Mr. Immigration Man II, Chapter 16

<<<Casting note: Please imagine Roscoe Born as the stranger.>>>

Bobbie thought she felt something at her nose. She slowly opened her eyes to see Stefan, in pajamas and robe, holding a rose underneath her nose.

" Good morning, Barbara."

" Is it?"

" I would say that it was. I had breakfast brought in."

Bobbie looked over at the table, and there was a full continental breakfast all set out.

" In case you were wondering, Barbara. I have called the States. The boys are doing fine. Nikolas and Lucas send you their best."

" I see. You've thought of everything. Don't you want to talk about last night?"

" What do you want to talk about, Barbara?"

" How 'interesting' it was."

" Barbara, I can think of a great number of adjectives that could be used to describe last night, but interesting would not top my list."

" Well, then, what would?"

Stefan gets to Bobbie's ear and whispers, " How about dynamic, erotic, exhausting." He kisses her slightly.

Bobbie knew what was going to happen, but, she had to give it the old college try. " Stefan, this really was never our problem."

" Well, shouldn't {{kiss}}, a married couple {{kiss}} work on their strengths first {{kiss}} and then expand."

All this time Stefan is kissing Bobbie and somehow <<VBG>>, she just happens to slip him out of his robe. " I think things.."

" I {{ kiss}} totally {{kiss}} agree.."

" We can table this for later." Bobbie pulls Stefan under the covers with her. Needless to say, breakfast and lunch are never served.


Carly is sitting in the apartment packing when she hears the doorbell. She opens the door, and it's Jason.

" Jason. What are you doing here?"

" I just wanted to see how things were going."

" Things are great. We're packing up for the new house."

" You're pregnant and Dr. Jones has you packing? Not very romantic or caring on his part."

" I'm not packing any of the heavy stuff. He hired professional packers to come in tomorrow. "

" Well, since I'm here, I'll help you."

" You don't have to Jason."

" Carly, I know I don't have to. I want to help you."

" Why?"

" Because we're friends. You're the only..."

" The only friend you have left. I'm sorry, Jason. I've been thinking about myself for so long, that I haven't been giving anyone else a second glance. You must be pretty lonely."

" I'll survive."

" That's not what I said, Jason. It's not a crime to miss Robin and Sonny. You're only human, Jason."

" Well, some people would dispute that."

" Well, they're idiots. Just cause you don't runnd like an emotional basketcase like me, doesn't mean you don't have feelings. You have deep feelings Jason. I knew how deep and real that night of the Nurses Ball, when you came in and just picked Robin up and took her away. ONLY a person of deep caring and emotion would do that. You're og the best people that I know Jason. I am glad and proud to call you my friend. Even if I don't deserve your friendship."

" Why would you say something like that."

" I'm not like you Jason, I hurt people."

" Carly, remember the line of work I'm in."

" I don't mean for business purposes. I mean in private life. I'm not a nice person."

" Yes, you are, Carly. I think that you only react when threatened. And how does that make you different from anyone else? When I have needed you, you've been there. You've never hurt me, or Robin or Sonny. That's all I need to know."

" Jason, I've been lying to everyone since the time I hit town. I.. I...."

" What is it Carly?"

At that moment Tony enters the apartment.

" Jason, Carly. Jason, how are you?"

" Fine, Dr. Jones."

" Jason was just helping me pack, Toe-Nee. Wasn't that thoughtful of him?"

" Sure. Well, I have to shower and get something to eat. Is there anything in the fridge?"

" Yes. Some leftovers. Do you want me to reheat them?"

" That would be nice. See ya later Jason."

Tony leaves. Jason is getting his jacket on, and says " Why do you let him treat you like that?"

" Like what?"

" Carly. Either he treats you like a child, or like a servant. In case you don't know, you're not either. I'll see you later."

Jason leaves Carly there, dumbfounded.


Stefan is in the salon of the yacht, fixing himself a drink. He and Bobbie are to leave soon. The phone rings.

" Stefan Cassadine."

" Hello, Stefan."

" Well, hello, Alexis. Is everything fine?"

" Yes, Stefan. I was wondering how things were going. This morning when you called, the boys were here, and I could not ask certain questions that I had in my mind. So, how are things?"

" Things, Alexis?"

" Alright, cousin. You want to go to the gutter. I will go there with you. Did you have a wedding night? A TRADITIONAL wedding night."

" Yes, Barbara and I had a wedding night. Though, it was anything but traditional."

" So, the marriage was not consummated."

" You are mistaken, Alexis. The marriage was most definitely consummated. I would say that all is well between Barbara and myself. And that once again, Barbara is under control."

Bobbie, who has been listening at this conversation is bristling. She walks back towards the stateroom.

" Under control, Stefan? I think that I am anything BUT under control, you smug SOB of a snake. And someone has to teach you that. I'll start tonight."


Luke was playing with Lulu when Laura came in.

" How are you? Is there any word?"

" What, from Bobbie's Love Sojourn? No. Well, Lucky said that he talked to Lucas, who told him that Stefan said that Bobbie was OK. So, take that for all its worth."

" Luke, what would upset you more, if Stefan did hurt Bobbie, or if Bobbie actually fell in love with Stefan all over again?"

" Her being hurt by Stefan."

" But, I doubt that you believe Stefan would hurt Bobbie. What would be the point? Why remarry her only to hurt Bobbie, knowing that the entire town was watching."

" Laura, are you trying to tell me that you actually think Uncle Fester CARES about Bobbie?"

" You know Luke, that wasn't even an option. But, I guess I just got my answer as to what would scare you most of all."

Laura leaves to go make dinner.


Stefan is sitting in the salon waiting for Bobbie. Eleni, the maid, had already come to Stefan and told him that Bobbie said she was going to be delayed. He was lost in thought when he heard a voice say, " I'm ready Stefan."

Stefan turned around and was aghast at Bobbie. Gone was the elegant, classic, conservative burgandy Carolina Herrera that she had on initially. In its place? Bobbie was dressed, or dare I say wrapped, head to toe, in a Herver Leger bandage dress in fiery red. It accentuated every curve and left nothing hidden. Bobbie's assets were in plain site and almost on display. Breathing was optional in this dress. Barbara Jean Spencer Cassadine reeked. Reeked alright. Not of a woman who is on her honeymoon with her new husband. But of a woman on the prowl. Stefan, although taken aback, did cover well. " Barbara, are you ready to go?"

" Yes, Stefan. I believe this will be a night to remember."


Bobbie and Stefan arrive at the casino. Almost everyman in the establishment takes a look at Bobbie, on the sly, of course. Stefan goes to the bank, and gets $300,000 in chips.

" Thank you darling", Bobbie says as she takes about a third of the chips.

" Barbara, where are you going?"

" I think it's best that we each do what's is comfortable for us. I saw how the baccarat table interested you when we were coming in. I also know that they have a private area for high rollers such as yourself. Me? I want to hang around here and explore. I'm a big girl, Stefan. I can take care of myself. Bye." Bobbie kisses him and goes off exploring.

Stefan does indeed go to the private area of the casino. But, before he does, he calls one of the managers. " Keep an eye on my wife, and inform me of anything out of the ordinary."

" Certainly, Mr. Cassadine."

Bobbie makes her way over to the craps table. She has changed the chips she has into lower denominations. She begins to play. And win. After several times in the winners circle, a gentleman walks up to the side of the table. About 6 ft, black hair with gray flecks in it, and the coldest blue eyes Bobbie has ever seen. Classically dressed in his Armani tux, the danger that emits from him is almost intoxicating.

" You know, you're luck can't stand forever."

" I'm sorry, do I know you?"

" Yes, I think that we met in another life."

" What other life."

" The life that I thought I had until you walked into the room tonight wearing that dress."

" Oh, this old thing? Just something I tossed on."

" I know Herve. And no women just tosses it on. Getting them off could be considered an Olympic sport."

" And you have a lot of experience in this event?"

" Enough to know that I could get you out of that one in less than 2 minutes."

" Well...well, if I ever need your help."

" You'll come get me?"

" No. Because I won't need your help."

" A woman, as beautiful as yourself, always needs help."

" That is such a chauvanistic statement."

" But, so true. Well, if you don't want to see my Olympic tryouts, would you give me the consolation prize of a drink?"

" Where?"

" I would say my yacht, but I doubt that you would come."

" You doubt correct."

" Then, I will have to settle for the terrace. Shall we go?"

" I still feel lucky. Wanna roll for it all?"

" Very daring."

" Only way to live."

" Very words that define my existence. OK, I'll go with your choice."

" Don't you want to blow on my dice?"

" Anything for the cause." The gentlemen takes Bobbie's hand with the dice in it and brings it up almost to his lips, as he slowly blows on them.

" Nice blow."

" Only an example of what I'm capable of."

Bobbie wins the hand.

" See, Milady, we are an unbeatable combination. Now, how about that drink?"

" Alright."

Bobbie and this gentleman step onto the terrace. The view, Bobbie would have to admit, was stunning. You could see the harbor and all the yachts. She even saw the Cassadine one.

" You said you had a yacht. Which one is it?"

" That one over there." Bobbie was impressed. It was even bigger than the Cassadine one.

" And where are you staying?"

" A lady never reveals her secrets. Especially her living quarters to a stranger."

" Well, you are new to Monaco."

" Why would you say that?"

" Because, if I had seen you sooner, you'd be with me tonight. I would not have let someone like you go anytime soon."

" Someone like me?"

" Dynamic, intelligent, fiery, sexy as all hell. You pack quite a wallop...I didn't catch your name."

" That's cause I didn't give it. My name is ..."

" Barbara. Well, here you are."

" Well, well, Stefan, fancy meeting you here."

" I can't say that it's a welcome occurance. Barbara, you really should be careful. One cannot be to careful about the company one keeps."

" That's rich, coming from a bloodsucker such as yourself. (to Bobbie) You KNOW this joker?"

" You might say that I am married to this joker."

" And I thought that you were a lady of taste."

" You two obviously know one another. So, would someone like to fill me in?"

" Sure, Luv. It's a pleasure to meet you, Mrs. Cassadine. My name is Jerry Jacks."

" So, you're Jerry Jacks. Any relation to the blond one in Port Charles?"

" Me little brother. And so, Mrs. Cassadine..."

" Bobbie please."

" Bobbie, have you and Lestat been married long?"

" Seems like forever and a day."

" Well, this chit chat is charming, but Barbara, shall we go?"

" Actually, Stefan, no, we aren't going anywhere. I do believe that Mr. Jacks..."

" Jerry.."

" Jerry invited me out dancing, didn't you Jerry?"

Huge Smile " Yes, I did. I know all the hotspots. Although, how you'll dance in that dress.."

" VERY carefully. So, Stefan, are you coming with Jerry and me?"

" No, Barbara, I do believe that I will pass on this encounter. May I speak to you Barbara, alone?"

" Hey, don't mind me. I'll go an cash in my chips." Jerry leaves.

" What do you think that you're doing, Barbara?"

" Having fun, Stefan. You know about fun. A word that doesn't cross your lips very often. I happen to like Jerry and I want to go dancing. What do you care?"

" I care because you are my wife, and appearances.."

" Oh, appearances...Well, they don't matter much to me, Stefan."

" You know that he is completely interested in something other than a dance, Barbara."

" And what makes you so sure that the interest isn't mutual?"

" You have to be kidding."

" Oh, not at all, Stefan. He is a very attractive man. And I do have my needs. And desires. We don't exactly have a conventional marriage, Stefan."

" I see. And what about the fidelity part of our marriage contract."

" If I do recall, YOU signed the fidelity clause. I didn't. Ta-ta, Stefan. And don't wait up."

And with that, Mrs. Barbara Jean Spencer Cassadine links arms with Jerry Jacks, leaving Stefan stunned.