Gwen's Journey – Chapter Three
After being reamed out by both parents, Gwen decided she needed to get out of the Crane mansion for a while.
Gwen put on her coat, gloves, a scarf and went to visit Sheridan in the hospital.
As Gwen drove to the hospital she thought about the debilitating condition of her best friend. Sheridan had been through so much in her life. Sheridan lost her mother when she was younger and never had the love of her father. When Jonathon was around he treated Sheridan like a second daughter, like an older sister to Gwen. Many times however, Gwen felt like she was the older sister because Sheridan had the more fragile psyche.
But Sheridan had a man that she knew loved her and no other. Luis. Sheridan also had one of the kindest hearts Gwen had ever seen.
"Oh Sheridan," said Gwen to herself "I betrayed our friendship to get revenge on Theresa. I ruined your wedding to Luis when I ruined Theresa and Ethan's. Maybe you wouldn’t be in this mess if that hadn't happened."
After Gwen parked she went up to the Urgent Care ward of Harmony Hospital and ran into a frantic Beth Wallace.
"Beth," said Gwen seeing how worried Beth was. "What's wrong?"
"It's Martin," Beth said. "He's not drinking his formula. They're trying to feed him through an I.V. and he's not absorbing the nutrients he needs."
"Beth," said Gwen quizzically "Why aren't you breastfeeding?"
"Oh um, I know it's not normal Gwen but I'm not producing any breast milk."
"At all?" Gwen asked.
"At all," said Beth. "I really wanted to breast feed, but well my mother couldn't breastfeed me either. It's genetic I guess."
"Right," said Gwen evenly.
"So how are you holding up Gwen?" Beth asked. "I'm sorry for the loss of your baby. I can't imagine what that kind of pain must feel like."
"I'm dong as well as can be expected Beth. I-"
Suddenly they heard Sheridan cry out from her cubicle. "My baby!"
"If you'll excuse me Beth," said Gwen.
"Sure," said Beth as Gwen ran into Sheridan's cubicle.
"Sheridan sweetheart, what's wrong?" Gwen asked.
"Oh Gwen," said Sheridan taking her friend's hand. "My baby is here in this hospital I can sense it."
Gwen shook her head. "Sheridan no-"
Suddenly they heard Beth outside. "Mother what?. Precious did what? Okay um I'll be right there, but first I'm going to find Luis so he can be with our baby." Beth ran out.
"What was that all about?" said Gwen.
"I don't know and I don't care," said Sheridan. "I'm going to see my baby."
Sheridan yanked her I.V. from her arm and wandered out of bed.
"Sheridan!" said Gwen trying to pull her back.
"Don't stop me, Gwen" Sheridan said.
Sheridan walked into Martin's cubicle and saw the little boy lying there helpless, hooked up to machines.
"Oh you poor thing," said Sheridan caressing his head. She picked him up.
Gwen came in and was about to say something when Sheridan began to breastfeed Martin. Gwen watched in amazement.
Martin's color began to return immediately. Suddenly a nurse showed up, followed by Luis and Beth.
"Mrs. Lopez-Fitzgerald, what are you doing out of bed?" the nurse said.
"Sheridan what are you doing!" Beth screamed. "Oh my God she was breastfeeding my son!"
"He was sick! He needed nutrients that the formula couldn’t give him!" Sheridan fired back.
"Sheridan," said Beth "Give me my son."
"No," said Sheridan.
Suddenly two rather buff orderlies came in with a gurney and a straight jacket.
"Is that Sheridan Crane?" one asked point at Sheridan.
"Yes," said the nurse.
One of the orderlies gently but forcibly removed Marin from Sheridan's arms and gave him back to back. With the help of the other orderly he wrapped Sheridan in a straight jacket.
"Wait what are you doing!" said Gwen.
"Mrs. Winthrop," said the nurse "Sheridan is being taken to a mental hospital outside of town."
"Wha- what? Luis you can't let them do this!"
"Gwen he has his own child to after now," said Beth. "Besides, Alistair warned Luis that he would arrest him if he interfered."
"Luis please help me!" said Sheridan as she was strapped onto the gurney. They started to wheel her away.
"That's it I can't sit by and let this happen!" cried Luis.
Beth grabbed his arm. "No! You have a responsibly as a father Luis!"
Luis looked at Martin and then at Sheridan torn. He felt so connected to both of them. "Sheridan," he whispered sadly to himself.
Gwen ran out into the hall and watched them wheel Sheridan the freight elevator.
"How could this have happened?" she said to herself.