Mr. Immigration Man II, Chapter 4

Bobbie was leaving the Brownstone when she saw Luke.

" Mornin', Barbara Jean."

Bobbie goes down the stairs as if Luke is glass. Luke blocks her at the bottom of the stairs.

" You can't avoid me forever, Bobbie."

" Yes, I can."

" Bobbie, we need to talk."

" Like I've said before, you are about a year to late to want to have these deep discussions with me, Luke. I have more important things to do than stand here and listen while you shovel some more lies."

" mad at me. Curse me. Slap me. Do anything, but ignore me."

" I have a life to lead, Luke. One that no longer includes you."

" You CANNOT possibly mean this."

" Oh, but I do, Luke. I have a family. Lucas and me. The two of us. All my energies, all my focus is on him. Cause the rest of the adults in his world could give a crap."

" I love him Bobbie. And you."

" Whatever. Bye Luke."

" I'll be here when you get home."

" Please don't be. Go home to Laura, Luke. Let her tell you for the millionth time how wonderful you are. Cause you won't hear it from me....not ever again."

Bobbie walks away leaving Luke standing on the stoop.


Alexis and Stefan are having breakfast at Wyndermere.

" I spoke to Katherine last night."

" Oh? And?"

" She completely understands the situation."

" And what does she understand?"

" That I need to remain married to Barbara in order to not be deported."

" And Katherine agrees to this?"

" Yes. She was quite agreeable."

" Dare I ask if she has agreed to be your mistress?"

" You may ask, and the answer is yes. In fact, it was HER idea."

" Her idea?"

" Yes. I told her that I would, of course, have to give her up. And she suggested that we continue our relationship while I was married to Barbara."

" I would have loved to have been a fly on the wall during that conversation. I bet it was an illumination."

" Yes. Well.....Katherine is under control, now I must concentrate on Barbara."

" I don't mean to rain on your parade, but may we go back to Katherine?"

" What is it, Alexis. It's all settled."

" OK, let's assume that you do indeed, somehow, get Bobbie back here to Wyndermere. I doubt it highly that she is going to accept Katherine as your mistress. And I also doubt that considering Katherine lives right across from Luke Spencer's best friend, that conducting a relationship there would be difficult, to say the least."

" I agree. That is why I have taken care of the situation. I have found the perfect place for Katherine and I to meet. And it will be ready soon."

" Do you want to tell me where?"

" No. Because it will give you plausible deniability if Barbara ever asks you any questions."

" Thank you for small favors. So, what about Bobbie?"

" I will propose tonight."

" So soon? Don't you think that will arouse her suspicions?"

" Whether tonight or next week, Barbara's suspicions will be aroused. The important thing is to get the option out there and begin negotiations."

" How can you be so sure, even with Luke Spencer's betrayal that it means she'd be willing to marry you again."

" It's a gamble, Alexis. But, I think that I have played all my cards well so far in the game. I have no doubt that Barbara will agree with the remarriage."

" Why?"

" Because it is in her best interests. Right now, she is as alone as she has ever been. And she needs someone on her side."

" Someone being you?"

" Someone being me."

" I hope that you are right. Cause Danforth is right. Me being able to stop the divorce on paper isn't good enough. Bobbie and Lucas have to be back at Wyndermere."

" They will be. I am sure of it."


Bobbie is at the Personnel Dept. of GH.

" Hi Martha. I was wondering if I could talk to you."

" Hi Bobbie. What are you doing here? How's Lucas?"

" Oh, he's fine. I'm so sorry Jarod broke him arm and won't be in soccer this year."

" Yes. Well he's completely bummed they say. So, what can I do for you?"

" Well, I have this friend, this doctor who is thinking of applying for a position at GH. But, he was wondering about some things."

" Such as?"

" Well, he went through a difficult patch in the recent past. I mean he's straightened himself out, but he was wondering how something on his record that isn't quite kosher would look."

" Was it something illegal?"

" No, something in the morally repugnant range."

" Well, Bobbie, ordinarily, those things would not have been a problem. During the Steve Hardy era, we would send them up to Steve if they were questionable, and he would make the final decision. But these days...."

" What?"

" Well, recently, we've had a few applicants. And they were good, but a couple had somethings "questionable" in their backgrounds. Like you said, nothing illegal, just, when pried on by society's eyes, repugnant. And we were not allowed to hire them. Since GH has been on shaky ground, we cannot hire anyone that night possibly bring scandal to GH. I am not supposed to tell, but do you remember Lawrence Johnston?"

" Yes, he was up for Head of Orthopedics."

" Well....he didn't get it and was asked to leave GH when certain things came to light."

" 'Things?'"

" Yes, 'things'. When you are up for the Head of a GH Dept, it seems, since you are going to be the official representative of GH in many conferences, to many outsiders, that they have a 'morals' clause in it. And if you don't live up to it, you can be dismissed from GH."

" You know...I did not know that. Well, you've been a wellspring of information Martha. I will pass all that I've found out to my friend. Please stop by sometime. There are plenty of things that Jarod and Lucas can do together, even with a broken arm."

" Will do. Bye."

" Bye."


Tony is sitting in the apartment reading when Carly comes in with a giftwrapped present.

" Hi, Daddy."

" Carly. What do you have there?"

" A gift."

" For the baby?"

" No, for you."

" For me? Why?"

" Cause, I have some news."

" Yes?"

" Toe-Nee. I went on and had the amniocentesis done. I know that I did not have too, but I wanted everything to be fine with the baby. I needed the peace of mind."

" And you have the results?"

" Yes. Everything is wonderful. The baby is perfectly healthy. And...."

" What?"

" I let the doctor tell me the sex. Do you want to know?"

" Is that what the present's for?"

" Yes."

" Wellll.........OK."

Tony grabs the box and opens it. Inside, there is a pink bunny.

" It's a girl?"

" Yes. Are you happy?"

Tony has tears welling up. " Happy? Carly, we're gonna have a little girl. Can you imagine what this means to me?"

Carly has tears too. " Yes, Toe-Nee. I do. I wanted a girl so badly for you. I really did. And now, we're having one. "

" So, what do you think we ought to name her?"

" You know, that's all I was thinking about on the way home. That, and how happy I thought you'd be. What about Jennifer?"

" Jennifer? Olivia?"

" Nah, too old fashioned. Wait, I just thought of a beautiful name. But I think it's totally old fashioned. But I am loving it as I am thinking about it."

" Spill it."

" Grace. It's so simple, yet beautiful. Tony I love this name."

" Grace. I like it, but it's a bit old. How about something modern with it. Grace Ashley Roberts Jones?"

" I love it. Oh Toe-Nee, I am so happy. I could burst."

The doorbell rings.

"I'll get it. You stay right there, Grace's mother."

Tony opens the door to a gentlemen.

" Tony Jones?"

" Yes."

Hands Tony the papers. "Consider yourself served." Gentleman leaves.

Tony stands there, looking at the papers.

" Toe-Nee, what is it?"

" These are from Bobbie. "

" What do they say?"

" It's an injunction. If I get the gist of it, it says that I am forbidden to come near Lucas."

" No, Toe-Nee, you must be mistaken. Bobbie wouldn't do that."

" Well, I think she just did. Excuse me."

" What are you doing?"

" Calling Justus. Maybe he can explain things to me."


Stefan is waiting in the conservatory when Nikolas comes in.

" Uncle, you wanted to see me?"

" Yes, Nikolas. I have something to discuss with you."

" Alright. What is it?"

" I have decided to ask Barbara to remarry me."

" Excuse me. Maybe I didn't understand you the first time."

" Yes, I am asking Barbara to remarry me."

" Why?"

" Do I need a reason?"

" Yes. Bobbie tried to drug you. On Luke's orders. And you are talking about remarriage? Why would YOU? And what makes you think that she would agree?"

" Nikolas, I have my reasons."

" And they are?"

" I have had time to think about Barbara's betrayal, and place it in its proper perspective. I know now that I must shoulder some of the blame of what she did. I took certain actions that made Barbara vulnerable to Luke. I made her doubt me, and the moment that she was weak, Luke was ready to pounce."

" So, you now believe that Bobbie wasn't working with Luke all along?"

" No. I think that Barbara did indeed love me, and that my inappropriate behavior where Katherine was concerned, led Barbara's passions to get the best of her. I knew how devastated she was when Tony Jones took up with that twenty-something tart, how devastated she was. I always thought that she had handled that situation a bit too calmly. And all the pent up rage that she had was displaced onto me when this Katherine situation occured."

" Well, speaking of situations, what about Katherine?"

" I told Katherine last night that I intended to remarry Barbara. She was not happy, of course, but we parted well. Are you happy about my decision, Nikolas."

" Uncle, I honestly don't know WHAT to think. On the one hand, I miss Bobbie and Lucas terribly and would love to have them back. On the other hand....."

" What.?"

" I get the feeling that you are not telling me everything. But what else is new? Does Alexis know? "

" Yes."

" And her opinions of this?"

" She expressed the same reservations as you did. But, she wants me to be happy."

" As do I. And this is what you WANT?"

" Yes."

" Then I must support you. And I hope that you are happy."

" Thank you. And I plan to not repeat any of the mistakes that I made last time."

" I hope you know what you're doing."

" I do."


" So, Justus, do these papers say what I think they say?"

" Yes, Bobbie has gotten an injunction against you from seeing Lucas?"

" How can she do this?"

" Toe-Nee, she can't. Right Justus?"

" Well, this will be in effect until I get myself down to the courthouse to have it thrown out. Do you have ANY reason as to why she'd do this?"

" No. None at all. Bobbie and I have been getting along fine lately."

" Maybe it's because of me and the baby."

" Carly, I doubt that that's it. And why NOW? Of all times."

The Door rings. Carly goes to get it and it is Bobbie.

" Well. I see everyone's gotten my papers. It's time we all talked, don't you think?"