The Fine Print - Chapter 15
by yhh
"So do you ever intend to name the twins?" Regan questioned the new parents
at the dinner table.
Other conversations in the dining room containing the Crane and Russell
families stopped to hear the answer to the blunt question.
Gwen and Ethan looked at each other and then at Ethan's parents.
"If Grandma and Grandpa would get into gear then Baby Boy Crane would have
a name," Gwen teased.
"Father, what's the hold up?" Fox asked.
Julian gazed at his beloved sitting too far from him at the other end of
the table, but he would have her sit no where else. He wanted it clear to
everyone exactly what position she held in this family and in his life and
in his heart. "Darling?"
"Jackson Christian Crane," Eve announced to the avid listeners. "Do you
like that?"
"Christian, are you sure?" Gwen questioned with concern in her eyes.
"Yes, we're sure, Gwen," Julian confirmed.
"Christian is?" Regan asked.
"The name Ethan was supposed to have," Simone answered.
"Oh," the perfect blend of Ivy and Julian said. "Okay so Jack and ?"
"Simone, Whitney?" Ethan prompted.
"Wait, hold on. These two that you just found out were your sisters two
seconds ago get to name your kid, but the sisters you had your whole life,
even during your 'I'm not a Crane, I'm a Winthrop' phase get nothing?" Regan
"Regan, shut up. It's sweet. And you would have just
named the twins after your favorite designers of the moment, so give it
a rest," Quinn retorted, putting her younger sister in her place. "Simone,
Whitney, please tell us."
Simone and Whitney shared quick glances. The Crane family still took some
getting used to, particularly Regan.
"Well, we're going to have twins whose names start with the same letter.
We hope you like it. Johanna Sarah Crane," Simone stated.
"It's beautiful, Simone," Gwen and Ethan said simultaneously. "Thank you
for remembering her."
"We only have one comment to make. Since Ethan-Martin bears the names of
his father and biological maternal grandfather, we thought the twins' names
should be the same. So if you don't mind, we'll name them Jackson Christian
Julian Crane and Johanna Sarah Eve Crane."
Tears welled up in Eve's eyes. She was so touched by her son and daughter-in-law's
gesture. "Thank you."
"Yes, thank you. We're honored," Julian commented, his voice chalk full
of emotion.
"Oh, if I had known this was going to turn into some cheesy Hallmark moment,
I never would have said any- -ouch!" Regan yelled, shooting daggers at Quinn.
"Gwen, don't think naming your kids Julian and Eve means they get a larger
share of the pie."
"I think they'll be okay sharing the Hotchkiss fortune," Simone said, hoping
Ivy Junior would shut up.
"Snap!" Quinn laughed. "Good one, Simone."
"Life in the Crane- -" Fox began.
"Russell," Simone added.
"Life in the Crane/Russell household is never dull. Gotta love it," Fox
said sarcastically.
Eve looked at the kids at the table and wished they could always be this
happy. But she knew this was fake; everyone was putting on their happy persona.
There were truly damaged, hurt, human beings sitting at this table and she
wasn't sure how she could help them.
Gazing down at the sleeping infants, Eve Johnson felt this had been the
best time in her children's lives. A time when their every want or need was
attended to as quickly as possible. Maybe that was the best parenting time
also. A clean bottom, warm milk, and cuddles kept her babies happy, at least
98% of the time. She would give anything now to put a smile back on Whitney's
face. A real one not the fake ones she presented to the world now. Ones
like she had before. Before her past was revealed, before Whitney was torn
between Fox and Chad, before the Russell and Bennett families were disintegrated.
Even though her relationship with Ethan was still growing and forming,
she wished she could ease the pain his rape had caused. She saw the tired,
worn looks in his eyes. She knew he was plagued by nightmares and didn't
sleep at night. What could she say to motivate him to be honest with Gwen?
He was losing his wife and he didn't even see it. With every second of silence,
Gwen, E-M, Jack, and Joey were one step closer to moving out and possibly
even moving to Hong Kong with Jonathan Hotchkiss.
What could she say to Gwen to make her stay? If she were in Gwen's position,
she would probably do the same thing. A marriage without communication wasn't
a marriage; it was just two people sharing the same bed. And Ethan's nightmares
were probably stopping them from even sharing a bed.
And as for her beautiful Simone, their relationship had taken a turn for
the better but she knew her baby was still torn. Torn between not wanting
to hurt her father and her. She was willing to overlook the pain it caused
her to see her ex-husband with her sister if it meant helping her daughter.
But could TC overlook her mistakes and could Julian to do the same? Wow.
She had done some growing with Julian's help. He opened her eyes to the pain
she felt by TC's marriage. How could someone she loved with all her heart
betray her in such a manner? How could TC take her sister to their former
bed? How could he have brought that woman into the house they had raised
their children in? It irked her more than words could say. Some of the love
and respect she had for TC died when he introduced her sister as his wife.
But she couldn't let her hurt, anger, and disappointment consume her. She
had a family to make right, to help heal, and put back together.
The pain that radiated in Fox's eyes when Ivy rejected him in the hospital
was still there. Along with the worry he had for Whitney and whatever was
plaguing her. And Eve also had observed his longing to have a real relationship
with his father.
Watching the razor-sharp tongue of Regan and the softer- spoken Quinn,
she knew they were tight as thieves and still very suspicious of their father
and leery of their place in the Crane family.
The only happy people in this household were the twins, E-M, and Endora,
when she came for her visits. And why shouldn't they be? The only truly
happy times for the adults under this roof were when they were with the
children in the family. Where laughs, hugs, kisses, love, and adoration
were abundant and never ending.
"Mom," a voice whispered in the moon-lit nursery.
"Come in, Simone. They're sleep."
Simone tiptoed slowly into the room. She was nervous. After all her practicing
with Kay, she had completely blanked on what she was supposed to say.
"Are you okay, honey? Did you need something?" Eve asked concerned.
"Could you use another pair of hands to help with Endora when she's visiting?"
Simone blurted out.
Eve's heart leaped inside her chest. She was dying to jump up and down,
but she wouldn't. She didn't want to frighten off her baby girl. "I could
always use an extra pair of hands, if the hands don't mind living here?"
"I think these hands would rather put up with Regan and
Julian every day for the rest of their lives than another minute of Miss
Creepy Woman."
Turning to face her daughter, Eve took Simone's hand in hers. "Has Liz
hurt you? Or said anything to you?"
Simone shook her head. "No, but she's made it subtly clear that she wants
the house to herself and daddy and that I'm an unwanted intruder."
"Baby, your daddy loves you more than his own life. If you want to stay
in your house, you can't let her drive you out. I will make sure- -"
Eve's youngest daughter smiled at her mom's mama bear instincts roaring
into action. With everything her parents had been through, it was nice to
hear that her dad still loved her more than life itself and that her mom would
move heaven and earth to make sure she was happy living with her dad, even
when her mom wanted her living with her. "Mom, it's okay. I think the newlyweds
need some time on their own. Plus now that I know Liz is my aunt she and
the house have a whole creepy vibe going a million times creepier than the
one at Ms Lenox's house."
Capturing her daughter's face between her hands, she stared into Simone's
eyes. "Are you sure?"
"Yes. Plus I don't want- -" The younger woman averted her eyes.
"You don't want what, honey? You can tell mommy anything."
"I don't want to be left out."
Eve pulled the teen into her arms and hugged her tight. "Left out of what?"
"Your life. Whit's. You guys have a whole life over here that I don't know
that much about. Ethan is your son. My brother. And he lives here with his
wife, my sister-in-law, and now with my nephews and niece. Whit lives here
with Fox, who is practically her husband. And now you have that thing with
Mr. Crane- -"
"Baby, I'm sorry if you felt left out. That was never my intention or your
sister's- -"
"I know, Mom. There's just a lot going on in your life that seems to center
here, so if you don't mind- -"
"I would love it if you lived here with me. I want us to be a family. But
know it's going to be different than our family with daddy- -"
Simone nodded. "One dinner with Miss Prissy and I knew that."
"Hey, no name calling."
With amazement in her eyes, Simone looked up at her mother. "Wow, they
really are part of the family."
Eve had jumped to Regan's defense without a second thought. Simone was
right; they were forming a family here. "I know this is a lot to take in,
honey. So whatever you need- -"
"Kay," Simone mumbled.
"What did you say?"
"What about Kay?" Eve asked puzzled.
"Can Kay and Maria move in?"
"I thought they had moved back home with everything going on."
"They had, but it's hard seeing Charity and Miguel day in and day out.
And I don't want to rock the maturing Kay's boat, but having to witness
their true love all the time is difficult. They try to be respectful of
her feelings, but it's just one house. No where near the size of this one."
If having Kathleen and Maria move in meant Simone would feel more comfortable
and more at home, then so be it. "I'll talk- -"
"Mom, Kay's an adult. You don't have to call Uncle Sam or Aunt Grace. Besides
are they even talking to you?"
"Not really." She wondered if they would ever be friends again. She prayed
that somewhere deep in their hearts, they would one day forgive her. She
missed Grace's gentle advice and loving friendship. "I keep forgetting my
beautiful girls are practically women now. I'll talk to Kay and you two can
move in together, after I talk to your dad. Okay?"
"Okay. Thanks, Mom."
"No, thank you, baby. I love you."
"I love you, too."
All her babies under one roof. One of her prayers had been answered.