Mr. Immigration Man II, Chapter 9

Carly is sitting at a table in the Outback when Jason comes in.

"Jason, are you busy?"

" No, why?"

" You wanna join me for some lunch?"

" I am meeting someone, but I'll stay for a minute. So. How are you?"

" I'm doing great. Toe-Nee and I are going to be married this week. In fact, that's what I'm doing here. I just met with my lawyer."

" Lawyer? What do you need a lawyer for?"

" Toe-Nee said that I should have my own with the Pre-nuptual agreement and all."

" Tell me, if Dr. Jones loves you so much, then why does he need some contract?"

" Everybody has a pre-nuptual these days. Just not me."

"OK. So, what's in this agreement."

" Well, financial terms in case of a divorce. What's Tony's is Tony's and he will provide for me for a certain period of time if we ever break up. And then there is the issue concerning the baby."

" What about the kid?"

" Well, if we split, then Toe-Nee gets full custody of the baby?"

" And this is ALRIGHT with you? You don't get the feeling that the deck is stacked?"

" No. This is just a minor provision. Look, Toe-Nee and I are in love and this baby will just be the best thing for both of us. We aren't gonna get divorced, so in reality, this paper is worthless."

" If it's so worthless, then why do you have to sign it in the first place? Well, it's none of my business. I see who I am supposed to meet. See you, Carly."

" Are you coming to the wedding?"

" I don't know. But, even if I don't, you'll get a present."

" Thanks, Jason."


Bobbie is at the Port Charles Grill. Stefan has asked her there for lunch.

" Barbara."

" Stefan."

" Well, I think that we both know why I asked you here, today."

" I think that is obvious."

" So, have you given any consideration to my proposal?"

" Consideration? You make it sound as if we are discussing your purchase of a software company, Stefan. We ARE talking about marriage."

" I know exactly what I am asking, Barbara."

" I still don't know what you're getting out of this, Stefan."

" It's simple, Barbara. I want you back."

" NOTHING with you is ever simple, Stefan."

" Barbara. I know that I have much to prove to you. I am anxious to begin with task of winnning you back."

" See, it's that kind of language that gives you away, Stefan. The "task". Why am I a "task"? Moreover, how can I be this dumb to even be listening to you again?"

" I don't think that you're dumb, Barbara. Never that. You proved that you were anything but dumb during our marriage."

" I suppose that's a compliment. Since they've been in short shrift for a while, I'll take it."

" You're welcome."

" So, you didn't tell me what Nikolas and Alexis think of your proposal. I am sure that both of them have strong opinions about this."

" Yes, they do. Nikolas would be happy to have you and Lucas back at Wynderemere. Alexis...well, she is more hesitant."

" Ever the guarddog."

" Not nice, Barbara."

" Maybe not, but accurate. You and I both know that that Harvard trained hounddog of a cousin of yours is going to have the knives sharpened for me. What if I can't live like that? What if I think that she interfers in my ability to be "Mistress of the House?"

" Are you going to become "Mistress of My Home", once again?"

" I don't know. But, what if I said that I didn't want extended family with us?"

" Alexis is close to me, Barbara. And to Nikolas. But, if you decided that one of the conditions for your return, was for Alexis to move, then I would have to bow to your wishes."

" I see. You know, these negotiations get more and more interesting by....."

Bobbie stops in mid-sentence. Into the Port Charles Grill walks Luke and Laura. Each of the couples stare at the other.

" Do you wish to go, Barbara?"

" Actually, yes. I've lost my appetite."

Stefan pays the check and they get up to leave. Luke jumps in front of Bobbie.

" Barbara Jean. We have to talk."

" Not now, Luke."

" Bobbie, come on."

" Spencer, didn't you hear your sister? She doesn't want to talk."

" Like I'm gonna listen to you about anything Bobbie wants. Stay out of this Count Vlad, this is between Bobbie and me."

" Luke, we have nothing to talk about."

" Barbara Jean. We have PLENTY to talk about."

" I think that Barbara has made her feelings quite clear. She is NOT interested in anything you say."

" And I thought I was quite clear. Scram Cassadine before I wipe the floor with your Vampire Butt. This is Family Business, and none of yours."

" You're wrong about that Luke. If this is family business, well, then Stefan has every right to be in the thick of it. I just agreed to remarry him. He will soon be my family once again."

Luke is dumbstruck. Stefan is sneering. Laura speaks up.

" Bobbie, NO! Just because you're angry at Luke, that's no reason to do THIS!"

" Do what, Lasha?"

" You know what, Stefan. Ruin her life again."

" Oh? And what exactly did her beloved brother do?"

" You miserable piece of garbage."

" Luke, save it for someone who cares."

" Barbara Jean, come on. ENGAGE YOUR BRAIN! Be mad at me, but that is no reason for going back to the serpent's lair."

" I no longer have to explain myself to you at all. Not anymore. Stefan, shall we go?"

" Of course, Barbara."

Stefan and Bobbie leave. Stefan and Luke staring at one another. Luke sits down at the table with Laura.

" Luke, you don't think she's going to actually remarry Stefan, do you?"

" Babe, I really don't know what's going on in Barbara Jean's mind. She's so blind with anger at me that she's willing to literally sleep with the Devil himself. As if I don't have enough troubles already."

" Dare I day on a brighter note, I RSVP'ed to Tony and Carly. The wedding is this week."

" Laura, THAT is what you call a BRIGHTER note? Try again."


Bobbie and Stefan return to the Brownstone.

" You were silent in the car, Barbara."

" I suppose I was."

" If you did not mean what you told your brother, I would understand. Being in the position that you were, I could comprehend why you would tell Luke that we were getting re-married."

" Oh, cut the sympathy routine, Stefan. You were getting off on it. I could see the glint in your eye."

" Yes, I did derive some satisfaction from your brother's response. Let's not fool ourselves here. You still didn't answer my question. Was that a display to affect your brother, or are have you decided to accept my proposal?"

During this time, Bobbie has been checking her mail. On the desk, there is a note from Lucas. He writes Bobbie that he went with Tony to be outfitted for his best man's tuxedo for the wedding. And underneath his letter is the invitation itself. Bobbie is thinking to herself, Tony has Carly, Luke has Laura, what about me? Moreoever, what about Lucas? This will one of the last times that he and Tony will be spending together for a very long time. And since she cannot explain to him, with any kind of logic this hideous truth, it will be hard on him indeed.

" Barbara?"

" Why Stefan. All we ever were was just sex."

" I will not deny that I thoroughly enjoyed the physical part of our relationship. But, we it was never JUST sex. And you know that."

" Do I?"

" More than anyone."

" Maybe. Maybe not. What the hell. Yes, Stefan. I will marry you. And as our first official act as an engaged couple, you will escort me to my daughter's wedding."