Mr. Immigration Man II, Chapter 3

Bobbie entered an empty Brownstone. She was tired, and thought she should relax before Lucas got home. She went upstairs, took a long, hot shower, changed into something more comfortable, poured herself a glass of wine, turned on some jazz, and lit a couple of candles. She sat in the dark thinking about her meeting with Alicia. Thinking of how she had gotten to the point where she was going to bar Tony from seeing his own son. But, what had to be done, is what she would do. She knew that the future confrontation would be ugly. Tomorrow, she would see her DAUGHTER for the first time. She put down the wine as the bile rose in her throat. She forced herself to calm down, and focus on the music. She felt herself relax and closed her eyes. She slept a bit, until her dreams took her back to the previous night and making love to Stefan. She woke up startled. She became restless and started to clean.


" We can't be together? Whatever could you mean? We have weathered obstacles that other couples would have withered under. What could possibly break us up now?"

" The United States Government."

" The Government? I don't understand."

" Recently, I had a meeting with an agent from the Immigration and Naturalization Service."

" INS? Why?"

" The gentlemen came to inform me that Nikolas and I were on the list to be deported."

" Deported? Why?"

" I did not stay with Barbara for the allotted time necessary. And due to the shooting here on Spoon Island, and the fire recently, along with Nikolas' injury, they consider us 'high risk'."

" That is completely ridiculous. You and Nikolas deported? What are they thinking? So, what are you going to do?"

" I have only one choice: to reconcile with Barbara."

" Reconcile with Bobbie? There has to be another option. If you need to be married to an American citizen, then why not marry me?"

" Marry you?"

" Yes. We love one another. It would be under not the best of circumstances, but I know that we could make it work. After all, we have conquered everything else up until this point. You, Nikolas and I, here at Wyndermere. One small, but happy family. So, will you do me the honor of being my husband, Mr. Cassadine? Do you need a ring?"

(laughs) " No. I don't need a ring. Katherine, you will never know how much this proposal means to me. But, I can't marry you."

" Why not?"

" Because the government would look upon a marriage so soon after the divorce as suspect and as fraud. I asked. It was one of my first options."

" You first thought of marrying me?"

" Yes. But, it's out of the question."

" But, you and Bobbie are divorced."

" A Santa Domingan divorce is only legal if BOTH parties agree to it. If one of the parties contests it, then it is null and void."

" Have you already contested it?"

" Yes. I have had Alexis file the proper papers."

" And Bobbie? She has agreed to come back?"

" I have not approached Barbara, yet. But I must soon. Katherine, I don't want to hurt you. But I have no other options."

" That's what was wrong with the conservatory, wasn't it? You ran out of options?"

" Pardon."

" You didn't decide to 'redecorate' the conservatory. did the damage to it, didn't you? Because you realized that we couldn't be together, and your temper got the best of you..didn't it?"

" Yes. I was responsible for the damage done in the conservatory. If it wasn't for me, the conservatory would not need redecorating."

" You didn't need to resort to such violence. You should have come to see me. We could have talked things out. I could have reassured you."

" Reassured you how, Katherine? I have only one option. I must reconcile with Barbara. I have to give you up. There is no other choice."

" Maybe, there is another choice?"

" And what would that be?"

" I could be your mistress."

" Katherine, I would never dishonor you like that. I could never ask you to make such a sacrifice, knowing what I know about your mother and Avery Stanton."

" This is nothing like my mother and Avery. You AND I love each other. I know where your heart is...with me. And if I have to wait for a while to get what's coming to me, then I will. Because what we have is worth it. It will withstand the test of time. Certainly the test of Bobbie. It did before. We ARE that special, aren't we?"

" Yes. Our relationship is certainly special."

" But, you know, Bobbie is a jealous-type. I doubt that we could have our relationship at my apartment, or even at the retreat. Because she knows about those places."

" Katherine. Are you sure? Are you sure you're willing to make such a sacrifice for me?"

" Not for you, silly. For US... And yes, I am willing. I don't consider it a sacrifice. I know that your heart belongs to me. And that you'll be killing time with Bobbie. I will be counting the days."

" You know that I am going to have to convince Barbara that I want her back. That she must believe that we have indeed broken things off. "

" I know. And I know that you will handle things also. You always take care of everything. Well, enough of talk about this. Why don't we enjoy the time that we have with one another, tonight, before you start your charade with Bobbie?"

They start to really get hot and heavy when Alexis comes in.

" Stefan? Hello, Katherine."

" Alexis."

" What is it, Alexis?"

" There is a phone call from you. It's Sergei Uranov. He says it is urgent."

" For Sergei, it's always urgent. Take care of the problem."

" You don't understand. He won't even TELL me the problem. Says that he will only speak to you."

" Oh, alright, Alexis. I will be in there in a minute."

" OK"

Alexis leaves.

" Katherine...."

" I know, I know. I am not going to say that I'm not mad...cause I'm very upset."

" Thank you for being so understanding to me. I will make it up to you. You will understand if I don't call you for a while. I have to set into motion this reconciliation with Barbara."

" Yes, I understand. But don't stay away too long. We have unfinished business."

With that, Kat gets up, kisses Stefan and leaves. Stefan picks up the phone and makes a call.

" This is Stefan Cassadine. I have to make this call short. You are to proceed with the redecorations of that property that I recently purchased. Do them to my specifications, and I do not care if your men have to work 24 hours a day, you have one week to complete the job. Am I understood? Good."

Stefan then left to join Alexis for Cassadine business.


Bobbie took one last look. A tuckered out Lucas was soundly asleep in his bed. He did not even last through the reading of one story. He had had a wonderful time with Felicia, Tommy and the girls. She went downstairs to do one final look-see, to check the locks, when she heard a knock on the door. She looked and saw that it was Felicia.

" What are you doing here?"

" Last time I see my best friend, she has tears in her eyes, is in obvious pain, and is completely withdrawn. To say that I am curious is an understatement. To say that I am worried is stating the obvious."

" Felicia...please....I can't get into it right now."

" Well, tell me one thing. Is it Stefan ?"

(laughs) "Stefan? No, I wish this was about Stefan. It wouldn't be as hard as it is."

" Bobbie, you look as if something is torturing you."

" Something is. But I cannot talk about it right now. I WILL tell you, but not now. You have to trust that I know what I'm doing. At least I hope I know what I'm doing."

" You could sound off on me, and I could give you advice."

" No. These are decisions that one has to do by themselves, based on gut instinct and hopefully a bit of wisdom. Although, I don't think Solomon himself could solve this."

" Sounds heavy."

" Too heavy for words. I'm tired and need my rest. I promise you, when I CAN tell you, I will. Still friends?"

" Of course. I hope that you're doing the right thing. Whatever that is."

" I hope so too. Nite, Felicia."

" Nite Bobbie."