Tabitha came into the kitchen. Kay was sitting there, eating a bowl of oatmeal.
“ Morning, Kay.”
Kay didn’t respond. Tabitha went into the cupboards and came up empty.
Kay looked up from her oatmeal. “ Did you say something, Tabitha?”
” Did I say something? Where is all my bloody money?”
” Oh, that. I gave it to Simone.”
“ I gave it to Simone.”
” WHY did you give MY money to Simone?”
” Because she was leaving town, and I didn’t want her to wind up an Afterschool Special.”
Tabitha looked at her with a blank look on her face.
” You know, those Afterschool Specials that you watch on TV. Young girl come to new town, with no money and next thing you know, she’s in porn movies!”
Tabitha rolled her eyes. “ Simone as porn star? I think not. It wasn’t YOUR money to give away.”
” Simone is the only friend I have. I wasn’t going to let her leave town with no money.”
” So you give her MINE?”
Kay shrugged her shoulders. “ It was here. Call up Coach and Dr. Russell. They’ll give you the money.”
” Kay, do you know HOW MUCH was in there?”
” Um, no.”
” Around thirty thousand dollars.”
Kay’s eyes went wide. “ Thirty thou? Who keeps thirty thou in the house outside of the Cranes?”
” Well, it wasn’t really my fund. Timmy set it up.”
” Timmy?”
” Yes. Timmy called it the ‘Martimmy Rainy Day Fund.’ Oh Timmy.”
“ Um, what’s a Martimmy?”
Tabitha got a smile on her face. “ It’s a drink Timmy invented. If we weren’t pregnant, I’d whip us up a batch. Well, some day, after the babies are here.”
“ So, did I give away all the money you had?”
Tabitha laughed. “ Oh, heavens no. I admit, it was hard for me for awhile, once I lost my powers, but Timmy saved me then too. Helped make me a millionaire.”
” How?”
” I’m a best-selling author.”
” You? Author? Come on, Tabitha.”
” It’s true. I wrote a best seller.”
“ What’s the name of the book?”
” Hidden Passions.”
” Hidden Passions? I remember seeing that book, but nobody I talked to could tell me what it was about. Only that I had to buy it.”
Tabitha laughed. “ Yes, I know.”
” Tabitha….what did you do?”
” Well, my dear, I wrote a spell at the end of the book that erased the memories of everyone who read it.”
” What’s in the book?”
” Secrets about most of Harmony.”
” What secrets?”
” You’ll have to read it to find out.”
Kay rolled her eyes. She went over to the bowl and looked in it. “ Can we see what’s happening in Harmony?”
Tabitha obliged and they came upon the Russell house. Eve was crying.
” Well, well….seems like Eve knows Simone is gone.”
” Good.”
” Kay, you sound bitter.”
” Hell yeah, I’m bitter. My best friend in all the world is gone, and it’s Chad and Whitney’s fault.”
“ Hmmm…do I smell a desire for revenge coming from your lips?”
Kay looked at Tabitha. “ You sure do.”
” But, Kay, I thought you didn’t like what the dark side could accomplish.”
“ Yeah, I know. But, I want to use the dark side for good – revenge for Simone. Can you help me?”
Tabitha looked at Kay. “ Yes, I think I will help you, Kay.”
” Good, where do we start?”
” Right now, nothing. “
” Nothing?”
” Yep.”
” Why?”
” Because we have to let Chad and Whitney live in their delusional world. Life isn’t so sweet now that their love affair is out in the open. It will get bad for them, and while that’s happening, I’ll help you get your revenge. “
Tabitha’s smile was so wide and deep that it gave Kay chills up her spine. “ What do you know, Tabitha?”
” That your friend Simone got out lucky and unharmed, when it’s all said and done. Whitney on the other hand….” Tabitha laughed loud and left the kitchen.
Kay thought she felt a cold wind in the room and shook her head. She
missed Simone, but she self satisfied, knowing that Simone’s hurt would
be repaid. Thinking about hurting Chad and Whitney put a smile on
her face, and she went back to her breakfast.
Eve came out of the kitchen to see Liz there with Whitney.
” Liz, don’t you have something better to do with your time?”, Eve asked.
” Not at all. I thought I would stay around the house and be here for Whitney.”
Eve didn’t get a chance to reply because the doorbell rang. Whitney rushed to the door and opened it. “ Chad!”, Whitney said, giving him a hug.
” Is your Pops here?”
” No. You can come on in.”
Chad took a few steps when Eve spoke up. “ That’s enough, Chad. You don’t need to come in this house.”
” Mom, but, I thought..”
” What did you think, Whitney? That I was supposed to understand how you lied to your sister? And, for how long was it? How long did the two of you lie to her?”
” Mom, what does that matter?”
” It matters A LOT, Whitney. A LOT.”
” Um, since Simone’s accident with the truck.”
Eve let that sink in. “ THAT WAS OVER A YEAR AGO! You’ve been lying to your sister for over a year? Sneaking around on her for over a year?”
” It wasn’t like that!”
“ Then what was it like, Whitney. You snuck around behind Simone’s back. You lied to her and humiliated her.”
” Simone will get over it.”
” Oh, SHE WILL? How do you know that, Whitney. I don’t know that.”
Eve then got up in Chad’s face. “ You are exactly the piece of lowlife trash I thought you were. I knew you were bad news. No morals. No ethics. No honor. No decency. TC is right in his assessment of you; he just dislikes you for the wrong reason. The reason to despise you Chad has NOTHING to do with if Whitney EVER plays another tennis tournament in her life. You want to know what it’s about? It’s about me having a daughter who was honest with you from the word GO. Simone NEVER hid her feelings about you. She NEVER played games with you. You knew where she stood because she wore her heart on her sleeve. When nobody else in this town would give you a second thought, Simone was on your side. When everyone else thought you had impregnated that girl Tiffany, the one person in your corner, without question, defending you to ANYONE, was Simone.
Did you owe her a romantic relationship because of it? Of course not. But, did my daughter show you enough friendship that it warranted your respect. A basic level of respect that meant she was owed THE TRUTH?
Hell yes.
You said this supposed love between you and Whitney developed over a year ago.
What about before then? Simone hasn’t hidden her feelings from you. She told you how she felt. What reason did you have for not telling her then?”
” Well, um, Whitney wouldn’t have anything to with me…”
” What kind of bullshit answer is that? Whether Whitney gave you the time of day had ABSOLUTELY NOTHING to do with you telling Simone THE TRUTH. They were NOT related. They were NOT linked. I’ll ask again, what kind of a SUPPOSED MAN, would let a young woman like Simone believe that he WAS interested in her while going after her SISTER?
The answer? A lowlife. That’s what you are, Chad Harris. You’re a lowlife piece of trash, and you are NEVER welcome in this house again. Whitney doesn’t even understand it, but you disrespected BOTH of my daughters, and as their mother, I don’t take kindly to it. In the least.
Get out of my house. Lose my address and my telephone number. If I find you in my house again, I’ll have your worthless ass arrested.”
Eve held open the door and let Chad out, slamming the door after him.
” Mom, how could you do that?”
” How could I do that? I’ll tell you how I did it, Whitney. Haven’t you wondered where your sister is this morning, Whitney, or are you too self-absorbed to notice? I’ll tell you where she is.
My daughter is GONE because of you and the lowlife you think you love. And, I’ll be blunt, Whitney. Simone is gone.. Chad was a lowlife from nowhere. YOU were Simone’s SISTER! “
Whitney looked at her mother and ran up the steps. Liz began to open her mouth and Eve held up her hand.
“ I’ll bitchslap you to hell and back if you say a fucking word.”