The Mystery of Chad Harris: Fate Delivers Us, Chapter
There was a silence between the two woman that was only broken when the phone rang. The woman picked it up.
" Hello?"
" Mama?"
" Theodore? Is that you?"
" Yes, Mama, it’s me."
" What are you doing calling me?"
" Mama, I didn’t think that I needed a reason to call. Is everything alright, Mama?"
" Yes…yes…it’s just…you are a creature of habit, and you call every other day. You called yesterday, so, I just wasn’t expecting your call today."
" I know, Mama. But, things have happened here."
" Things? What is it? Something wrong with Whitney? Simone? Eve?"
" No, Mama. They’re all fine. I don’t know why it’s bothering me. A woman was murdered last night."
The tea cup, which had been in her hand, slipped to the floor, shattering.
" Mama? Mama?"
" I’m sorry, Theodore. A cup just slipped."
" Oh. Funny, I don’t ever remember you ever dropping anything."
" Enough about the cup. Who was the woman?"
" Her name was Crystal Harris."
" I see. Did you know her well?"
" That’s the problem. I just met her last night."
" If that’s true, then why has it upset you so?"
" She is…..was a singer. I wanted to cheer Eve up, so we went out to this club. She was visiting it. I happened to have run into her, and she said the weirdest thing to me."
" What was it?"
" She said that she had wanted to meet me, and that she had something to tell me. And, that the truth, ‘would set us all free’."
" All who?"
" I don’t know. I wasn’t the only one that she talked to last night. There’s a young man, I think I told you about him some time ago. He came to town to find his family, but, had no luck. Crystal had told him that she knew who his family was."
" Well, this woman seemed to be a treasure trove of information, Theodore."
" Mama…that’s not like you to be so sarcastic."
" I’m sorry, son. It’s just that you seemed awfully wrapped up in something that doesn’t concern you. What could this woman possibly have known to tell you? Did you know her before?"
" No. I told you, I had never seen her before."
" There, you prove my point. There is nothing of substance that she could have told you. If you didn’t know her, then what could she have been offering if not a con job?"
" I don’t know, Mama. She seemed so sincere."
" Most con artists are, my son. That’s why they’re able to pick their ‘marks’. "
" I didn’t know you had such little faith in my ability to judge character, Mama.", TC muttered.
" I have enormous faith in you. I just don’t want to see you get upset about something you can’t change. She’s gone, now. She can’t answer your question, and she can’t tell you anything. "
" I know…I know. I think I wouldn’t be feeling as bad, if I hadn’t of run into Chad today."
" Who?"
" Chad Harris, the young man that this singer said she had information about his parents. "
" They had the same last name. Were they related?"
" I don’t think so. Chad’s Black…or, maybe bi-racial. I dunno."
" You’ve grown fond of this young man. I can hear it in your voice, Theodore."
" I suppose I have, Mama. I like him. I really do. And, ever since I’ve met him, I realize how much I enjoy having him in my company. He works for me at the school, and he helps me around the house and our buildings. "
" You have a kinship."
" Yes. And, between you and me, I believe that he’s falling for Whitney, and she, him. "
" And, how does EVE feel about her daughter falling for a man with no family and roots?"
" She’s as upset about it, as you seem to be, Mama. But, Chad’s a good kid. Kind. Smart. Decent. So, he’s poor. I thought I was supposed to measure a man, not by his words, but, by his deeds. That’s what you and Dad always used to say."
" Don’t sass me, Theodore Claiborne Russell. You know that I only have the welfare of my granddaughter at stake. "
" I know, Mama. But, I feel that SOMEONE has to cut this kid a break. He hasn’t had one since the day he was born. I’m a teacher, Mama. You know that I went into teaching to help kids. Here’s one that could have turned out SO differently, but, he’s been choosing the right path. I think I owe it to him to help him."
" Why you?"
" Why NOT me? I was blessed. The older I become, I know just how blessed I was to have you and Dad as parents. What I had was special. This kid didn’t have just ‘not special’. He had NO-THING, Mama. How long can he keep on choosing the path of right, if no one is going to help him?"
TC waited for an answer, and heard a deep sigh. " You’re right, Theodore. Your father and I took you to church, and tried to rear you in the beliefs of the ‘Good Book.’ Helping those in most need is a basic tenant of Christianity. I…I just want you to be careful."
TC laughs. " Mama, this young man is harmless. I can’t see how helping him could hurt me in any way. I only have good intentions."
‘ The road to hell is paved with them’, she thought in her mind. Hoping to change the subject," So, when am I going to get a visit from my favorite son?"
" Mama, I’m your only son. And, though it was pushed back by Eve’s medical duties, we should be there within the next couple of weeks. The girls are looking forward to it."
" As am I. I don’t see you often enough."
" And, whose fault is that? You could visit Harmony every once in awhile. No one would ever believe that I HAD a mother, if they didn’t already know that I was raised in Harmony."
" Well, once I escaped those cold winters, I just had no interest in coming back.", lying and telling the truth in the same sentence.
" Thank you, Mama."
" For what, darling?"
" For always helping me, even when I don’t know what I want to do."
" And, you do now?"
" Yes. I think I know where to start."
" Well, be careful.."
" I will. Bye, Mama."
" Bye, Theodore. I love you."
" I know. Me too."
TC hangs up, and she puts down the phone. She gets up out of her chair, and goes to the glass wall, exposing her beloved garden. She is silent for a few moments, before she begins to speak.
" That was Theodore."
" So, I gathered."
" You were right. There was a death."
" Who?"
" Crystal."
" Oh my."
" Exactly."