Mr. Immigration Man II, Chapter 5

Tony has just received the injunction from Bobbie. Justus is there to discuss options with him when Bobbie arrives.

" Bobbie, what the hell is this?

" Hello Tony, Carly, Justus. You've gotten my papers?"

" Your papers? That's what you call it? I call it your insanity."

" No, insane, I'm not. Although this entire situation does reek of complete insanity."

Justus chimes in. " I don't know what you think you'll gain from this Bobbie. But, this is ewntirely ridiculous and it won't stand."

" Ah, Justus, ever the attorney. But I think it would be best if you kept quiet and listen up. And then after you hear my story, see what kind of legal advice you want to give your client."

" Bobbie, I..."

" Oh Tony just SHUT UP! You are SO clueless, it's almost a tragedy. You see...I came upon some information. Some information that changed all the rules. There are going to be hurt people scattered all over Port Charles. But MY only concern is with MY son."

" OUR son."

" No, Tony. Right now he's MY son. And I have to protect him."

" From what?"

" From her." (Bobbie points to Carly)

" Carly? All this is about Carly? Now I KNOW you've gone off the deep end."

" No, Tony. You're so off into deep waters and drowning, it's pitiful.. Why don't you let me tell you a story. See, there was once a teenage girl barely surviving on the street."

" Oh Bobbie, don't give us any of your sob story.."

" Carly, I advice you to shut the hell up before I come over there and slap the crap out of you."

" Don't threaten Carly, Bobbie."

" I will do whatever I want. I have never advocated violence against women, but I think that at the end of my story, you'll be willing to do the job for me. Now, where were we? Oh, Yes. The girl on the street. She turned tricks for a living, if you could call it that. She ate out of garbage cans. Her "lifestyle" caught up with her at the age of 15. And she messed up. She was irresponsible enough to get someone else wrapped up in the hell that was her life. She got pregnant. for the baby, she carried it to term. Gave birth in a County Hospital, signed the papers for adoption and never saw said child again."

" I know this story Bobbie..."

" This woman cried for that baby. Cursed herself for years because she was not able to take care of said child. Spent years being harangued by guilt. Shed tears on her birthday each year. Wondered as she went down the street when she saw little girls her age was that her. Beat herself up something awful about why she was not adequate or good enough to have kept the child. I dare say that all that was for nothing. Cause the child wasn't worth the crud on the bottom of my shoes. No, everything I did was energy completely wasted on a completely useless human being. Aren't I right Carly?"

" I don't know what you're talking about Bobbie? I think that you have really lost it?"

" Lost it? No, little girl, I haven't lost it. For the first time in AGES, I got the whole truth and am working completely rationally with it. Isn't there something that you want to tell Tony?"

" No. Nothing. I don't have anything to say. And I think that you should leave."

" I ain't going nowhere sister. Not now...No, my dear, NOW is the moment of truth for you."

" Bobbie, what do you mean truth? What does Carly have to do with any of this?"

" Tony, what do I have to do? Hit you over the head with a 2 by 4? Earth to Tony! Wake up. Don't you get it? The sweet young thing that you threw away our marriage over, that you 've been shacking up with, that you have MY DAUGHTER, CAROLINE BENSEN! So, what does that make you? Maybe the moron of the Year?"

" You're lying!"

" Like hell I am. Oh, No. Do you think in my wildest nightmares that I would dream up a story like this? Come on. I wanted to find my daughter more than anything. And when I found out that she was dead, I cried and mourned her as I did BJ. Now, that I found out she was alive...and who she is...My mourning her is a better alternative."

" Tell me Carly..Tell me that Bobbie is lying..."

" Sorry...she can't do that...she's my little girl..and the thought of it makes me sick to my stomach."

" Well, you're no walk in the park, lady. You threw me away and never looked back. You are such a pitiful excuse for a mother."

" OH..Excuse ME! Excuse Me! What the HELL was I supposed to do? Keep you in a carseat in a corner of the alley while I turned tricks? You self-absorbed little bitch. The thought that I have done ANYTHING to justify what YOU'VE done...I DON'T THINK SO.. What did I do? Oh yes...GIVE YOU LIFE...and a chance at a normal life.."

" Normal? My father ran out on me and Virginia when I was a kid.."

" Oh, let me break out the violins for you Caroline. Maybe you've forgotten, but I have met Virginia. And she seems like a nice lady. Now unless you're gonna tell me that she beat the hell out of you everyday after you came home, your life was infinitely better than mine ever was...and better than anything I could have given you."

" Yes, well there are all different types of neglect.."

" Oh will you shut the hell up with your whining. On the scale of things, you had it way better than most. It was an average childhood Caroline, nothing spectacular, but compared to the hell of mine, a walk in the park. Keep on trying babe, maybe you'll come up with an explanation for your almost sociopathic tendencies."

" Sociopath? Well, isn't it the pot calling the kettle black? I know all about you and your activities when you were young?"

" Oh, so you've done the history on me? That's good. Very good, darlin. But no this...I NEVER have done anything to harm my family."

" I don't think of you as family. You're just some woman. ."

" What A CROCK! I gave you life, you hefer, and if FOR NO OTHER REASON, I deserved your respect. And if I was just "some woman" why did you stalk me out and decide that you wanted to BE ME. If I was just " some woman". No....we both know that it was more than that. BUT, you have killed anything possibe between us with your lies and deceit and your viciousness. I could care less about you now. We have nothing between us. "

" I don't want anything from you anyway."

" That's good. That's very good. Cause you ain't getting SQUAT from me. I have one child now...Lucas. He is my priority. And I will do whatever I have to do in order to protect him. And I will not subject him to this sordid tale. Tony...this is my deal. You stay away from Lucas, and you can have your little family with my daughter and grandchild. Quite honestly, I feel so much pity for that baby, it's ridiculous."

" I don't need for you to feel pity for my baby."

" Well, someone has to. Cause it's saddled with YOU for a mother. And that is why Tony has to be around. To save that innocent child from the horror of being near you....But I digress. Tony, If you agree to stay away from Lucas, then I will leave you in peace with your new family."

" And if I don't agree?"

" Then I will, one day, disappear with Lucas and I doubt you'll see him again until he graduates from college. Lucas did not ask to be placed in the middle of this lunacy, but there he is. And I will not have him sitting here saying.." How do I introduce Carly? As my sister or my stepmom. Daddy? IS the baby my brother or sister, or niece/nephew?" Do you see what I mean, Tony. I will allow monthly visits for you and Lucas. But under the condition that he is NEVER to be in Carly's presense anymore. I will not have him poisoned by her anylonger. If you cannot agree to this and fight me on it, I PROMISE you that I will give performances that you CANNOT believe. I will get up in front of that judge, and never before was there a more wronged woman than myself. And then I believe, once this entire sordid tale is exposed, that a judge will clearly see things my way. And then there is the little matter of your career. I know that you are up for BOTH the endowed chair at PC University and Head of Neurosurgery at GH. I will ruin both of those for you. Don't mess with me Tony. I am in no mood to be challenged. Either you take my terms, and visit with Lucas some and play a small part in his life, or You'll pay. These are your choices. I will, for my part, make sure that I don't badmouth you to Lucas, and that I keep little Caroline's identity a "family" secret. But, after today, I do not intend to argue these points with anyone ever again. Am I understood?"

" Completely."

" Sweet Caroline?"

" Sure, I understand. You're giving out usual. And what a joke about the Spencer FAMILY. Just to inform you Bobbie, your dear brother Luke...Your FAMILY...has been lying to you for months..he knew ALL ABOUT ME."

" Luke knew?"

" I know that Caroline .Yes, Tony, my dear brother did indeed know all about Caroline. . And make sure that I am taking care of him also. Well, I must be going. I am sure that you have loads to talk about amongst yourselves. Goodbye."

Bobbie leaves. Tony turns to Justus.

" Your thoughts on the situation?"

" Tony, since all that Bobbie is saying seems to be true...... My best advice for you would be to accept her terms for now and hope that she changes her mind over time. But, if you even try and go into court with this story...a judge may decide that Bobbie is being entirely too generous with her monthly visits."

" It's that bleak?"

" It is THAT bleak. Even with Bobbie's background, she looks like the complete innocent in all of this, and I would think that a judge would look on her as the ONLY one who has Lucas' best interests at heart. And that this entire situation with Carly is completely emotionally unhealthy for a young child. With today's moral climate, in the conservative courts around here, you don't have a leg to stand on, Tony. They would literally laugh you out of court. Take Bobbie's offer. It's the best legal advice that I can give."

" Thanks Justus."

" Well, I guess you two have somethings to discuss. I will be going now. Goodbye."

Justus leaves. Tony is glaring at Carly.

" So, CAROLINE. What do you have to say for yourself?"

" I don't know....that I love you Toe-Nee."

" Love...WHAT THE HELL DO YOU KNOW ABOUT LOVE? A good part of love is the TRUTH! And there hasn't been a TRUE moment between is since the day we met."

" That's not true, Toe-Nee. My love for you is real. My love is true. This baby is true."

" That baby? Was that another lie of yours? To trap me into marrying you?"

" No. This baby was NOT in on some plan. Toe-Nee, yes I lied and maybe I did go after you because you were Bobbie's husband.."

" Maybe?"

" OK, I did. But then I fell in love with you. You are the best thing that ever happened to me. You are my reason for being Toe-Nee. I love you and need you. We need you."

" DON'T you EVER tell me what my child needs. I will always be there for my child."

" What about us?"

" What us? An us based on lies and deceit? You played me for the ultimate fool, didn't you? Did you laugh Carly when you realized that I was being your dupe? Did you get a kick out of it when Bobbie found us in bed? You did.,...DIDN'T YOU?"

" No, Toe-Nee. By that time I was already in love with you. I really was. I had found what I had been wanting all my life in you. Toe-Nee, please...let's sit down and talk this out."

" What the hell do you think there is to talk about? I am behind the eight-ball. I have a son, that I've been told I'll not see again. Then I am expecting a baby with a pathological liar. I have nowhere to turn. I could lose my entire career if I cross Bobbie. But giving into her demands means that I don't have my son. TELL me what there is to discuss? You make me sick. The sight of you repulses me. And If I stay any longer, I don't know what I'll do. I can't believe I let you make such a complete fool out of me. I gotta get out of here."

" Toe-NEE! Don't go. Stay..Please...Please...Don't leave me all alone.."

" Oh, but you're not alone, Caroline. You have our love child."

With that Tony leaves the apartment and Carly is left crying on the couch.


Bobbie is in Alicia's office.

" So, Bobbie? How did it go?"

" About as well as could be expected."

" And your ex-husband. He knows all about your daughter?"

" Oh, yes. I explained graphic detail."

" Must have been ugly."

" You don't know how ugly. So, what is our next move?"

" You have to wait for Tony. See what he does. You said his attorney was Justus Ward?"

" Yes."

" Well, Justus is a smart man. I think that he will most likely advise Tony to take your offer of monthly visitation, in hopes that eventually you will relent and expand it. I think from an objective legal mind that Justus will tell Tony, even with your checkered past, you are the only one with Lucas' best interests in mind. And that things could go completely wrong for Tony and he'd never see Lucas again."

" Well, I hope that Justus is indeed as smart as you think he is. I made it clear to Tony that I was not kidding. Is there anything else that I can do to shore up my case?"

" Well, outside of marriage, there's nothing."

" You on that marriage thing again. What's up with that?"

" I can't help it. If you could show that you had a two-parent home for Lucas..Tony would not stand a prayer. As it is, I think it's 90% in your favor. But I always worry about that other 10%. The attorney in me."

" Well, it's been quite a day. Thanks for being a sounding board, Alicia. To say that this has been difficult, is an understatement. "

" I know that your decisions with regards to Tony have been difficult for you. But, from an outsider's point of view, Lucas and the baby Carly is carrying are the only complete innocents in this. And they do have to be protected. What do you think Tony is going to do?"

" I think right now he is very angry and upset. But Tony has been nothing if logical all his life. He will agree with me that the baby Carly is carrying deserves and needs him desparately. And the baby does. I shudder to think of that child being raised by Carly. UGH. I'll talk to you soon. If you hear anything from Justus..."

" I will contact you soon as possible. Bye, Bobbie."

" Goodbye Alicia."


Luke is sitting at the bar at "LUKE'S" when Tony comes in.

" How's it going Ex-Doc-Bro..."

Tony knocks Luke off the barstool with his punch.

" Let me guess..Barbara was by ....And..You've finally met Caroline....."


Bobbie enters the Brownstone. There are flowers everywhere. Sitting in the middle of her living room is Stefan.

" WHAT are you doing here?"

" I thought we should talk, Barbara. About the other night."

" Talk about what? I was in the worst straights of my life, and AS USUAL, I used sex to sooth the pain."

" I did not see it that way, Barbara. I thought that in an extreme moment of need, you allowed me to comfort you. That we reconnected...That I was able to.."

" Cut the crap, Stefan. I have had a BAD day..and I don't need to make it worse. Say what you want and get the hell out of my house."

" Alright....Fine...You want to know the purpose of my visit?"

" DUH! Didn't I just say that?"

" I want you to marry me again, Barbara."

Bobbie looks at Stefan as if he has lost his mind and starts to crack up with laughter.