~@~@ Fallen Ch.30
Simone felt awkward to say the least, after dropping off Jody, Antonio had decided to take Kay advice, and drive around till Harmony PD could get rid of the reporters, he said he didn’t want her to have to deal with them, but he keep looking at Kay as he said it. Suddenly as if noticing she were alone in the world, she finally began taking in the night activities, that didn’t involve her.
When she had first Kay arrive at the party it had been with Jody, Hank, and Antonio. Hank and Jody had obviously been there together, she remembered clearly thinking how cute they were together, but Kay and Antonio had been different. He had been valiantly attempting conversation, and she had been shutting him down at every opportunity.
Then when she had gone to look for her friend, she found that both Kay and Antonio had disappeared only reappearing when after the bombshell had been dropped.
Antonio parked the car just outside of Harmony city limits, and turned on the radio, before looking back at the girls.” Are you guys hungry, we go back in town and get something?”
“No, that’s okay.” Simone looked at him, again, and noticed how he gaze lingered on Kay. “Hey Antonio, do you mind if I borrow Kay for a moment?”
“Sure, I could use some fresh air.” He stepped out the car, and walked
down a few yards leaning against a tree, and began thinking about what
Jody had said earlier.
Meanwhile in the girls in the car, had fallen in a crypt-like silence that was causing serious discomfort, until feed up Kay turned in seat and meet her friend’s eyes head on.” What?”
“I don’t know Kay you tell me.”
“Tell you what, that you’re being an idiot.” She shrugged.” Fine you’re being an idiot, things like this happen everyday, at least they do in Harmony.”
“You’re such a bi…”
“Yeah, well I’m not the only one in the car with that problem am I?
“You’re not me Kay, okay, you think you get it, but you don’t.”
“I don’t get it.” Kay removed the clip in her hair, and shook it out, frustrated beyond belief with the stupidity surrounding her. “Three years ago, I was one of LEGITMATE three children, going through what I thought was a pretty mild case of middle child syndrome, I have since gotten, an annoying cousin, and two count them two brothers.” “I’m now the illegitimate child of Grace ‘Hastings’ and Sam Bennett.”
Simone looked away, but still had a defiant tilt in her chin, that made her friend continue. “I don’t understand what it’s like “She shook her head.” You’re right, I don’t understand how you could luck out like you did, and still be this monumentally stupid, and angry.”
Fed up with the conversation, she kicks opens the backdoor and is about to leave when she turns back to her friend, tears moistening her eyes.” You better watch it Simone, this kind of anger takes you down a dangerous road.”
Sheridan looked at the tape recorder in the middle of the interrogation room table. There it was that click signified the end of her time as ‘Alistair Cranes’ daughter’, sure it was only a superficial title, but it had weighted her down none the less.
The title, like the man associated with it was tainted, and it brought nothing but pain. If she needed any indication of that she need only to look over at her brother, and Eve.
Now there was a painful sight.
Julian bruises had hindered ‘the strong able body man ‘look that he had been pulling off since she saw him earlier today, and what the revelation and beating hadn’t taken from him, watching Eve crumble had. He had been seated leaning back in the chair across from her, his story had been more in depth and informative then anything she had to add to their fathers list of crimes, dating back before she was even born.
The stories he told had frightened her, and she knew they sickened Sam and the D.A., but nothing had keep Julian from telling the story, until he came to his time with Eve, then his voice faltered, got lower, so low they had to ask him to speak louder, but even with his voice booming you could hear the heartbreak, the excruciating pain that period has caused.
The only joy they had known had been there love, and the epitome of that love had been their child, that Alistair took.
And it was still there, she looked at Eve, and she could see the shadows, some caused by T.C. and Simone’s quick denouncement of her, but the rest were older, as though then been there hidden just under the surface, shadows that were mirrored in her brothers eyes.
That was when it hit her, Eve and Julian could have as surely been her and Luis, given enough time, and bitterness. It was part of his curse, to belittle his children, until them; themselves were the ones destroying their happiness.
Hearing her name she looked up and met his eyes, god she loved his eyes.” Yes, Luis?”
“Uh…. I just thought you might need a ride home?”
“I’ve already called for a car to come get us, Sheridan.” Julian spoke, finally looking away from Eve huddle figure in the corner to meet her eyes.” But the decision remains your sister.”
“Yeah.” Sheridan caught her brothers meaning, it was a very clear ‘put up or shut up’. “Thank you Luis, I’d appreciate that, if it wouldn’t take you out of your way.”
“It won’t.” Luis picked her coat, and placed it over her shoulders, and let his hand linger on the small of her back, as he led her toward the door. Pausing only when she made a deliberate stop by her brother.
“I’ll see you in the morning Julian; I suspect we’ll have a lot to get through.” Julian stood, and kissed his sister’s forehead, a move he hadn’t done since she was four. “We’ll have a family breakfast.”
“Yes, I’ll look forward to that, sister.” Julian stepped back and thrust out his hand toward Luis.” Thank You for your assistance Luis.”
Luis’ hesitation was short, before he shook the hand. “Your welcome.” He paused just inside the door. “Eve, did you need a ride too?”
“No.” Julian spoke again, before the doctor had a chance to answer.” I hate to be presumptions, but I don’t think it’s very safe for Eve to be without protection.” He turned and met Sam affirming nod. “I think it will take time to make some proper arrangements for her and all her children.”
“Okay.” Luis said, nodding to the others in eh room, as he closed the door.
“Eve?” At her name she looked at the voice, Sam gave a sympathetic smile. “Grace and I would love to have you, but it’s probably safer if you at a Safe house with Whitney, until Alistair in custody, we’re having adding security go over to Jody’s home, but in the mean time I need to speak with Julian for a moment okay?”
“Of course.”
An officer appeared at the door, and Sam motioned him to Eve.” This is Jackson; he’ll take you to my office.”
“Thank you.”
While Julian followed Eve with his eyes, he felt his gut tighten, and knew for sure that there was trouble, when Sam stood beside him. “We have a problem.”
Antonio stepped off the tree, when he heard the car door slam. Then he began to wish he had listened to Jody, when he saw Kay storming toward him, she looked angry and sad. So he did the only thing he could think to do in the situation, he opened his arms, and caught her, as she fell into them.” What happened?”
“She’s an idiot.”
He rubbed her back, and gave a small chuckle; sure that Kay had in fact made her feelings about Simone know to the girl. “She’s having a rough night.”
“Her night is no rougher, then Jody’s or Whitney’s. She stepped back form him and wiped her eyes.” She’s scaring me, she starting to sound just like me, before I…uh…” Her eyes went blank, her complexion paling somewhat, as she remembered what.” She just starting to sound a lot like me before, I let sanity take a vacation.”
“You’re not crazy.” He lifted her chin, and stared into her eyes, willing her to believe him.” And we won’t let Simone get to that place, no of us will, I promise.”
“HEY BENNETT.” They looked back at the car and stepped apart as Simone moved toward them, limping slightly. “We’re not done.”
“Simone…” Antonio started, but Kay put a hand to his lips to stop him, and used the other hand to push him toward the car.
“She’s right.”
“I don’t think this is a good idea” He looked at both of them and sighed when they ignored him, before he started walking toward the car. It wasn’t until he was inside that he finally asked himself something that he’d been wondering for a while. “Since when I did start taking orders from so many women in my life?”
Simone watched the seen with a small amount of fascination, before asking
a similar question.” Since we did Lopez-Fitzgerald’s become so docile?”
” Antonio been house broken, trust me the other two are still the same.” Kay just shrugged her shoulders, a small smile on her face. “Now where were we?”
“Where do you get off, our situations aren’t the same.”
“Your right, your mother tried to help you avoid the life she led, yes she lied, but she always advocated against living the life she had to.” “ My god could you imagine how different my life would have been if my father had just one time told me to never trust my heart to someone who could be so callous with my friendship.”
“She was a whore….”
“ No, that what your father thinks she was, but weren’t you the one that told me , that ninety-five percent of everything your father said that wasn’t about tennis or health was garbage.” She took her friends arm, and forced her to look at her.
” Simone, you were the first person, to say that Chad wasn’t a street punk like your father suggested he was, and taking out the whole Whitney thing, you have to admit that that if nothing else is still true.You have always, ALWAYS, ignored everything opinion that your parents have tried to laid at door, until you proved it to yourself, you took pride in the fact that you unlike Whitney were allowed the freedom to think whatever you wanted until, you changed your own mind, so why? Why would this be different form any other opinion, why can’t you take the time to prove it for yourself?”
Simone walked to the tree, and let forehead rest against; the night was catching up with her.” Why would she do that?”
“Do what lie about her life, or live that way at all?” Kay slid down onto the ground beneath the tree and took Simone hand and brought her down beside her.
“I don’t know why she ended up there with Julian, I couldn’t begin to imagine, but as for the lie well…” Kay met Simone’s eyes. “I had a miscarriage, during my suicide attempt, the baby couldn’t survive the blood loss, and I didn’t even know I was pregnant.”
“No just give a minute here.” She wiped the tears from her eyes. “I feel sick with guilt and regret, and sick because deep down I’m relieved, because now I won’t have to tell him or her, what I did.” “I can’t even imagine having a child, knowing that one day, that’ll find out the kind of person I am.” “ I can completely see, how lying was better then seeing the look of disappointment, and disgust that you had when you found out that your mother wasn’t the saint she was billed as.”
Kay just looked at the car toward Antonio. “Can you honestly tell me that you’d want your child to hear about this night?” She turned back and met the other girl’s eyes. “You’re very lucky Simone, tonight your mother became my hero, and she’s on a very short list, so short that the only other person on it is your oldest sister Jody.”
“I had a feeling we would.” Straightening to his full height he met Sam gaze head on. “How long?”
Sam squashed the amount of respect he felt building in his chest, he felt like he was betraying T.C, but he wasn’t exactly sure the man still deserved his loyalty. Forcing himself back to the present he gave a sad shake of the head.” D.A. says the best we could do is five years in a minimum security prison.”
“D.A. can call a grand jury to meet on Monday, to prevent any escape
attempts; we’re going to take your father tonight.” He followed Julian’s
eyes, as they moved toward his office. “I suggest you surrender yourself
before the Grand jury meets.”