Simone put down her drink. She couldn’t believe that she was here, in
Santiago, Chile. It was the first Latin American destination available,
and she paid for the ticket. She was sitting in a little outside café,
reading her tour book. She was mapping out her trips:
Up to the north, to the deserts of San Pedro, then to the coast, then
down to the Lake region, a cruise to the glaciers, a week in the Torres
Del Paine National Park, and finally, a trip to Tiera Del Fuego – the southernmost
place in the Western Hemisphere, excluding Antartica. She has to map out
her trip, and then go to a travel agency to set it all up; there, she’ll
get a list of references for hostels.
As she drank her Coke, she just enjoyed people watching. The city itself was busy, but friendly. She checked into a mid-level hotel that took in boarders by the week. She had spent the past few days just walking around Santiago and enjoying the local life. She was forcing herself not to use any English, which wasn’t so hard, because few people spoke English to her down here.
She thought about her family. About the betrayal of Whitney and Chad, and what had been almost blinding pain, was not relenting into a throbbing ache. There was so much wrong there, she couldn’t deal with it. Night after night, she tried writing out her feelings, more often than not, becoming frustrated.
Her travel diary was going well, and the new camera she had bought was terrific. Her pictures got better by the roll. She had rented a mailbox for a year in Miami, and was sending her pictures there, after she downloaded them to an online album. She wasn’t quite ready to send them to anyone, but she wanted them to be there when she did.
What Simone wanted most of all was some clarity about her life. She felt like a runaway loser. Yet, she couldn’t handle anything more than these travel plans. She hoped that her life would come together.
As she walked home, Simone stepped into a church. She lit a candle and
said her prayers. She hadn’t prayed like this in years. She prayed for
guidance. She prayed for God to keep her safe. She prayed for her parents
– she knew her being gone would upset them. She prayed for Kay. She prayed
a lot for Kay. She wanted her best friend to wake up and cast Miguel out
of her life. She didn’t want it because of the theory of ‘misery loves
company’, and what happened with her and Chad. She did it because she loved
Kay and wanted her to find someone who appreciated her. And that would
never be Miguel.
Dinner was silent once again at the Russell House. Meals had been in silence ever since Simone had left. Who would have thought that Simone was such an integral part of the family? Simone didn’t.
Whitney had no one to talk to. Both TC and Eve had banned Chad from their home. TC went to practice with Whitney every morning, but his heart wasn’t in it. Eve went to work everyday, and tried to fill her time with volunteer work to avoid going home. She was still so angry with Whitney that she couldn’t talk to her. She loved Whitney, but she loved Simone too, and one daughter was gone because of the other. She was tired of fighting with Whitney, so it was best she said nothing.
After dinner, each of the family retreated to their own corner: Whitney would go be with Chad, TC was in his shed, and Eve would go to her bedroom, looking at pictures of Simone growing up.
Eve was in her bedroom when she heard her pager beep. Looking at the number, she called.
” Julian?”
” Hello, Eve.”
” I’m at home, Julian.”
” I know. But, I thought you’d want to know about Simone.”
” What do you know? Is she in trouble? “
” I asked Crane Security to try and find her.”
” And?”
” Well, she went to Miami, and then she took an international flight.”
” Where?”
” Santiago, Chile.”
” Chile?”
” Yes.”
” Is….is she in trouble?”
” No. The men down there say she’s just being a tourist. Eve, I really think she just needs this time away from you. But, if you want, I’ll have my men approach her.”
Eve thought about it. “’re right. Don’t have your men approach her. Let her be. She needs this time away.”
” How are you handling it?”
“ Not well. My family is falling apart. “
“ Give it time. Things will work out.”
“ Thank you for the information.”
“ I’d do anything to take away your pain, Eve.”
“ I know that, Julian.”
” I…I have good news myself.”
” What?”
” I offered Theresa joint custody and generous child support.”
” She accepted?”
” Not yet, but she will. I’m sure of it.”
” I hope so. Little Ethan deserves to grow up in the most supportive environment possible.”
“ I understand, Eve. Well, I should go. Don’t want TC to know I called.”
Eve laughed. “ No, we wouldn’t want that. Thanks, Julian. “
” You’re more than welcome, Eve.”
Julian was just putting down the phone when he had a knock on his door.
“ Come in.”
“ Hello, Father.”
” Fox.”
” Thought I should give you a heads up about something going down at Crane Industries. I’ve hired a new assistant.”
” Oh? Do I know him?”
” It’s a HER. I think you might know her. Kay Bennett.”
Julian’s eyes went wide. “ Sam and The Tomato Soup Queen’s errant pregnant daughter?”
“ One in the same.”
” But, WHY? It’s not like she’s going to be of any use to you. She’ll be leaving to take care of the baby.”
” She will take a maternity leave, but I think she’s talented.”
Julian looked at his son. “ Fox, it might have been awhile since you’ve been with a girl, but surely you can do better than a pregnant one.”
“ Get your mind out of the gutter, Father. Kay and I are strictly business.”
Julian rolled his eyes. “ Tell that to someone who doesn’t KNOW you,
Kay was sitting on the couch, eating pickles and ice cream, going over the manuals for Crane Industries that Fox had sent over. When she agreed to take the job, she had no idea how much stuff she would have to know.
“ This is going to be tough.”, she said outloud to herself. But, she
wasn’t about to quit. Not now. She finally got Miguel’s attention, and
keeping this job is a way to keep him drawn to her. It would all work out.
Her plan would succeed. She, Miguel and the baby would be a happy family.