The Fine Print - Chapter 10
by yhh

"Hi, Aunt Whitney," Ethan-Martin yelled out as his grandfather escorted him to the jungle gym area of the park.
Whitney smiled and waved back. She had thought the trees hid her from sight, but obviously not.

"Ethan-Martin, I will be right over there with Aunt Whitney, if you need me," Julian informed his grandson, who nodded and quickly took off. He slowly made his way over to Whitney. "May I sit down?"

Whitney nodded. She didn't want to talk to anyone or want anyone sitting next to her. She came here to get away from everyone and everything. She had even left her cell phone in the car. Every where she turned, people were everywhere. At the mansion, at Harmony U, where she was taking a few general classes. She had hoped the park would be her safe haven, but she was wrong.

Julian instantly sensed his future step-daughter's mood and kept quiet. He had noticed her constant need to stand away from the crowds, to always be on the fringe of the group, ever since Chad was mistakenly identified as her brother. He completely understood, or thought he understood, the guilt and disgust she felt at having a relationship, even by omission, with her brother. He was quite familiar with feelings of guilt and disgust, but he had thought or rather hoped that with therapy, Fox's love, and the revelation that Ethan was her brother she would have made a change for the better. But so far no change had occurred. She was still the same depressed, quiet Whitney. While she had never been an overly talkative young woman, she did have a way about her that put you at peace and put a smile on your face. She had a sereneness to her. It was why he had revealed his relationship with her mother on the elevator. He wished there was something he could do to bring the lovely young woman from the elevator back, or even the one he had glimpsed laughing and joking with Fox back when she was dating Chad.

He was heartbroken to know his weakness, his unwillingness to stand up to his father and stand up for Eve had led to Whitney's current state. He was responsible for this mess. But as Eve told him, "If wishes were horses.." He tried to keep that saying in his mind, but he could buy millions of horses so it didn't mean the same thing to him as it did to less fortunate people than he. He would do anything to make it up to Whitney. But this situation wasn't something you made up for. He hadn't missed her birthday. Or broke her favorite item. Or lost her favorite necklace. Whitney Russell lived with the guilt of having dated, had sex with, and been engaged to her "brother." How could she possibly forgive him? He didn't know, but he knew he had to try.

Julian's silence was unnerving. How could he not say anything to her? Why wasn't he trying to make her feel better? Or tell her, she shouldn't feel guilty or none if it was her fault? That's what everyone else did when they spent more than three seconds with her. Why wasn't he? She couldn’t take this. She felt guiltier with every second that past. She wasn't worthy of her family's love, understanding, or sympathy. She definitely was undeserving of Fox's. She couldn't take this a minute longer. "There is a really good chance that Chad is the father of this baby and not Fox," Whitney blurted out.

Turning to face the younger woman, he instantly wrapped his arms around her and drew her to him. "My precious child."

Those simple words released a flood gate in Whitney and she revealed her story to the one person, who never asked what was wrong or told her everything would be okay.

Handing Whitney his trusty handkerchief, he pondered her request.

"Julian, please, please, promise you won't tell my mom. I couldn't take it if anyone else knew. I know this is putting you in an unfair position, but I can't I- -I just can't have anyone else knowing," Whitney pleaded.

"Do you think your mother would pass judgment on you? Whitney, she would understand and if you didn't want to tell Fox, she wouldn't press you," Julian assured his beloved's eldest daughter.

She shook her head vehemently. She couldn't take the
chance of anyone else knowing. She knew the trust between her mom and Julian was probably still kind of fragile, but she didn't want her mother to know.

Julian said a quick prayer that Eve would forgive him as he nodded his head. "Don't ever put me in this position again, where I am keeping something from your mother, is that clear?" he demanded in his most stern father voice.

"Yes. Never again will I ask anything like this of you. I know how important your relationship is with mom. I promise you, I will never again get involved, date, have sex with or engaged to any man that may possibly be my brother," the brunette declared.

He laughed. He threw his head back and laugh. He hoped he hadn't offended Miss Russell but her declaration was hilarious.

Realizing what she said put a smile on her face that slowly morphed into a grin then became a full fledged laugh. For the first time since this horrible nightmare began, she, Whitney Russell was truly laughing. For just a few moments, she felt free and weightless.

Chapter 11
Chapter 9
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