Love Spells ch. 7 Halloween Mischief and Mayhem
by lordoftheringsfan
Several hours later, Ivy wheeled down
the hall and found Sam.
"Sam, hi." Ivy said.
"Ivy, what are you doing here?" Sam asked.
"Oh, I just came to get an upgrade on my pain pills," Ivy lied.
"The ones you have now aren't working?" Sam asked in concern as Ivy faked being in pain.
"Well, you know, winter will be here soon and everything," Ivy said. "My muscles get really stiff from not being able to move around."
"You look like you're in pain," Sam said.
"Oh, I'm sure I'm fine," Ivy said. Looking
away from Sam, Ivy grinned in satisfaction.
Luis approached Sam.
"Sam, we have to get to the alley on Baker Street right away," Luis said.
"What's going on?" Sam asked.
"There's a lead on Simone." Luis said.
"I'll go with you," Sam said.
"What is the lead?" Ethan asked.
"Some strange activity at that old abandoned warehouse." Luis said.
"There's a lead on Simone?" Kay asked, overhearing.
"We think we know where she might be."
Luis said. "Sam, I'll be right back, I think I better go explain to Sheridan."
Luis took off.
"I hope they get those test results in soon so we can just go home," Rebecca said.
"The sooner we get out of here the better," Julian said. Julian and Rebecca noticed Ivy following Sam and Luis around outside the window.
"I wonder what Ivy is doing here?" Rebecca asked suspiciously.
"Yes, if I remember correctly she should be at home packing her bags." Julian said.
"Well, I'm going to go out there and-" Rebecca said, but Julian blocked the door.
"Rebecca, you're not going anywhere. I'm sure the results will be in by the next few minutes." Julian said. Julian helped Rebecca into a chair when she started to get dizzy again. A few minutes later the doctor arrived.
"Doctor, did you find out what is wrong with my wife?" Julian asked.
"Yeah, what's going on?" Rebecca asked.
"I just got the results and there is nothing wrong with you, Mrs. Crane," he said.
"If there isn't anything wrong with me, then why is someone insisting on holding me hostage here?" Rebecca asked Julian.
"What were the results?" Julian asked.
"If there isn't anything wrong with me, than why do I feel like I'm going to faint again?" Rebecca asked.
"You're pregnant," The doctor said.
"Pregnant?" Julian and Rebecca asked in surpise. Rebecca immediately fainted. Soon, Rebecca came to.
"Now that time, it was from the excitement,"
Rebecca said as Julian and Rebecca threw their arms around each other.
At first, Julian wondered if it should be too soon to have symptoms, but
then he remembered being together before Theresa's party.
"Ethan, where are you going?" Theresa asked.
"There's a lead on Simone." Ethan said.
"There's a lead on my sister?" Whitney asked.
"Luis just got a call about a lead." Ethan exclaimed.
"If there's a lead on my sister, I'm going," Whitney said.
"So am I," Theresa said.
"Theresa, Whitney, it's dangerous." Ethan said.
"My sister is in danger?" Whitney asked.
Tabitha walked into the living room, where Connie was fixing another piece of the puzzle.
"What are you up to now, you obnoxious little imp?" Tabitha asked.
"Being obnoxious," Connie said with a laugh. "Actually, I was just fixing this puzzle."
"Hey, those are two of the dancing babies!" Tabitha said, picking up two of the puzzle pieces.
"And one of them is that brat with the gold diaper! So, who does that baby belong to?" Tabitha asked. Tabitha remembered Hecuba and Connie yelling at her to shut up as she pressured the babies about who they belonged to.
"Julian," Connie said.
"Well, we knew at least one of those brats was bound to be his so that's real helpful," Tabitha said sarcastically.
"Keep your tacky jewelry on, Tabitha." Connie said.
"Why I've never-" Tabitha said in offense.
"It belongs to Julian and Rebecca." Connie said. Tabitha sighed in relief.
"Then who does that other brat belong to?" Tabitha asked.
"Well, let's just say that Theresa's baby turned out not to be Julian's after all!" Connie said.
"So it's Ethans," Tabitha said.
"You better believe it." Connie said.
"I wonder if Gwen will bring out the baseball bat again," Tabitha said.
"Wow, sounds like I don't want to make Gwen mad!" Connie said.
"I'll agree to that," Tabitha said, remembering when Gwen had locked Pilar in a closet and smashed Theresa's room with a baseball bat.
"Well, we know that Gwen definitely didn't get her fighting skills from Rebecca," Connie said with a laugh.
"Julian isn't anything to brag about either when it comes to fighting," Tabitha said, remembering the wrestling match before Julian returned to Harmony. "Ok, enough about Julian and Rebecca and Theresa and Ethan, who do those other two dancing brats belong to?" Tabitha asked.
"You won't believe your eyes or ears when you find out," Connie said with an evil laugh. "Hey, since it's Halloween, I think I'll go trick or treating, and stir up some mischeif while I'm at it!" Connie said.
"Good luck coming up with a costume on such short notice, not that you'll need one." Tabitha said.
"Hey, watch it, Hagatha." Connie said. "I'll come up with a costume that'll send people running the other way in fright afraid that I'll take their souls!"
"I'd like to see that," Tabitha joked.
"See you in the funny pages, Tabbs," Connie said, running off.
"What's she going to do, put a sheet over her head and cut out eye holes?" Tabitha asked. A while later, Connie returned in a Hecuba costume. Tabitha screamed, thinking it was the real Hecuba. Connie grinned. "He-hecuba, you're you're free!" Tabitha looked at Hecuba suspiciously. "And- you're a bit shorter! I think being in that bottle for so long really stunted your growth!" Tabitha joked.
"Trick or treat, Hagatha!" Connie said with an evil laugh.
"Connie?" Tabitha asked.
"I really had you fooled, huh?" Connie asked.
"Yes, you almost gave me a heart attack!" Tabitha said.
"Wow, if I fooled you, I can't wait to see the damage I can do later!" Connie said.
"Something tells me that Zombie Charity has created a monster," Tabitha thought.
"You know, I don't have time to stand here and talk to you, I've got work to do!" Connie said, laughing evily as she took off. "Wait, I need a trick or treat bag!" Connie searched the house. While searching, Connie found a large doll head. "This will do," Connie said. Soon, Connie had done the head to look like a demon's head, complete with glowing eyes. "Now I'm ready," Connie said, showing Tabitha the demon's head candy bag. "hehe!" Connie laughed, running out the door. "Halloween, you ain't seen nothing yet!" Connie said.
"Sounds to me like I'd better do some
damage control!" Tabitha said. "I'll worry about the puzzle later." Tabitha
created a realistic looking demon costume. "Well, whether or not I find
Connie, this will certainly scare a lot of people." Tabitha said. "I could
pass for one of my friends in the basement." Tabitha took off after Connie.
Not wanting to spend Halloween on foot, Tabitha looked for her broomstick.
"Hey, where the hell is my broomstick?" Tabitha asked. "Oh no, if Connie
swiped it, look out Harmony." Tabitha took off.