, but as he kneeled in front of his date, he couldn’t think of anything else to say.
“Give me a minute.” The waiter returned, with the bottle and a glass, but merely handed her the bottle of whiskey.
“Can I get you anything else Dr... Miss…uh?”
“Just Jody and no thank you.”
“I don’t like this.” Kay said form her place beside Antonio, he turned and gave her a look of disbelief, and she nodded back toward the center of the room.” I mean that we know this people; these aren’t the reactions we should be seeing.”
He shook his head, she was right, by this time Julian shook be hiding in a corner somewhere trying to outrun T.C.’s anger, not staring at Jody with … was that pride, and Jody, he wasn’t exactly sure what he expected of Jody, but it wasn’t drinking calmly from a whiskey bottle as she stared at her furious step-father. She opened her mouth to speak, and he was sure, she was going to scream or something, but she just spoke calmly, as if she was they were discussing the weather.
“Would I be correct in assuming from you’re…” She looked at the flipped table, and raised an eyebrow.” Tantrum that you were unaware of your wife’s past or my existence?”
“Please limit your response to yes or no.”
“Uh huh, and did anyone here know about a child or even the affair?” No spoke, though several eyes, quickly looked away, and began shifting nervously. “Interesting.”
Julian saw her eyes narrow, and picked up on her line of question.” Jody there were…”
“Circumstances, yeah I heard that line once in a lifetime made for TV movie, I didn’t really but it”
“Jody?” Eve managed to wipe the tears form her face and joined the fray, being careful to not to get to close to either Julian or Jody them selves.” Jody…”
“Now now EVE, let’s not go letting some shared DNA distract us form our hatred of each other.”
“EVE.” T.C. shouted drawing attention back to himself, as he stepped in front of his wife blocking her view of her first born, waving the tabloid in her face. “Explain this…the article, the photo…just tell me there all lies.”
“I can’t. “ For a moment it looked like he would hit her, so much so that Chad left his place comforting Whitney, to move protectively in front of Eve.” It’s all true.”
T.C. turned and pointed an accusing finger at Julian.” YOU this is all your fault, you and that little…” The right cross came form Julian so quickly that no saw it coming, and with such force that it knocked T.C. onto to the floor.
“You ever finish that sentence, and I’ll kill you with my bare hands.” Julian made a move to advance on the fallen enemy, but was held back by Fox and Ethan.
Liz rushed forward and helped T.C. to his feet, but was quickly brushed off, as he limped toward Julian. The fury between the two was so much that most took steps back. “You want her CRANE, you can have her.” He turned his back on them not even looking at Eve, as he gestured for Whitney and Simone to follow him.
Whitney stared in shock at the scene around her, not sure what to do, or who to stand by, sensing her hesitation Chad spoke up as he retook, his position, beside her, encircling her waist in his arm.” I think Whitney will be staying with me.” T.C, paused in the doorway a mere second, before he shrugged, and stormed out the doors, Simone and Liz following behind him.
“Well…” Jody stood and moved back to toward the podium, and took the plaque that she found inside, before bending the microphone to her level.” I’d like to thank my partner and friend Patrick Wong, as well as all the fine professionals at UC Memorial and Harmony General.” She shook the hand of the stunned director, and walked toward the door.” Kay, boys you ready to go?”
Sheridan shook her self out of her amazement, as dozens of thoughts ran through her head, and focused instead on the carnage left over, Eve was sobbing loudly into Grace’s shoulder, as Whitney did the same to Chad, Julian didn’t even resemble her drinking and sniveling brother, and the rest f the guest were watching waiting for the next bomb to drop. “ I think Ladies and Gentleman that that concluded this Crane party, as always it was our pleasure to have you attend. “ She turned to Fox, and gave nodded toward the door.” Fox, could you say goodnight to our guest.” Her nephew just nodded, and put on his best smile, as he began leading guest out the door. “Phyllis, can you have the cleaning crew come in here, and get started.” She walked toward Pilar, ignoring Luis presence, and spoke quietly.” Pilar do you think you and could show Grace and Chad some empty guest room, I think Whitney and Eve should lie down for a while.” Turning back she noticed that most of the party had cleared out, Rebecca was being reamed out in a corning by Gwen, and Julian was still standing there as tall as she ever seen him.” Julian can I speak to you for a moment, in your study?”
“Certainly, I just need a moment.” He watched as Grace rushed Eve form the room following behind Pilar, Chad moving with Whitney at a more sedate pace. He moved to the corner of the room, and took out his cell phone.” Yes this is Julian Crane; I want someone on Jody McKoy immediately, my daughter ids to be protected at all cost.”
An hour a half later
Jody slipped into the front door of the bar aptly named ‘ Desperate Times Saloon’, it had taken her twenty minutes to get rid of Hank, telling him that she needed time, ditching her room mate and patient had been harder. Kay had refused to go back to the hospital, saying the news would have spread, and made it a mad house, ‘which was not conducive to healing’. Antonio had agreed, but had wanted to talk about what had happened, but once she had suggested he find a place for Kay to sleep, he got all flustered and ran off. Once she was alone she had thrown her dress away, and slipped into her favorite jeans and t-shirt, jumped snuck out the back door, and driven off.
It had been a while since she felt the need to kill every brain cell she possessed by getting stinking drunk, that last tem she remembered correctly was the night her father died, but she still knew how it was done. True it had taken her awhile to find a place suitable for her to get drunk, but she was sure it would be worth it, just walking in she could hear the loud music, and the raunchy laughter. She stepped up to the bar, and caught the bartender’s eye.” Whiskey Sour.” The bartender just nodded and walked off preparing to make the drink when Jody heard a noise that caused her to turn in her seat.
“Oh my god, that’s so funny.”
“It can’t be.” Jody searched the dark room, feeling dread build in her
chest, before her eyes found the speaker.” It is.” Grabbing her drink she
downed it once swallow, and walked over to the dimly lit corner where two
large truckers flirting with someone who definitely shouldn’t be allowed
in the bar. She tapped the larger of the two on the shoulder, and when
he turned around to see, her icy blue gaze caught the young girls eyes
as they widened. “Bet you wish you were an only child right now.” She stepped
closer ignoring the looks that men gave her as she stared into Simone’s
angry brown eyes.” Well I don’t feel too guilty about it, I’m wishing it