The Mystery of Chad Harris: Fate Delivers Us, Chapter
" Well, I’m glad that you agreed to come out with us,tonight.", Grace said happily. " We needed some time alone for ourselves."
Eve nodded. " I agree. I love the girls, but, I’m glad for the strictly adult company. Plus, don’t our men look so good in their tuxes?"Eve says, leaning over to give TC a kiss.
" Thanks, Honey.", TC says, responding. Sam does the same with Grace.
" So, another night at the Sea Scape. Well, I don’t like the monkeysuit, but, I do love my Grace." Grace smiles and gives him another kiss.
They were waiting for the waiter to get their drinks, andGrace thought she’d ask TC a question that had been bothering her, since sheknew the subject was a sensitive one for Eve.
" TC, how is Chad’s search doing."
TC shook his head and replied, " Not well at all. George hita dead end in Arizona, looking for his mother. That was the best lead they’ve had, and it crapped out. Chad’s pretty devastated about it."
" That’s why the girls thought they’d do a BBQ, and invite some friends over.",Eve said.
" Kay and Charity said they were going to your house for a party for Chad. I hope he finds his parents."
" I know he will. He’s a determined young man."
" I hate to be a wet blanket about this, but, what if Chad’s parents don’t want anything to do with him? What if it isn’t a happy reunion? I think those of you that are encouraging him, are setting him up for possible heartache."
" Eve, I think the boy deserves to know where he comes from. It’s fundamental.It’s his right."
" What about the rights of his parents, all those years ago."
" Well, I thought we thought the same about people who give up their children.It’s unnatural and deplorable."
" Ok, TC, in certain circumstances, but, in others, the mothers really can’t take care of the children. And, if they make that decision for themselves and their child, they should be applauded."
" Yeah, but, they should have enough sense to make sure that the child isn’t thrown to the wolves. I don’t know who Chad’s parents are, but, I tell you, I have a low opinion of them. They left that boy to survive by his wits. They did him no better than people who throw away garbage. There is NO excuse for how he had to live his life. NO child should have to endure what he did. NO child."
" I have to agree with TC. Being a cop, I see what kind of things so-calledparents will do. It’s a shame, a travesty really, the number of times, I’ve seen people abandon babies in garbage cans and alleys, when they could easily leave those babies at Churches, where someone will immediately see them."
" Well, I choose to hope that Chad’s parents have grown since he was born. And, that they are ready to accept responsibility for whathappened with him. And, that they are willing to try and find some common ground with Chad. NO matter what, those people are his parents, and it’s obvious that it’s important to Chad. I want Chad to be able to have a relationship with them. It will give him innerpeace. I’m sure of it.", Grace said.
No one was able to reply to Grace, because out of nowhere came, " Well, look who’s here….the Bennetts and the Russells."
Everyone turned to see Ivy and Julian standing there.
" Hello, Ivy. I guess you and Julian are having a romantic evening out too?", Grace said naively.
Julian took a gulp of his martini, already collected at the bar, and said, " how did you guess, Grace?"
" Would you like to join us?", Grace asked, the others looking on in horror.Before they could say anything, Ivy had weasled her way right next to Sam. " Thank you, Grace."
Julian wanted to sit next to Eve, but, tiptoed next toGrace.
" So, what was the topic of conversation before we got here?", Ivy asked.
Before Grace could say anything, TC replied. " We were discussing how happy we were and how lucky we were to have found the right person to spend our lives with. And, that we know that our marriages are special, and that we treasure them." TC is looking dead at Ivy as he says this.
" Well, that was quite a topic.", Julian commented, swilling some more of his martini, stealing looks at Eve.
Eve puts the fork into the back of her hand. ‘ Grace underpressure, Eve. Grace under pressure.’
Sam can feel his stomach going in knots, as Ivy’s foot hasalready slithered
over to his pantsleg. Will you EVER quit?, his eyes ask hers.Not on your
life, her eyes reply. Sam looks up at the sky and hopes that something
will get them out of this situation.
" Whitney, I wish your parents would contact me. I really am impressed with their art collection. It’s very extensive. Not only in the amount of pieces, but, the depth of them. I can count pieces from at least a dozen different African countries. I’m a Docent at the Harmony Art Museum, and we would have to ask several museums toget the kind of collection your parents have. Do you think that they would be willing to agree to an exhibition?", Gwen asked.
Whitney shrugged her shoulders. " I don’t know. I’ll be sure to tell them about it."
" Thanks." Gwen turns to go find Ethan, and Theresa comes up to Whitney.
" I’m sure Ethan loves me."
" Theresa, I don’t care if he does or doesn’t. The purpose of tonight is to make Chad feel better."
Theresa looked a little humbled. " You’re right, Whitney.Chad has been looking, well, so , un-Chad lately."
" I know. I thought that he would snap out of it, but, that dead end in Arizonareally threw him for a loop. He was really devastated."
" Well, wouldn’t you be, Whitney? He was so close to at least finding out what his mother looked like, and then, the only link to the past dies. That has to be a bummer for him."
" Yes. But, that is why we’re holding this small party. To lift his spirits. "
" What about you doing something personal for Chad?"
" Theresa, what are you talking about?"
" I’m talking about you and Chad. I sense that something happened between youtwo in New Orleans. Before then, you wouldn’t have been so willing to do something like this for him."
" Well..", Whitney smiled a bit. " We did kiss down there."
" Really? How was it?"
" It was nice. I have to admit. But, since we’ve been back, nothing."
" That’s because he’s sad right now, Whitney. You’re supporting him, and that counts a lot."
" I hope so. Something else came out of New Orleans too."
" What?"
" Chad told Simone that he wasn’t interested in her romantically."
" How did she take it?"
" She wasn’t happy, but, I think she’s working through it. And, my Mother’s even letting up on Chad. She and my Dad are sponsoring Chad’s first semester atHarmony U."
" No kidding?"
" Nope. My Dad says that it was my Mother’s idea."
" See, Whit. Your mother coming around is just a sign. You and Chad are fated to be together."
" Whatever, Theresa. Come help me with the salad."
" Do you need me to make up anymore hamburgers, Miguel?"
" No, Kay. But, you’ve been a terrific Chef’s helper."
Anything to stay near you, Miguel. " Are you sure you don’tneed anything? I’m willing and able." For more than burgers, her mind thought.
" I’m fine. These should do pretty good. I guess you could help me with something, though."
Kay perked up. " What is it?"
" Will you watch these burgers for me? They’ll be ready to flip in 3 minutes."
" Sure.", Kay said with a smile.
" Thanks…I’ll go into the kitchen and help Charity with the peeling of thepotatoes for the French fries."
Kay felt her smile go away, but, kept it plastered on herface.
As Miguel walked away, Simone came over to Kay. " Will you EVER learn?"
" What?"
" Miguel loves Charity. Period. Besides, this is a party for Chad. To make him feel better."
" I thought you said that Chad told you he wasn’t interested in you. "
" He isn’t. But, we’re still friends."
" Oh, please."
" We are. And, he’s been so sad lately. Totally not himself."
" Great idea for a party,Simone. Isnt that right, my sweet Kay.", Reese says, holding something in his hands.
" Reese, what is that?"
" This is a twister board. I thought we could have teams."
Kay perks up with the sound of that. " You’re absolutely right. Twister is a great idea. Go help Reese set up, Simone."
Simone looked at Kay strangely, but, knew better than to question her
when she gets like this. She’s ridiculous.
" Yo Ethan, why won’t you admit your love for Theresa?"
" Chad, I don’t want to get into this. I love Gwen, only Gwen. Will you please stop trying to talk me into loving Theresa? "
" I don’t have to talk you into doing anything. It’s just there. I can see it.Anyone with eyes can see it."
" Well, I must be blind, then, because I don’t see it at all."
" Yeah, you’re blind, alright. "
" Besides, this party isn’t about me or my lovelife. It’ssupposed to be for you. "
" I know. And, I thank Whitney and Simone for throwing it for me. I’ve just been in a downer mood ever since returning from Arizona.Never had I been that close to finding my parents. It was surreal. When thatold man died, I didn’t know what to say. I couldn’t express how sad I was about it all."
" I know. That sucks. You know my offer of help still stands."
" Thanks, but no thanks. Mr. A is the best, and I trust him. He’ll keep on digging. I’m not giving up hope. I’m just delaying it for awhile. The answers are out there, I know it. "
" I think so too. I know my father tried to hire George Alexopoulos to head Crane Security, but, he turned him down. He is the best."
" Yep. If he can reject the Cranes, I know he’s good." , Chad laughs.
" Well, let me get to some music." Chad goes and puts on another record.
Charity and Miguel are peeling potatoes together, whenCharity drops the peeler and gets an odd look on her face.
" Charity, is something wrong? Charity?"
Charity looks at Miguel, and just tells him. " Someone is coming."
" Who?"
" I don’t know. Someone is coming."
" To Harmony?"
" To this house. And, once they come, it will be only a matter of time
beforethe truth is revealed."
" Truth. What truth?"
" A truth that has been hidden for many years." Charity gets up and goes over to the sink and looks out the window. " Miguel, what’s wrong with me? Why do I get these ‘feelings’?"
" Because you’re special, Charity. It’s one of the reasons that makes me love you."
" You don’t think I’m crazy?"
" No. You’re just special."
Miguel and Charity go back to peeling the potatoes, when they hear the doorbell ring.
" She’s here."
Simone and Kay, who’ve just brought in the first batch of burgers, ask, " Who’s here, Charity?"
" I don’t know."
" If you don’t know who, then how do you know it’s a she?"
" Kay, let’s just go get the door." By the time they all walk into the
livingroom, Jessica, who had already answered the door, came over to Simone.
" Simone, you’ll never guess who’s here."
" Who?"
" Hello, Simone darling."
Standing at the Russell door, was Madelaine Russell. Just then, a chilly wind burst through the open door, giving everyone a chill, and somehow locking Charity and Madelaine’s eyes on one another. Madelaine stayed calm, and then broke into a sweet smile.
" Come give your Grandmother a hug.", she said, opening her arms to
Simone,but, never taking her eyes off of Charity.
In an office in Washington D.C, the voicemail system cameon:
" This is George Alexopoulos, with A&H SecurityServices. I can’t come to the phone right now, but, if you leave your name and number, I’ll get back to you."
" George, this is Inez. You owe me steak dinners for a week. You might
even owe me the use of your Orioles box for a few games. Call me when you
get back to town. What I have to tell you has to be done face to face.
See ya soon. "