Mr. Immigration Man II, Chapter 12

Tony and Carly are back in their hotel suite.

'' Oh, Toe-Nee, wasn't today wonderful?''

'' Wonderful? What color IS the sky in your world, Carly. Cause today was one of the worst days in my life. I'm married to you, and it was one of the last times that I am going to see Lucas for a while.''

'' But, Toe-Nee. We have this baby, and we can build a life together. Just give us a chance.''

'' There is no US. We are two people who share a child. If I'm lucky, people will never realize what a fool I've been. I'm tired, so, I'm going to bed.''

'' I'll be right in to join you.''

'' No, you won't. There is a reason why there are TWO bedrooms in this suite. Goodnight.''

Tony leaves Carly in the living room, all by herself, holding her veil.


Setting: The Port Charles Cemetary, Lesley Webber's 'grave'.

'' I was suprised that you agreed to meet me.''

'' And why not, Lasha? You are always entertaining. What is that you wish to discuss?''

'' Your 'remarriage' to Bobbie, what else.''

'' Oh, I don't know, Lasha. There are a great many topics that we could discuss.''

'' Well, THIS is the one that I wish to discuss. I can't believe how despicable you are. Preying on Bobbie, once again, at a weak moment for her, and manipulating her into marrying you. You'll stoop to anything to back at Luke, won't you?''

'' You know Lasha, you may not believe it, but my remarriage to Barbara has nothing to do with revenge against your brother. Contrary to your beliefs, I do have a life that exists outside of the Spencer/Cassadine Feud.''

'' I doubt it.''

'' Even if you do, it is true. And I am suprised that you hold Barbara in such low esteem. Unlike you and your husband, I don't think that Barbara is some helpless sheep being led astray by the devil. She has more strength than either you or Luke ever give her credit. And her mind has never been more clear, she wishes to remarry me.''

'' I doubt it. You had a part in deep manipulations towards Bobbie. Your first marriage to her was nothing but an attempt to get close to me.''

'' Well, my my, Lasha, don't we have an awfully inflated sense of oneself.''

'' No, not where you are concerned. Well, Bobbie is Luke's sister, and she's family. And it is beyond pathetic that you want to marry a woman that you don't love...again, in order to fulfill some sick version of revenge.''

'' And As I told you before, my marrying Barbara has nothing to do with you or your nuisance of a husband.''

'' And what about Katherine Bell? Have you given her up, or has she agreed to be your mistress. I remember how Cassadine men love to have their mistresses.''

'' Barbara doesn't understand about mistresses, so I will not have one.''

'' Of course you won't, Stefan.''

'' I will not having you intefer in my relationship with Barbara. If you persist in meddling in my affairs, then I will be forced to have a discussion with your husband.''

'' And I told YOU in Switzerland , that I find your bullying and threats to be incredibly tedious and tiresome. You want to proclaim paternity, let's whip out the cellphones now, and call Nikolas. If not, and I don't think you have the GUTS to tell Nikolas, so let's call that a stalemate, shall we.''

'' Lasha, you have no idea what my intestinal fortitude is.''

'' Of course, I do. I was a Cassadine too, remember. But, make no mistake. I am NOT Katherine Bell. A woman who will fall for the man who shoots and paralyzes her. No, I am the woman who survived the original Cassadines and thwarted them, the woman who survived both Helena and Stavros. And you and your threats to my family. I will do anything and everything to keep MY family together Stefan, and you know it. So, if you want a woman that you can bully and manipulate, I'm not the candidate anymore. Goodbye.''

Laura turns to leave, and Stefan goes and grabs her.

'' You will NOT leave me just standing here.''

'' Let go of me Stefan. NOW! Get yourself another victim.''
Laura leaves the cemetary.


Bobbie is packing some things for her and Lucas when the doorbell rings. It's Luke. He shouts from outside the door,

'' Bobbie, PLEASE! Just give me 5 minutes. just five, and I won't bother you again.''

Bobbie opens the door. ''OK, five minutes.''

'' Well, I see you're packing for a return trip to the House of Usher.''

'' Oh, I see how this is headed. Goodbye, Luke.''

'' Barbara, I know you're mad at me. And you have a right to be. But, that's NO reason to go back to the man. Bobbie, you aren't thinking straight. He's STILL manipulating and maneuvering. He's playing you like a violin.''

'' PLaying me? Playing me? What do you call what you did all those months? You can't trust him, Bobbie. He's a snake, Bobbie. You have to leave him, Bobbie. Cause I am the only one who tells you the truth. WHATEVER Stefan has ever done to me, it doesn't BEGIN to
measure at the depth of your betrayal. ''

'' He's using you, baby. Can't you see that?''

'' I don't believe this. I give you five minutes, and instead of you asking for forgiveness, you spend it telling me how awful Stefan is? YOU are delusional. I know what I'm doing Luke. I am taking care of me and mine.''

'' You and I will ALWAYS be me and mine, Barbara Jean.''

'' No, that ended the day you decided to deny me my child. Now, get out. If you come to the wedding, fine. If you don't, fine. I'm going to do what I want to do, Luke. I'm not 3 years old anymore. And I don't need for you to be softening the blows for me.''

'' You barely got off that island alive, Barbara. Do you think that he's forgotten about the poison? PULEEZE. He can't wait to get you over to Spoon Island, away from the view of the rest of society.''

'' Stefan wouldn't harm me.'''

'' Oh, and I bet he would've said the same thing about you.''

'' You know Luke, the five minutes are up. See you tomorrow night.''

'' What makes you think that I'm coming to that funeral.''

'' If only to witness for yourself, you'll be there. Bye, Luke.''


Stefan and Katherine are at the cottage.

'' Oh, Stefan, I've missed you.''

'' We just saw one another yesterday, Katherine.''

'' But doesn't a day, seem like ages when we're apart? When you're not with me, you're always in my thoughts. Aren't I always in yours?''

'' Of course, Katherine. ''

'' You know, if anyone would have told me that I could find love at the end of a gun, I would have told them that they were crazy. Ours is truly one of the most poetic love stories that I have ever seen. One that will last throughout the ages. That is an original.''

'' You love me, Katherine, even though, I shot you?''

'' Yes. Oh, I was angry for about 3 days. And then I got over it, because I realized the depth of our love. Let's not talk about the shooting. Such an unpleasant incident. But, I suppose that it was worth it, because it brought us together. You, and your special healing powers helped
me to walk once again. So, Stefan, do you want to make love again?''

'' No, I have already taken a shower, and I must be leaving, for the final preparations for the wedding.''

'' Aren't you going to leave me the number of where your honeymoon is going to be? I could fly over and stay in another hotel for when you want to get away?''

'' I don't believe that it would be advisable for me to tempt fate that way, Katherine. I will see you when Barbara and I return from our honeymoon. By the way, what do you think about Barbara and I going on a honeymoon?''

'' I think the same thing that I thought after you left me from one of our healing sessions, that you had to do it, but that you were miserable, and didn't gain any pleasure from it, and that with her, you were thinking of me.''

'' I see. Goodbye, Katherine.''

Stefan returns home to his bedroom. He is startled to see Bobbie there.

'' Barbara? What are you doing here?''

'' You said that you objected to seperate bedrooms, and I understand your point, Stefan. So, I brought some of my things over here, and I had Lucas moved back into his old room.''

'' Is he settled?''

'' Yes. He and Nikolas went to the mall, for pizza and a movie. Mrs. Lansbury told me that Alexis was out of town?''

'' Yes. She went to New York City for the evening. She will be back well before the wedding.''

'' Fine. I suppose that we should lay out some groundrules as to what I expect, Stefan. I expect for you to treat me with respect at all times in public and in front of the children. If you want to tirade, take it to Alexis, cause I could care less. I expect for you to be home, everynight, at 6 o'clock. If you have business dinners, make them after 7:30. We will have dinner, as a family. Lucas will need your consistency in his life, because after a while, sooner, rather than later, he will begin to see the lack of time that he is spending with Tony.''

'' I agree. Lucas should be spared as much as possible.''

'' I love both Lucas and Nikolas, and want, for their sakes, this relationship to work out. I suppose that we are at ground zero, Stefan. Neither one of us trusts the other. We both have our own selfish motives for entering into marriage, and I suppose that's an honest start. I can only promise that my brother won't be a part of our marriage this time.''

'' And neither will Katherine Bell.''

'' Well, isn't this romantic?''